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Everything posted by Numbers_One_To_Eleven

  1. Give me 3 or 4 bruisers, some nifty full backs and wingers and Declan McManus and we’d absolutely skoosh this league. Oh, and a decent keeper.
  2. Ever since I’ve been going to Falkirk games, we’ve always lacked a bruiser. Yogi was the one and only really and was great but out injured/suspended half the time and he was a hybrid defender/midfield bruiser. Just imagine two bruisers in the team
  3. Fair point. I just jumped to M and M too quickly. I’m scarred, man, scarred.
  4. Not saying it’s ideal, just trying to be pragmatic. If not Sammon, a beanpole striker knocking balls down for Allan. Or just continue with 4-2-3-1 with…….a diamond as plan B.
  5. Yeah my numbers are wonky. I just don’t see if, with a population of 39000ish, the hardcore couldn’t tip into 4 figures with a few hundred more PATG.
  6. I’d take him as a useful squad player if his head was right.
  7. I think McGlynnball has a place but I want a strong plan B. If it’s not working against a weaker side that’s well drilled then resort to the direct stuff (with the right personnel). In fact, I’d make plan B plan A against stronger opposition and go direct. Just go toe-to-toe. Dunfermline lapped it up against us this season. Let’s give a challenger something to think about.I wouldn’t be against Connor Sammon coming back for 10-12 games next season as a strong plan B. I don’t see a plan C being required in L1. Plan A…..Plan B if necessary….if that isn’t enough then we’re stuck.
  8. If we do get rid or in the unlikely of McGlynn ditching MvGlynnball, I want tippy-tappy to go. Long diagonal balls or balls into channels would be the order of the day in this league and where necesssary, knocking about round the back only to take the sting out a game/take a breather. In other words, Nesbitt as a sub only.
  9. Nope, just want out of this league . It’s not going to happen via play-offs.
  10. I’ll repeat last night. I’d keep him for next season and then get rid no matter what next season. We’re never going to do it via play-offs so, in a weaker league potentially, take care of the dross (bottom 2), grind it out against another 5-6 teams (allowing for one bogey team) and not be outpointed by any challengers and go up as champions in a slogging it out kind of way. Simple
  11. Have you not seen the picture earlier? Red card was deserved.
  12. It’s a strange one. You say “conditioned” but then “happy with your lot”. We seem to be the polar opposite. Expectation high with big support but then let down majorly continuously. We always seek to be in a catch 22 football wise. I like what Airdrie did last night. Let us have the ball and when we inevitably lose it just cut right through us. The onus is on us when we play the middle to lowly teams to keep the ball and break them down but as soon as we do that against a decent side like yourselves we flounder. In other words, to answer your question, probably remain in a state of flux.
  13. Maybe in my delusional head, it would be good to see a strong Airdrie in Scottish football, where you can fill one stand and at least half of another stand. Growing up in the early 90s, some of my fondest memories are our battles with Airdrie with good crowds from both sides so I say “sadness” in a genuine way.
  14. I really don’t understand why folk get wrapped up in this pish. We’ve just been absolutely scudded! I’m not so up on the history of what happened towards the end of Airdrie/Clydebank other than we actually benefitted from it in 2002 by not going down to a place where we find ourselves for season after season. Far from oneupmanship, I find it quite sad they can only half-fill a stand for such a big game. Is it the lure of being so close to the Old Firm? I don’t know but it’s not our look-out. Give me the days where rivalry meant shouts like ‘soap-dodgers’ or ‘living in a slum’ rather than trying to be a smart arse any day!
  15. Sorry, not having that. Falkirk fans like to milk the large support narrative, when folk start spouting about giving away tickets for the second leg, it’s not a surprise the oppositions fans whose team has just humiliated us are going to latch on to that.
  16. I’d even add latter-day Houston to that list sadly.
  17. Yeah but all the bitter stuff about clubs dying comes through more. Of course we got pumped last night, we were 5-0 down at half-time!!
  18. You are taking the bait though. It’s optics, we’ve been roundly humped. Talking about clubs dying years ago the day after we’ve just been scudded is more grim than our performance last night.
  19. I’d keep him for next season by the way, then 100% get rid at the end of next season, champions, promotion or not. It should be a weaker league next season and I can’t see another Dunfermline style domination or a Airdrie team that is capable of scoring so freely. His remit is to get us up, if not this season then next season. Improvement has been made this season, zero excuses next season (then let the contract run out).
  20. I’m not going into our defensive misgivings but I wish we’d drop the tippy tappy/hesitant style and play a more counter-attacking style. Ideally it would be more possession based but I’m sick of watching our teams in recent years making a hash of it. Just keep it tight at the back, let the other team do what we’ve been doing and when it breaks down, hit them fast and effectively. Just like Airdrie in that first half.
  21. He does have a point about the “it’s all about us” comments players (Scott Brown springs to mind) or fans make. It’s a shitey thing to come out with, especially in a game with not much between the teams.
  22. I do think there’s a place for slower build-up like taking the sting out of a game if winning or even having a breather if it’s been a hectic game but generally, I agree, we’re too slow.
  23. Kieran Duffie maybe but to be honest, I’d go as far back as Jack Ross!
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