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Everything posted by SirJimmyofNic

  1. How the f**k can Forfar Chairman say they're only due £3700 when theres been no payout yet on final league placings
  2. Lets just have a 20 team championship and the problem is solved
  3. The big problem seems to be the SPL and euro placings being dependant on eufa declaring its ok to end the season, before any reconstruction of the leagues can take place. I'm sure they can pay out on the lower leagues now as things stand
  4. I now await the demise of a few clubs in the coming weeks, what a sad state of affairs
  5. So that takes us into the time when players contracts are up. This'll be interesting
  6. Thats a big ask for part time players and clubs with a relatively small squad
  7. I was talking from the monetary point of view , if the powers that be decide to divide the league prize pot between the ten teams then Stranraer and the bottom clubs would get a lot more than 70k and teams like yourself and us n Falkirk a lot less. Cause no doubt there would be a gripe if it was paid out on current standings
  8. Null and voiding the season is rewarding teams for failure and penalising teams at the top
  9. I wonder how close Hertz n the Rangers are to going tits up again, they're bound to be needing the cash released like most other clubs , payout now on leagues as they are, and then sort out the leagues if and when this virus situation is gone,
  10. Not necessarily, it might just work out ...... who knows till its tried
  11. T X I think you'll find the up to £2500 a month will be the gross before tax an n i contributions
  12. I'm sure I painted that one in the late 60s or was lifted over it in the late 50s lol lol lol
  13. 2 up no relegation void the season means its all been in vain, Managers have lost their jobs for nothing whether they deserved to or not players will be out of contract in June, how can you offer a new one or bring anyone else in when you cant even sell season tickets unless you know what league your gonna be in, and even those mid table teams who CAN set season ticket prices, still don't know when the new season will start and they sure won't want to be paying wages out apart from those already signed
  14. Just warms the cockles of your heart, the response to this appeal is humbling
  15. My alter ego has made a donation, and if finances permit will do so again. I've also shared the appeal on my facebook page ,hopefully get a few contributions from my friends list
  16. The season has to run to completion, the League Cup has already been won by the green half, I cant see them beig to happy about that being expunged from the records along with their league title. And what about Players who have had possible carrear ending injurys in a season thats counted for feck all . Teams who budgeted for a top four finish, losing out on the cash for that kind if finish, and possible promotion. Let the powers that be worry about next season , lets get this one finished first
  17. We may have been the first to launch a fundraising campaign, We certainly wont be the last. At least the Rovers support are safeguarding their clubs future through this very difficult and uncertain time
  18. If the greed is good league (SPL) would for one season let the leagues reconstruct into say 3 leagues of 14, which would allow promotion of 2 from the championship, and the top 6 from Div 1 into the championship and then combine the rest into the new Div 1.......... its then a play each other home n away 26 game season, just for 20/21............. depends of course on if its not possible to finish this season and the bigot brothers
  19. Players , managers , and all the staff still need to be paid, whichever way you look at it, with no income coming in to cover that cost how many clubs can survive that. And to rely on the prize fund covering that expense, where does the money come from for next season to sign new players etc
  20. I cant see an easy way out of this , suspend the season or even finish the season now or void the season , even playing behind closed doors, players and staff still have to be paid with no income coming in , the financial implications will bankrupt most clubs never mind ours
  21. A massive massive game for us, if we win this I'm sure we'll have one foot in the Championship, but thats a bloody big IF, as we dont do well against lower half teams specially away from home A draw wont be too bad, just dont lose
  22. 3 points is a must, not just for this game but the 5 home games after it,If results from these last 10 games mirror the same results as the corresponding fixtures , we'll amass 15 points which wont be good enough, we're only 2 points better off at this stage than we were last season albeit top o the league by the seat of our pants
  23. Where the hell our goals are gonna come from is the big question, clean sheets aint the Rovers way, I'm not confident for this one, as deja vu rears its head again
  24. Once again our away form is utter dugshit, we're gonna blow this big time horrible weather or not Tuesday night will difine how much we want this , but I dont hold out much hope .......... deja vu anyone
  25. On another note, the club has agreed to pay Partick for the damage to the seating........... I hope the culprits are happy, yet again costing the club funds we can ill afford to lose
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