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House Bartender

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Everything posted by House Bartender

  1. It's Gallagher according to his signature... (Apologies for the repeat - I posted this a long time back...
  2. Back to racism. The BBC / EBC news insists on referring to discussing and dealing with "Racism in football". Very reminiscent of the GBC Scotland's attitude to discussing and dealing with sectarianism & bigotry "in Scottish football". Football is to blame for all the world's ills it would appear. They actively ignore that these are wider social (should that be anti-social) and geographical issues given vent by numpties, neds and bigots via football. Just an easy target for politicians and the meeja for soundbites and headlines - package it as football's problem, nothing to do with us. A guy called Tony from the "Kick it Out" campaign appeared on "BBC's "Politics Live" yesterday and the assembled talking heads proved the point with their negativity and "someone else's problem" views and even backing Patel. Poor man ended up just shaking his head.
  3. Must admit I'd already developed a soft spot for Mr Mings after his reaction to the amicable wind-up he received from the Scotland support during the post-match interviews. Doesn't seem like a prima donna. Looks like one of the good guys (I may be wrong...). Better than the Westminster Government anyway. And far above the racist turds.
  4. Hmmmmmm... I'd spotted that too and I suspect it's simply for the obvious reasons which have been discussed on P&B for years. Mostly it's the mis-use of the first "B" in the name. But on the other hand they are providing a rolling repeat of the game on the red button (Freeview 601). I'm losing track of how often I've dropped in for a reminder. The "penalty subs scene" is a particular favourite knowing what was to come.
  5. ... mighty disappointing that the great Home support in a full stadium didn't bother staying to support their team collecting their medals. Class.
  6. Wrong, wrong wrong. Unless it's a peerage. And Harry will doubtless get one too.
  7. Eloquent, concise and entirely expressing the views of the wider footballing public. Bravo, my man!
  8. Oh dear. These TSE epistles are a cross between the works of DONALD TRUMP (lots of typed shouting) and The Salvation Army's "War Cry" in style and content. Dogmatic, blind in the face of overwhelming opposition, over-opinionated and you're all wrong. Failing to notice a distinct lack of support here, even from the usual suspects. What is worrying is that the proposers (still not identified) may have tried again as they believe there is hope for their cause this time around. Or is it just trying to wear down club and (more importantly) supporter opposition? We may have to fight them on the beaches (of the seaside leagues).
  9. And the interesting thing is that you'll have had a pride in winning them - unlike ra currants who take the greatest delight in someone else not winning it.
  10. Should that not be £55? They'd be quite likely to pay up at that price, surely?
  11. Dear Roy, I'm sure that many of the ("not genuine") County fans would return to the fold once you publish all or even some of the racist, sexist and homophobic texts that you imply that you have sent in the past. “His language was not great on a text message, but, if someone examined our texts, all of us would say our language was not good at times." Dear SLO Kenny, Please direct your board to this thread. There's so much that they have to learn. That they now treat the playing staff like a Subbuteo team is well into last straw territory.
  12. Having heard the fantastic boardroom presentation by Messrs Ferguson & MacKay I'm completely won over. * How the wider world will now view County is made very clear by our P&B brethen of other faiths in the recent pages of this thread. And Lo! The multitude sayeth unto Roy "WTF have you done here, buddy?". And Roy sayeth unto them nothing. For all knoweth that his is a family club welcoming unto all, even unto the Philistines of the Dump. (Mallard 14:45) * No. In fact, not at all.
  13. I've also sent in my comments to the SLO@County and I'd encourage others to do likewise. It wasn't as if his was a history of just one message on one of his many "isms" to just one person. And leopards and spots spring readily to mind whatever mealy mouthed utterances may follow. He might fit ok into a big corporate behemoth club but there surely can't be room for such a creature in a Family club such as RCFC. So disappointing.
  14. Well done Dundee - despite the "McPake out" calls of earlier this season. But why is that every time I hear him interviewed I get this image in my head...
  15. You do realise that the Sportsound boys/girls have a list of pals suitable candidates ready and waiting. But United might get first shout being a big team who should be up there.
  16. Yeah. I know. That was intended as a simple flippant throwaway intended in the spirit of Sportsound's utter disinterest in lower league football. It's been a long tedious season (St J excepted) - guess it's getting to me.
  17. ..which has a big impact on Wick Academy's travels. Hope that got a mention.
  18. Ian? He used to be a good option as a sub right enough. Bit old now though.
  19. Anyone running a sweep on the time that Donaldson gives away the (first) penalty?
  20. So they would be playing under-strength LL teams for no points (indeed, no point). Instead how about joining the amateur leagues thereby helping develop not just the fringe players they have trawled from their rivals but young up and coming talent who would also give them a more competitive game. And these clubs might prostitute themselves for less money. School leagues are another good alternative. Or perhaps walking football leagues? Table football? Subutteo? Monopoly? (this last being a true strength of one Glasgow club, I hear). This farce will run and run, nae doot.
  21. The Herald's "Sports Quiz" today... Question 4. "Rangers FC beat Celtic FC 2-0 to win the Scottish Cup earlier this month for the first time since which year?" That'll be the Glasgow Herald - the tournament ends when the last of them goes out.
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