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Derry Alli

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Posts posted by Derry Alli

  1. 12 minutes ago, Cosmic Joe said:

    Happyhillock Road?


    That was my first thought as well but nae Aldi there. Hayat wouldn't rent the space to them.

    Plus, anybody pulls oot a camera in them areas then Mr Kerrs usually there in a jiffy selling a story.

  2. On 05/05/2024 at 15:48, Butters Scotch said:

    What's so interesting? I've played with him and against him at youth professional level then watched him at United in the championship each week then again on the live games on Sky etc more el recently for hibs and county so I've seen my fair share of him.

    Who did Si play fir at youth level? 

    I used to ding about with his brothers (or step brothers) and can't remember him being anywhere other than Arbroath. 

    I've berated the boy for years - to his face to, may I add - I'm of the opinion he's one of the guys in life that falls ourmt windows and goes upwards but fair play to him thus season, he's resembled somewhat of a footballer. Brilliant guy though. 

    Apart from the whole supporting Dundee but going to United games wearing their tops - then signing for them. *Spit*.

  3. I love tea. I've strayed away from loose but I keep meaning to nipvin town to see if the - brilliant, may I add - Braithwaites is still on the go. Iced tea is lovely too.

    I'm a wimp with coffee nowadays, it just causes mayhem in the stomach region. Do enjoy the Jessie Lattes though. Starbucks is the dugs but last time I was in I was near £6 for it.

  4. 1 hour ago, LargsTON said:

    I see John Fury has stuck the head on one of Usyks team after the first media day of fight week.   What an embarrassment and I can't see the hosts looking on that type of behaviour too favourably.

    He'd do very well to remember half the boys he's standing screaming at have spent the last three months defending their homeland and not sat at home eating fish suppers.

  5. 39 minutes ago, Kempes said:

    Not going too well for Nick, but absolutely hilarious that Darren Jackson has the brass neck to criticise Montgomery after his own pathetic efforts in Paisley when Stubbs was stealing a wage here.

    Not to mention when he gave the 'Darren Jackson guarantee Dunfee United will not be relegated' interview when he was assistant there.

    Dundee United were relegated, guarantee void.

  6. 34 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

    Sitting in a pub and having lovely cold pints brought to you without moving an inch is tremendous. No waiting at the bar for the p***k in front of you to order 8 cocktails, no groups of wee fannies all paying for a WKD separately, just beautiful hops brought straight to your table with no hassle. A strange thing to be against, IMHO.

    I used to be that guy in the pub that ordered online when the bar was heaving and laughing at the the poor sods at the bar. I get on good with the folk that work there and laughed when questioned why I do such a heinous crime and let on I just enjoy flirting with *(insert one of two waitresses names here)*.

    The manager called me a fud and made sure he or one of the male bar staff would deliver my pots from there on out. 

    I won the battle, the manager won the war.

  7. 52 minutes ago, 2426255 said:

    If that's what you believe and I don't doubt it, then why would you keep giving me attention? I would have thought the best approach would be to ignore. 

    I've responded to youtmr hundreds of posts about three times. Each time to try and guide you away from the well trodden path of attention seeking rocket and provided some empathy with your plight and encouraged you to do good with your posts.

    It's entirely up to yourself which path you choose, it's only an anonymous football forum after all. I just see no benefit in waking up every day and thinking "teeheehee let's try and annoy everyone online again." It's been done to death and I say, you are capable of more.


  8. 3 minutes ago, Venti said:

    The green colour of that pipe to the left makes it look like the Celtic toilets...

    Wouldn't surprised if if this was actually the case.

    Fucking animals.

    It's from the Old Firm game yesterday. From the boy pishing on the wall to the boy standing touching himself laughing right down to the guy standing taking photos of guys in the toilets it's just a sad, sorry state of affairs.

  9. 46 minutes ago, Oystercatcher said:

    Qr codes on restaurant tables to order and pay.

    No, send someone over to take my order. 

    As a separate pttgoyn, our reliance on mobile phones for everything 

    I have no idea how they work. My camera doesn't pick them up and I tried downloading an app. I'm much the same as you and prefer human interaction.

  10. 51 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:

    Might be a bit of recency bias on my part but Sheffield United only have points more than that Derby side while conceding 12 more goals (and counting). 

    Derby were undoubtedly shite but I don't remember them getting pumped quite as much as Sheffield United. 

    I still get nightmares od Malcolm Christie in the Premier League. Fụck me, man. He was absolutely terrible.

  11. 1 hour ago, 2426255 said:

    Thought I'd pop my head in. Strong finish to the season. Well done.

    Maybe better to finish in the bottom-6 and actually win a game after the split next year - makes you question what was the whole point of it all. Back to square one next season with your current loan army departing and the next bunch coming in.

    Thank you.

    You are such an attention seeking walloper which is a shame and is quite sad, as some of your in depth analysis on the Scotland national team part of the forum is quite decent.

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