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Posts posted by Troy.1995

  1. Livi did what they had to to get that result today.Saints weren't at the races today.Unchareteristic deferences lapses from them allowed the Lions to capitalise and in the end ran out deserved winners.Cant wait for our friend Scrutinizor to summarise the game.He normally comes up with some belters.Itl be priceless to listen to his observations. Over to you Scrotum,sorry Scrutinizor πŸ‘Œ.

  2. Well said L/F.He seems to think we're all happy clappers.We know different. He's an attention seeker who takes great delight in slagging us of at the first opportunity he gets.We know we were well beaten today,but as you say finances,budget etc ,most expected us to lose today.He will continue to serve up this dross until we are down.Honestly,if there's a god up there.For this reason alone,shut him up.

  3. Weve no positives to take from that today whatsoever. We were poor,no argument there.Hearts thourally deserved their win.Its tough at the moment,but we've got to stick by the team.I still believe we can dig ourselves out of this otherwise whats the point of turning up. The excuses will no doubt continue,understandably to an extent.Weve got to start to punch above our status if we want to stay in this league. I'm not ready just yet to leave the top table as I'm sure many Lions are.πŸ‘Š.

  4. 1 hour ago, Scrutinizer said:

    I'm not here to slag the team as you all think,why not be honestΒ  with yourselfΒ  and admit this team are crap

    You seem to forget,we've so many of our better players missing.And don't get me started on our fixtures. You give your opinions on games which is your right to do so.But talk about kicking a team when their down.Youve mastered that with aplomb.Givin the circumstances its easy to say we are crap.But you get real.We are in the Premier League and nothing is going to be handed to us on a plate.Il judge when we're back to full strength and our better players are back to full fitness.Youve givin your opinion,I've givin mine.Thank you.🦁.

  5. Hope you enjoyed your day Mr Domingo.Facemasks are unfortunately going to be with our country for a long time.A slight inconvenience for some but won't stop us attending games as long as can be allowed. Shot yourself in the foot unfortunately by describing us as a shit team.Its so early in the season and when our players are fit and up to steam hopefully you will detract your sentiments.Im sure youl have a safe journey home to wherever your heading.Till then,leave the worrying to us.Thank You.

  6. Its not rocket science to scrutinize todays Livi performance. Christ you don't have to be Einstien to see where the problems lie.Your 0 points from the first six games is looking good by the way,though some knew this could be a probable scenario so no gold star there im afraid.Would be hilarious if Livi were to beat Dundee after the international break.If only to have you scrutinize yourself. Have a pleasant evening. πŸ‘.

  7. Livi have definitely improved the last few games.Hope the new boys get a chance,they look promising.On the game itself ,always a tough shift against the Well.Both teams desperate for points .Home advantage on our pitch could just swing it Livi,s way.Most punters will have this down as a banker draw and tbh I couldn't argue with them.Looking forward to it.Mon the Lions.πŸ¦πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘.


  8. Livi held the sheep for 93 mins last week and were gutted to take nothing from the a game we could have won.A similar performance on Saturday and we've a decent chance of progressing in this tournament .The Buddies will feel the same.Should make for a cracker hopefully. And agree our fans should turn out in numbers to support the team,but I doubt it.il be there.Mon the Lions. πŸ¦πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘.

  9. I'll be the first to apologise on behalf of our support. Aberdeen in normal circumstances would have brought a healthy support down for this no argument. Weve earned the right to still be competing with our elders,although I don't know how long that will continue.The Council couldn't give a fech about us unfortunately. And most Livi fans know that.The die hard Faithfull will continue to turn up week in week out regardless of what happens off the field. Without patronising I envy the Don's support.Due to geographical situation we're in,would love to have even half of your support, but we never will.For us,continuing to punch above our weight will always be our aim.Ive a few Don's friends and they know what I mean.Would wish yous luck for the season,but not tomorrow.More in hope than anything.πŸ¦πŸ€žπŸ‘.

  10. Not one player is bigger than the club.Unfortunately finance sometimes dictates as to whether certain players are willing to take a chance and the opportunity to enhance there chances of a move to a bigger club.Livingston are well known for giving players who join us that opportunity to shine,and earn that move.We as supporters know nothing about this player,so in respect we would be taking a gamble as well on him.Hopefully any issues financial or other can be resolved,and we get the chance to see for ourselves how good a player he is.I wish him good luck. πŸ¦πŸ‘πŸ€ž.

  11. At least we're taking the defeat with dignity.Reallity is Rangers we're comfortable winners and never in danger.Livingston won't be judged on this game.Not many teams will take points at Ibrox,and I include Celtic in that bracket.Our agenda is massively different from Rangers.And I sincerely hope we confound the doubters once again this season. Congratulations on your win,well deserved.


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