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Everything posted by Numbers_One_To_Eleven

  1. Sad to see this. Ex-footballer accused of attempted murder in bar attack https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c724xplkg2no
  2. It was a one goal shoot-out type of game. It was a very cautious style but who’s to say we wouldn’t be picked off if we had gone more adventurous from the start, I think that was probable with this crop of players. I mean, let’s go toe-to-toe but I don’t trust Che Adam’s for goals up front (clearly we can get goals from deeper). In the past, many have bemoaned that we have gone away from being hard-to-beat, that’s how we’re set-up under Clarke these days. I genuinely don’t trust us to go for it without getting picked off. Penalty given (and scored), we hold on and we all go crazy! Fine margins.
  3. I have reservations now on ‘wow’ signings after Ruben Sammut (Chelsea under 23s?? ‘wow’) and Leigh Griffths. And then, of course, there is the the “Dads Army” signings of 2008 that went against everything beforehand. So, just good, solid signings without a label will do me.
  4. Also, 5 years to the day we went down. It’s taken a long time but let’s enjoy this!
  5. Of course it’s not going to be forgotten, it’s in our history books, just like the late 70s. The rawness of it should be over it after today though. We’re the champions, back in the league we were relegated from mainly caused by him and we’ve humped his team. Time to move on imo.
  6. I think there was a decent manager in MacKinnon btw. I think timing and circumstances done for him in the end.
  7. Yesterday we exorcised (talking purely about managers here): Latter day Houstie (said reluctantly) Greaseball (2-27 shots on goal vs QOTS) McKinnon Dumb and Dumberer Cones (0-6 vs QP) Holt (0-5 vs PT) Rennie (only wins against bottom two teams) Someone else can mention all the boardroom stuff. It’s a new dawn.
  8. Recruitment is no 1. He got that spot-on after the collapse at the of last season. He signed a few and not in the style of “The Experiment” or the quick fix approach of following transfer windows. The pressure was on. The club got it right. He got it right. Well done.
  9. I’m going to stick my neck out and bring a bit balance to things. Note: I missed out because I was working yesterday so that might be a factor. Reminder/reality: we had to get out of this league this season or risk losing our club as we knew it. The style we have achieved it has been fantastic but I think, just like we would be HOPING for better times in our dark days, we had no margin for error this season. The hard work will begin soon. As my Falkirk fan/neighbour was saying tonight, these small leagues make for a certain type of football that is more about ultra-competiveness than entertainment and that’s the waters we’ll be entering soon. However: ALLEZ ALLEZ ALLEZ O
  10. It’s the fans who were constantly on here, just as the FT whistle had blown, before any concern for their own teams results. It’s nice to see some of the comments from other clubs fans tonight but to the @Vikingtons and @cb diamonds of this world. GIRUY!!!!
  11. Not for me. Of course, his time as a manager was bad but he was a very important player for us for a few years, in the Premier League and title winning sides. One more thing on the legends debate. I think there’s probably only one out and out legend for Falkirk in the last 40 or so years and that’s Crunchie. Stainrod, Latapy, Mackenzie, Nicol and some others were greats but in the purest sense of the word legend - Crunchie.
  12. I do actually recall this very scenario at the Player of the Millennium when I worked at the Inchyra Hotel in 2000. It wasn’t Patsy Gallacher mentioned but this older guy reeled off a few names to me that were better than McAllister, who, of course, won the award. I think older fans can say with some authority that Crunchie is better than Calumn but it still blows my mind that someone said that to me.
  13. Eddie May gets overlooked a lot for me. In the that 90’-95 period he was the one constant, regular player for us. Neil Duffy is just behind Eddie in this department. I think in Falkirk terms, Crunchie, Stainrod and Latapy are God-like figures. The rest are legends/cult hero’s.
  14. Remember the first two seasons his game time was curtailed by Covid. He was inconsistent in a poor side. A lot of fans went along the lines that he’s frustrating but there’s a player in there. Last season was decent but this season makes him a legend. No comparison but Stainrod was here for only a year and a half (the last wee bit of that time was actually quite a sharp decline) but his legendary status is undisputed. A bigger reason he is a legend, for me, is that he was the catalyst for one the best periods in the clubs history. In terms of Morrison, I’d go far as to say that yesterday was the day that put him in that legend bracket.
  15. The Alloa game will be 5 years to the day that we got relegated. It’ll feel great to see the trophy held aloft that day
  16. I’m going to light the blue touch paper here a bit but The Experiment of 2018 - it was a disaster…..Hartley, Superscout, the board etc buuuuuut, there was a change of direction required. I still remember the moans of Houston only recruits in the central belt, and there was calls for looking further afield. We needed more physicality etc. The Yak and the other striker whose name evades me were pointers to that. A far more balanced and well, detailed approach was needed with recruitment but in terms of England, it was a step into the unknown. As a club, it just felt after all the close calls and misses, we were losing momentum and it fell apart in the end. We’re on the up now, let’s give it a good go, under settled management, next season!
  17. It’s worth reminding, due to kick off times next weekend, we might be champions before we kick a ball!
  18. I’m intrigued about how we’ll get on in The Championship. For so long I wanted out of it but now it’s a different mindset. The leagues are that small that I’m open-minded, good recruitment added to a solid core and who knows but equally consolidation/survival doesn’t seem so bad. Anything bar the drop again. I’m an approx 15 game a season man but it’s been painful, sore, hard to watch. Like the adage, whatever you do, don’t lose the game - don’t get relegated (though to be fair this unbeaten run has been very, very enjoyable and has made up for quite a lot, it will feel weird losing again in the league).
  19. Nah, I don’t agree with this logic. For example, I just raked my brain and Jack Ross popped in my head. Good, solid player during a decent era, not a legend though.
  20. I think the word legend needs to be looked at - There’s the trinity of McAllister, Stainrod and Latapy, after that’s there’s a swathe of players who could be deemed legendary in my time supporting Falkirk (1990), right the way through. Let’s put it like this, Calum Morrison is a 2020’s legend.
  21. I would like the anti Hartley stuff to end - but only after the home game in a fortnight. One final tirade at the manky one then consign him firmly to the dustbin part of our history books!
  22. I’m not overly-fussed about an emotional, nostalgic swansong here. Sometimes best left to the imagination. If he’s got coaching ambitions and credentials as well, that would excite me for him coming back.
  23. I’m indulging myself. Championees, championees (ole ole oleeeee).
  24. This would’ve been a decent roasting if it was written properly.
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