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Everything posted by Kuro

  1. Here is the sort of thing you are advocating, because you are a misogynist https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/oct/11/transgender-prisoner-who-sexually-assaulted-inmates-jailed-for-life
  2. Oh I see, amazed to find you can't back up your accusation. Didn't expect that at all.
  3. How many is acceptable to you? Give me a figure. Nobody is blocking self ID, they're objecting to biological males competing in sports against biological females. Do you consider Sharon Davies a transphobe?
  4. Was he? Lets see a quote then...
  5. Yes, but not against women where they have a physical advantage. There's a reason why men and women compete separately. Because trans women being placed in female prisons and using female changing rooms has seen many instances of this happening. Many women are campaigning against this for that reason. Yet you support it, in some bizarre and misguided defence of what you believe to be equality, when infact you're a misogynist.
  6. Here is Sharon Davies take on it https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/life/sharron-davies-transgender-sports-rowhow-can-fair-women/ The position you are taking is inherently misogynist btw, You are accusing other people of being transphobic by being misogynist yourself. Well done you.
  7. Bear in mind this hysterical interpretation you just dreamed up out of thin air is about someone commended by a judge two weeks ago for being a lifelong advocate of gay rights btw.
  8. Did they vote the fascist party into parliament? They only need power in Catalonia to achieve their ends.
  9. No see you added your own interpretation. Nobody, not WOS, me or Martina Navratilova, are saying trans women shouldn't be allowed to identify as female and live their lives as they choose. If you think so fk about sports (I notice you don't mention prisons or changing rooms where various sexual assaults have taken place) fine that's your opinion, but Martina Navratilova doesn't want to have to compete with Pete Sampras to win Wimbledon, which is what you are advocating. Its absurd.
  10. Yet they haven't empowered fascists at all have they?
  11. Kuro


    I really like the commentary, find it educational and informative and adds to my enjoyment. If I went to watch I would definitely get the headphones. Except Virgo, who's a c**t.
  12. Or maybe they understand Spanish politics slightly better than you.
  13. This 'transphobic' pish is virtue signalling at its worst. Two weeks ago a judge labelled him not a homophobe and commended lifelong work in support of gay rights, bit of a jump for him to also be transphobic then isn't it? What he has been talkinxg about, as have millions of people including some very high profile people of all persuasions, is being a trans women should not mean you compete against women in sport, share bathrooms with women, and go to female prisons. As there has been countless cases of sexual assault resulting from this, and women being badly injured competing in sports against trans women and other women giving up sports as they can't compete with the physical advantage trans women have. Its hysterical pish to then say this makes him transphobic, and I suggest anyone who says he is provides a couple of quotes to support their accusation, otherwise they are full of shit.
  14. And accepting of the fact you were full of shit about this issue 24 hours ago.
  15. He's staying at Barca, Quality player.
  16. You've changed your tune. I assume, as I said at the time, you were simply drunk on Saturday night.
  17. You could log out of yours and search his to your heart's content. You're full of shit.
  18. They are literally countless Lets have a couple then. He's never said anything transphobic in his life, he said people with penises are not women. That's a biological fact. They can identify as women, live their lives as women, but they aren't female. He also has repeatedly said trans women should not be competing in female sports, which isn't in the slightest bit transphobic, and is supported by such people as Martina Navratilova and Dame Kelly Holmes, Lets see a single transphobic quote, or you're full of shit.
  19. You'll be able to quote me doing this then?
  20. What were his comments about trans people? Can you give us some quotes?
  21. Nothing unfortunate about it she's a vacuous airhead.
  22. That's not even slightly interesting.
  23. About time. She's simply far too stupid for politics.
  24. Aye N Ireland and Australia are much better. Totally.
  25. Number 3 is total genius tbf. Who would ever have thought of that.
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