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kennie makevin

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Posts posted by kennie makevin

  1. On 05/07/2024 at 12:32, diegomarahenry said:

    I saw his arrest video, it was like James Cordon dubbed over private Pile from full metal jacket.ย 

    The 'arrest video' seems to be a thing now. "Huv ye' seen wee Kylie's arrest video ?"

  2. 11 hours ago, MarkoRaj said:

    I've been trying to come to terms with England winning something in the near future for a while now, since 2018 when they were almost as jammy with the draw.

    I try not to let it bother me. I've stopped watching any build up and switch the TV off at half time and immediately at full time (if they win). I don't read any analysis, I avoid the news etc.

    I can't help but get caught up in it though. I'm almost as wound up as when I watch Scotland in big games. I'm nervous when they're chasing a lead and raging when they're winning.

    I try to be rational about it - it's just a game, they're bound to win one eventually - but it's just impossible. I fucking hate the c***s. I hate every one of their players, I hate their fans, I hate the pundits. I hate every single one of them. I hope they get ridden on Sunday and I hope they never win anything. I'll never stop hating them.

    And then when they lose I go back to normal and watch the same players and the same pundits every week without a second thought.

    It's pretty pathological tbh, it's mad how ingrained it is

    You hate every single one of them ? Even Ant & Dec ? Keith Richards ? The guy who does the weather on BBC Scotland ? Pretty pathological is one way of putting it.. pathetically petty is another, straying into the hinterland between xenophobia and racism is another. Hope they lose by all means and get utterly pissed off by the 'come on England' from all corners of the 'British' media but don't let it turn you stupid.

  3. 5 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

    It's called a football rivalry which some phannies don't understand.

    But it isn't....it really isn't. Historically it was. But calling it a football rivalry now is like calling Celtic - Queens Park a football rivalry. I don't any longer understand it but I can't let it go. I'm even telling myself i only want Spanish to win because they play the best football .ย 

  4. 8 hours ago, Utdtillidie2 said:

    Undoubtably. By Saturday itโ€™ll be wall to wall inescapable shoved down our throats no getting away from. All programmes will be pointed towards the game. In an alternate universe, it would be interesting to see what coverage Scotland would get if they qualified for the final. No doubt about 10 mins before kick off.

    Now I know we are all a bit numb, shell-shocked, hacked-off, pissed off and experiencing a stress nightmare come true but if you think that Scotland getting to the final would only have merited 10 minutes coverage before kick-off then you're just trying too hard to be bitter......and there really is no need, there's enough to be bitter about from this car crash of a tournament from a Scottish perspective without inventing stuff. 'How bad could It get ?' a voice in the wilderness cried out many weeks ago.....

  5. 5 minutes ago, skiblue said:

    Nigels 2 b pumped by Espana would be a tasty result in the finalย 

    No, England being taken apart by the Dutch, while unlikely, would be far better. If England get to the final they might win it, Kane dives in the box - pen ? Unlikely Spanish implosion ? Never mind the increasingly hysterical, cringe inducing 'build-up' between now and Sunday. I want to relax and enjoy the Final. Come on Holland (and indeed the rest of the Netherlands) !!

  6. On 21/05/2024 at 20:37, Flybhoy said:

    Johan Cruyff strolling out at Wembley resembling Peter Sellars ษ“efore his Barcelona side beat Sampdoria 1-0 with a blaster of a freebkick late on from Ronald Koeman in 1992, this was, incredibly the first time the Catalan giants won the European Cup, the last year of the old format before it became The Champions League and we were introduced to Zadok the priest.


    Wembley was good to Cruyff. First European Cup as a player for Ajax in 1971 and mastermindingย  a 2-0 demolition of England by The Netherlands in 1977.

  7. On 07/07/2024 at 14:13, throbber said:

    Please let this be the time those smug Nigelโ€™s get sent home.

    I agree on getting them sent home but I've detected absolutely no smugness from either English players, coaches, media or fans this time round. If anything their media and supporters are as baffled as we are that they're still in this. And that, I fear, means they're going to win it.

  8. 5 hours ago, MarkoRaj said:

    Genuinely was a bit depressed watching the 2 games last night.

    The Georgia win is tempered by the fact they were playing a Portugal B team that could barely be arsed.

    I was more bothered by 10 man Czech fighting til the end and creating numerous chances even though they were eventually outgunned. And earlier watching ordinary teams like Slovenia and Romania going right at each other even though a draw saw them both through

    Big changes are required in our mentality. If Steve Clarke sees himself as the man to see those through then fair play to him but it's a huge job ahead. It will be interesting to see where we go from here. It wouldn't be my choice to keep him on but as others have said I don't trust the SFA to get the next call right anyway so where does that leave us

    As for the naval gazing around the size of the league and players going to the Old Firm etc, just absolute nonsense that means nothing for the national team.

    Your definition of 'absolute nonsense' is .....'absolute nonsense'. Our top flight is utter rubbish and hinders player development. Surely that's obvious ? All the mentality in the world won't right the wrongs that a 10/12 team league has imposed on the game..it has no redeeming features whatsoever. Or has it ?



  9. 3 hours ago, Lex said:

    Now weโ€™ve got that international nonsense out the way nice and quickly, itโ€™s time to get back to the real stuff. Premiership fixtures are out this morning at 9am.

    Has anyone seen a leaked copy?

    Who do you want in the first game?

    Which conspiracy theory can you spot amongst the order in which you play each team? The wilder the better!


    Back to the tediously predictable, mind numbingly dull sectarian shite stuff you mean ?ย  International football is the real deal. The only deal.

  10. 9 hours ago, Venti said:

    Yogi with Ancelotti as DoF.

    Who's this 'Yogi' imposter people keep referring to ? John 'Yogi Bear' Hughes played for Celtic in the 60's, on form was an unstoppable winger. He never managed or exposed his penis on national television, to my knowledge. Sadly he is no longer with us.ย 

  11. 10 hours ago, BucksburnDandy said:

    A big problem is the of attitude of the entire Scottish footballing establishment.ย 


    1) In terms of the national team, getting to a tournament is enough for pundits and those within the game as well as the SFA board. That is the limit of their ambition. Pundits almost to a man have rallied round Clarke (see McCoist for one example) when he should be absolutely hung out to dry for the way we played. Ewan Murray is the journalist closest to the anger the fans feel about the complete failure, the rest of them are all pulling their punches when they should be absolutely eviscerating Clarke and the players. The fact is that social media, on here and group chats are all being far more critical in a measured way of Clarke and the players than any media outlet.


    2) In terms of youth development, clubs don't play enough young Scottish players anymore. It's not big spending like the early 00s but we are back to the scenario of teams being chalk full of absolute dross with no plan to change it. My club are a prime example with pish like Shayden Morris and Richard Jensen to name two getting game time. Rather than have a national plan to elevate the entire game with Scottish players at the core, clubs are more worried about petty rivalries and cutting each other down. Clubs are also happy to be absolutely shite on the European stage and produce a shite domestic product. So we just circle the drain of not playing enough players and watching our game fall to a poorer state.


    3) Even if players come through, the limit of their ambition is join Rangers or Celtic and rot on the bench or go to England. We should have absolutely no shame in producing a plan to get boys 100 games and get them sold to the likes of Italy, France, Germany and Spain to help players become more rounded. We should be looking for players to become more rounded to develop in high quality leagues with better tactical minds who can educate them and bring them on in ways the UK game can't.


    4) Absolutely no one in any position of power wants to understand the anger that fans have towards the game in general, they just arrogantly serve up the same crap time and time again knowing that because football is a religion for most of us, we will still turn out.ย  That's not just the national team, a prime example would be the ICT hierarchy serving up Kelty.


    Thankfully the days of the entire Tartan Army accepting shite are gone, there's been a good, strong reaction of upset and anger at what has happened.


    I know a lot of what I said may not be popular particularly taking pot shots at the quality of the domestic game. But sadly it is true. I'm getting more angry by the day at how bad this last fortnight was from Scotland.


    Tl; Dr I thought I would mellow to our exit but it has angered me more and more all week

    Correct...all those who wail 'but we will have meaningless games' whenever an expanded league is brought up need to own the shite state of affairs that have come to pass. Clubs, players need to have room to breath, develop and grow. f**k what the likes of Tam Cowan, who has zero interest in the game of football, think. 18 team top flight now !!!!

  12. 10 hours ago, George Parr said:

    But as long as the โ€œtartan armyโ€ had a lovely time in a squareโ€ฆ

    Would you rather they react to defeat by trying to decapitate police officers ?

  13. 13 hours ago, Chripper said:

    It's the same thing every other year:

    The English media whip up incredibly unrealistic expectations.ย  When the team inevitably fails to reach said unrealistic expectations that the media creates, the English media eviscerates the team.

    Rinse and repeat.

    Substitute 'English' media' with 'Tartan Army' in your post and you've a word perfect description of Scotland.ย 

  14. On 24/06/2024 at 18:13, KirkieRR said:

    ย I think Anthony Ralston, despite that unfortunate misplaced pass (and which Scotland player didn't misplace multiple passes?) and the online pasting he got, has more reason to feel OK about his performance than most of the team. If he was flakey at times, I blame Liam McLeod for his persistent reference toย Rawlston. The one thing McCann got right was his pronunciation of the name.


    To save us the embarrassment of being patronised by and then sniggered at by the BBC's huge contingent of house former Engerlund internationals, I hope BBC Scotland break down the door of the BBC's head of sport and demand that next time Scotland qualify for a finals*, they offer both studio and commentary coverage, you know, like every other nation gets to do.




    ย * Yeah, I know, they probably have plenty of time.

    No , no, no !!!! Scotland at major tournaments is a hard enough watch without Alan Preston, 'Packie' Bonner, Willie Miller and all the rest whose names escape me because they're such appalling pundits, mumbling and dismantling the English language...

  15. 8 hours ago, Oystercatcher said:

    England with their multi millionaires scored the same amount of goals as Scotland in the group stageย 

    We stink the place out and quite rightly finish last and slink home.

    They stink the place out and win their group. Without getting too McGlashan about it the amount of luck England carry in major tournaments is truly a thing of wonder.

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