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Empty It

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Everything posted by Empty It

  1. Got a Chistmas night out with the work on the 17th and one with mates on the 18th. If Sturgeon decides to close down before then we'll have a piss up in the work on the 17th and just go to someone's house for the 18th f**k this shit now.
  2. Jump in my car - David Hasselhoff.
  3. Does anyone still use the track & trace app when going out?
  4. You don't have to just say you're following guidance and leaving all the windows open, they'd be gone in 10 minutes.
  5. Sturgeon calling a covid briefing to get her daily dose of attention, shes an egotistical twat.
  6. Can I reiterate anyone wanting more restrictions are free to go lock themselves in their house and pish their pants in fear whilst the rest of us get on with our lives.
  7. Funny how quick its went from "booster" to "triple vaccinated".
  8. I've been lost without Jeremy Kyle Serge. In all seriousness I read it in an article whilst skiving.
  9. That p***k Dr Hillary on Lorraine claiming that 90% of people in hospital are unvaccinated despite it actually being around 35% are unvaccinated yet he'll keep being put on TV, the state of Britain and their media.
  10. I play Sunday amateur and there is one particular team all the subs pass about joints whilst on the bench.
  11. It will undoubtedly be some English League 2 manager nobody has heard of making it very disappointing for hibs fans and us looking for a laugh.
  12. I agree with the incentive and smoking is something that should be phased out as a society but making it illegal just pushes it into the black market undoubtedly giving a massive opportunity for criminals to rake it in.
  13. Tommy Wright rocking up to Easter Road with his sash on as we speak.
  14. A man with good cup final experience with Hibs ready to make the step up, James McPake is your man.
  15. To be fair if you're looking for somewhere less ignorant than Ayrshire you could go to pretty much anywhere else in Scotland and it will be better, the closer to the east coast the better obviously.
  16. Sorry I misread its "an organised group of criminals" definitely not hibs then.
  17. If you look on Google the first definition of gang is "a group of criminals". Does fraudulently pretending to be a football player make you a criminal?
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