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Everything posted by Kuro

  1. As if that clown has any valuable insight into what will win a referendum.
  2. With those two as our first choice we are seriously quality down the left hand side. If we were as good as that all over the park we'd have an outside chance of winning the Euros let alone qualifying.
  3. Ah the halcyon days, the SNP went in dry that time.
  4. Kuro

    Ligue 1

    Mourinho to PSG in the summer. Will ruin Mbappe just like Martial.
  5. Its okay and entirely natural to be annoyed for a wee while. Calm your jets.
  6. Absolutely, if he's good I couldn't give a fk if he sings FOS to get to sleep every night or not. He's Scottish and looks brilliant, what sort of idiot wouldn't want him representing us?
  7. I'm a fan of progress. The new stadium is obviously that.
  8. He's Scottish. I doubt my posts on here will have an influence. Very Farage-esque view of nationality from you though.
  9. Well he is Scottish, and I would imagine he probably does feel Scottish. He's 16 and has lived here for 15 years. You're right, it is a cuntish thing to do.
  10. Would I use the road after a game? If I needed to. I'd also quit moaning about it, roads around football stadiums busy after games shocker.
  11. Explain? Kid grown up in England with a Scottish dad spent his entire life dreaming of playing for Scotland. Dembele is just a mercenary using England for convenience and career progression.
  12. I didn't. I think if there was a currency union we'd have voted yes, and it was clearly a lie that they would refuse one. They would have literally begged us for one within hours of a yes vote.
  13. There's no doubt whatsoever in my mind if we hold in a referendum in the next year or eighteen months we'll definitely vote for independence. Last time I, like all yes voters, knew it would be no. This time it will definitely be yes. But there's also no doubt the UK govt also know that, and definitely will not grant a section 30 order. What happens after that is anyone's guess. We would effectively be being held in the UK against our will at that point and our democracy being subverted by WM.
  14. Wow. Such ignorance and arrogance. Could have come straight from a rabid brexiteer. Or Duncan Hothersall or some other yoon roaster like that.
  15. For some it's much easier to refuse to confront the facts on an issue if the facts aren't very nice. Also for unionists here they are so demented in their opposition to Scottish independence that they will happily support literal fascism in Spain.
  16. And voted to hold an independence referendum 18 separate times, and were denied each time. Then held one and voted for independence.
  17. You mean human rights like democracy and self determination?
  18. What an incredibly juvenile take on events.
  19. Did they aye? Or did they choose to vote down a budget they don't agree with? I suppose you think the SNP are responsible for Thatcher too.
  20. Totally, not the millions of people voting for them in Spain. Horrific take on affairs.
  21. Would you not want to triple your wages? Why would a footballer be different? Anyway believe it or don't. A friend of his told me he said that.
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