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Everything posted by Kuro

  1. They voted for independence. They also voted to hold a referendum on independence, eighteen separate times.
  2. He wants a war to get reelected. That's obviously the plan, and also secure access to the biggest oil reserves in the world for US corporations. They will conduct military action in Venezuela next year, timed for maximum effect for the election in November.
  3. So they should just shut up and eat their cereal then? Its 50/50 now with the Spanish govt engaging in literal fascism to suppress the democratic wishes of the Catalan people. But that's okay is it?
  4. Like Bannan he's a quality wee player, technically very good. I would be all for having people like him in and around the squad.
  5. John fleck now going to be playing in the epl. Played a huge part in his team going up... He has and has done really well down there, but it doesn't mean he'll necessarily play much when they go up.
  6. A lot of our elected representatives are too.
  7. Point. 1 is nonsense too. Know what my personal hate is about football commentary and punditry in Britain? 'Passing is fine as long as it's with a purpose '. Nonsense, watch the best teams in the world, the vast majority of their passes the purpose is simply to keep the ball.
  8. See in your stupid brain a man beating up a women is wrong, but a man identifying as a woman beating up a woman is fine. You might want to think about that.
  9. Or people who aren't permanent residents of Scotland. What a monster eh.
  10. https://www.bjjee.com/articles/transgender-mma-fighter-who-broke-female-opponents-skull-are-we-getting-too-politically-correct-with-reality/ Transgender fighter breaks women's skull. But it's transphobic to oppose this. How long before a women is killed?
  11. Next they'll be saying austerity lead to a rise in poverty. Crazy talk.
  12. Good on you for sticking your head above the parapet. Some people are so demented in being what they perceive to be as progressive and promoting equality they actually do the opposite. Mixu, without even knowing, is clearly misogynist. His message to women is just suck it up and deal with it, even though its unfair and leads to many of them suffering physical harm. He's an equality nazi.
  13. Mega fair, she'd be transphobic to complain about that.
  14. Oh really, zero harm. Tell that to the girl getting strangled by the trans athlete in that picture. That looks quite harmful to me. But you don't care as you're misogynist.
  15. Totally fair. This is what the misogyny of people like you is causing. How long before a couple of female athletes get killed?
  16. That looks fair eh, I wonder who the best player on that team is. Totally fair to have the other team have to compete against her. Transphobic to suggest otherwise.
  17. Tell me how many you find acceptable first? You still haven't given me a figure.
  18. https://unherd.com/2019/03/trans-athletes-make-a-mockery-of-womens-sports/
  19. https://www.scotsman.com/news-2-15012/female-spaces-need-better-protection-after-trans-woman-sex-assault-on-girl-say-campaigners-1-4868945 Being opposed to this is transphobic, apparently.
  20. I see, I'm not surprised you're okay with several women being violently sexually assaulted as you're a misogynist. However, these are things called 'examples'. You might want to look up the word.
  21. Because they have a physical advantage. You're either stupid or pretending to be. They're different issues, we're discussing all of them.
  22. And here is what is being done about that, as the authorities aren't misogynists like you and recognise you can't house trans women in women's prisons https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-47434730 So is that transphobic then? Building trans prison units, presumably you're outraged?
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