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Genuine Hibs Fan

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Posts posted by Genuine Hibs Fan

  1. 3 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

    Could crimes committed inside the prison skew the figures? So if someone was to get stabbed or get caught with drugs it would be recorded as occurring in that area?

    I used to live a stones throw from HMP Edinburgh and according to SIMD that was a high crime area. There were a few thefts etc that I recall during the years we lived there but nothing major. Not exactly scientific of course.

    I think that's the most likely explanation yeah. #PrisonersArePeople too, and in fact looking at the exact statistical area there's not many houses there so don't think it would get up to the population level without including the prison population. It's essentially the prison, a big chunk of the park, the harbour and a big Tesco 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

    Ok, but I live literally 50 yards from a prison and I was in Decile 8 last time I looked.

    I've no idea then, maybe it's all the kids in the skate park getting ASBOs or a thriving thievery scene at the harbour because there's not really any other explanation I can think of for the area in question to have the 43rd highest level of crime in the country

  3. 11 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

    I'm not sure that the presence of a prison would impact on SIMD data.  I'm struggling to see how it would.

    Hmmm, could be me misremembering or just local rumour but of was certainly talked about in Perth a few years back as being the reason. I don't know the areas particularly well but it's pretty stark if you look at it the areas closest to the prison vs those one step removed. 

    Actually yeah just looked at it again and the areas right next to the prison are in the most deprived 10% for crime and I'd be surprised if that was based on something outside that, being in fairly quiet residential areas

  4. 8 minutes ago, Detournement said:

    NATO operates Death Squads. US special forces were scalping Afghans.

    This isn't anything new for the UK, it's how the army operated in Kenya and Malaysia in the 50s then later in Cyprus and Yemen. 

    Did you listen to the RWN on Cyprus the other week?

  5. 8 minutes ago, Bonksy+HisChristianParade said:


    Aye, think it’s an anomaly really as the main aspect which seems to be dragging it down is ‘crime’ for which that area scores a 1, i.e. the worst possible which is a bit ridiculous. Also the old person’s part of Gannochy has a 10 for employment and an 8 for income (pensioners in rented houses), versus 3 & 7 for Kinnoull Hill respectively. 

    Fair enough that it does give you a reasonable general overview though.


    Yeah, it's a good overall measure. There's regional discrepancies and general ones as well. The town is down as being very deprived despite the access to services etc, but a lot of that is down to crime which I imagine is largely skewed by stuff which wouldn't effect your day to day life like shoplifting and fights/folk getting lifted for having drugs on them at closing time. I imagine that's the same for most city centres

  6. 58 minutes ago, Bonksy+HisChristianParade said:

    Had a quick look at that map for Perth. One thing I don’t get is that the Kinnoull Hill area and along the riverfront (the houses there cost like a million) is in light yellow, i.e. the 5th decile. It’s probably the most affluent area of the city up there. Then the old people bit of Gannochy is in blue. Bizarre.

    Aye there's a few bits for Perth that stuck out to me, and some which were sadly predictable. Think it's as VT says, and there's always little things it can't take into account. CBA to go back to see if it's still the case but remember the area around the South Inch up into nice enough parts of craigie used to be pretty bad in these but the prison being there has a huge impact 

  7. I wasn't posting much on the forum at the time this story came up, but seeing as the thread is back up did everyone read this story:


    In a single tour of duty, a single SAS unit killed 54 people unlawfully, including some Colombian RW death squad style use of drop weapons - interesting, given if I remember right we had advisers there when those cases were at one of their high points in the early 2010s. With this and the inquiry in Australia (I doubt we'll ever fully learn what JSOC got up to) seems that for all the news reports showing squaddies wandering aimlessly around occasionally shooting at something half a mile away we essentially spent the Afghan war terrorising and murdering the rural populace to keep the Potemkin village of Kabul going. 

  8. 17 minutes ago, Empty It said:

    Not sure, Davidsons was a shocker, both reds for me. Rocky also should've walked after the forearm incident.

    Aye, I'd say both reds really. Cabrajas is probably more dangerous/forceful but at least he's just about in a position to challenge for the ball. Davidson should have known he'd no chance of getting near it about 3 seconds before he goes to ground and there's much clearer intent to harm/injure.

    What's getting lost in this is that Saints had their only real attempt after the sending off, and Hibs looked much less like scoring from then until the last minute, so I'm not sure how much of a difference being a man down made

  9. Just now, Dons_1988 said:

    Yes. This is fact. And I’ll be saying nothing more on the matter. 

    Off the top of my head, just keeping it Scottish, more "loved" sports broadcasters could potentially include Cosgrove, Bill McLaren, Derek Rae, Dougie Donnelly (the king) and, controversially/not for me, Andy Gray 

  10. 5 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:


    5 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

    But it sounds a lot like you just have a problem with his accent, that doesn’t make him a terrible broadcaster. 

    Quite rightly too, all right minded people agree that there is no place for an Aberdeenshire accent on a national broadcasting service 

  11. Nice enough day out for start of the season. 

    Don't think I've ever seen an away team have parts of 3 different stands outside OF games, surprisingly good Hibs crowd. 

    Thought we looked ok. Cabraja isn't sharp but looked like a real player, Melkerson and Youann look like 2/3s of a decent forward 3, pretty dangerous and will get better. Jair looks pretty mince so far. Midfield balance looked ok but could do with magennis or someone else more direct in there. Porto doing good as opposed to bad pantomime villain shit. There were some worrying elements of last year where we looked neat enough in possession and made some decent openings but we seem to think of we keep just hitting it across goal we'll eventually bundle one in (which tbf ended up working today). Need more quality of final ball

    Think Johnson was right (and sounded less of a loser) in his interview about the two tackles, both could have gone either way, Davidson unlucky. We struggled to adjust to saints (fairly enough imo) just taking a knee at every stoppage. Going to a back three was a mistake imo, we just got filtered down the flanks and put crosses in for their back three to head away.

    Saints are in for a long one. Hallberg looked decent but most of the new guys looked very poor. Carey some nice touches and deliveries, the new CH looked pretty decent and committed, and Wright was decent enough at RWB I thought. But Considine, McGowan, Murphy, Montgomery all looked pretty shite. Didn't have any saves to make but the keeper looked a bit ropey too. Can't blame Davidson for going (more) defensive after the red but looked a good opportunity to chuck Wright and Carey to wide midfield, McGowan to RB and go two banks of four. But he's clearly not gonna be doing that.

  12. 59 minutes ago, 101 said:

    It probably will, the October rise will be the first that's taken into account the Russian invasion so imagine it will be weighted towards gas on the price per unit

    If I'm remembering right I think it's the move to multiple standing charges that I noticed would be the bigger issue when we moved/the prices initially went up 

  13. 2 minutes ago, 101 said:

    It's not the biggest job in the world to switch from a gas hob to an electric or induction hob.

    But you're right bad time to go back to gas.

    Not our place unfortunately, will be buying in the next year or two all things being well and will be prioritising all electric probably. Love me gas hobs but some of the induction ones are nearly as good now 


  14. Having a grand old time with our before we can even really see the effect of the price hikes in April. My partner and I had a 2 bed flat in Leith all of last year, and with me working from home and her finishing her masters for much of the year, plus no double glazing, we knew our electricity usage (electric boiler) would be quite high. We then got a bill for £800 for about 3 months, which obviously freaked us out as we are both pretty frugal in what we can control. Turns out we had economy 10 meters, despite the storage heaters having been ripped out years before, so presumably previous tenants had just been paying these crazy bills from having the heating on/heating water outside of the cheap times. Anyway, long story short they were pretty good, put us on a flat rate for both readings and back dated it to when we moved in. 

    We moved up to Perth in January, kept the same energy provider, and in April they sent us a bill "recalculating" the past year in Leith and essentially reversing the agreement we had had previously, resulting in a 2K swing from being £400 in credit to £1000 in debt, with £600 written off as it was over a year ago. They also hadn't billed us for some of the period so some of that credit shouldn't have been there right enough. Now been waiting three weeks for that to get sorted after phoning and chasing a couple of times. They have always been pretty decent so I'm sure it will get sorted but don't really have much clue about the general state of our account. We have gas here now though and it's looking like exactly the wrong time to move from all electric to gas, haven't had the heating on since early march but the hob and hot water seems to be more than enough to pile up a decent amount cash-wise. Last times I had gas the bill for that in a 2 bed flatshare would average about £20 a month year-round, without being much more indulgent it's a lot, lot more now. 

  15. Maybe overstating it but the best analogy I can see for that NZ team is Italy with Parisse, such was the difference between Savea and the rest. Most of the guys they've brought through recently aren't at the level and some of the old timers just aren't hitting the same standard anymore. For now anyway, watch them blow everyone away in the Autumn 

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