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Everything posted by Kuro

  1. This is the precise opposite of what they did.
  2. I wasn't talking about them specifically, I was responding to the Britnat trolls. We got on to them after.
  3. I think they'll have a very good case for voluntary culpable homicide especially in n Ireland where these things are much more common and politically charged. My point is though, just a simple fact that if the handful of posters hadn't disputed right at the start this all would have been avoided, they didn't mean to hit her. That's just a fact.
  4. Well they can see the people so they're perfectly aware they're there. You could argue they shot in their general direction unintentionally due to the gun kicking and lack of knowledge on how to properly discharge one, but you couldn't possibly make the case they did it deliberately, which is what the last forty posts on here have been saying.
  5. No they didn't, Google it. They shot towards police/a police vehicle, with no intention of a bullet going toward those people. Unfortunately one did.
  6. Except they didn't shoot at the crowd did they?
  7. I don't have a version. I gave you the asst chief constable of the PSNI's version already. If you want to argue with that knock yourself out. I've wasted enough time indulging fannies already.
  8. So just hysterical nonsense then like I thought. Carry on.
  9. Not according to the PSNI. Do you know something they don't?
  10. Again, show.me where I justify that....
  11. If that's what they did, except it isn't.
  12. Because they were, and they have said as much too. There was nobody else to target. You're aware it was a republican area right? There's no reason at all they would dream of shooting any of.the civilians there as they're on the same side. Don't believe me? How's about the assistant chief constable of the PSNI... ''This public order situation saw over 50 petrol bombs thrown at police, two cars hijacked and set on fire, and then unfortunately at 11 o’clock a gunman appeared and fired a number of shots towards police.''
  13. Cause my head isn't up my arse. Do you think it's a coincidence she was standing right next to a police van. And the group responsible have issued a statement saying exactly the same thing. There's no logic whatsoever to targeting a journalist or civilian.
  14. Uh huh. Thanks for the commentary, except it wasn't to.fire at the crowd of people.
  15. They kick even when you hold them right. Well there you go. It's obviously a tragedy but to suggest she was deliberately targeted is simply dishonest.
  16. I think you maybe need to look up a definition of defend.
  17. I wonder how many people on this thread are aware firearms kick when you fire them if you don't hold them right. Maybe have a wee scan of that video of a kid firing a gun and see if you think that's how you're taught to do it, or a kid with no clue what he's doing sticking his arm round a corner.
  18. One more time for the people at the back, lets see where I defended them....
  19. Sure they did. Totally. In your crazy mind.
  20. They didn't aim at the crowd at all. They're not serious revolutionaries.
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