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Posts posted by Troy.1995

  1. 3 hours ago, Scrutinizer said:

    Midfield static, constant bad passing, constant fouling, never won a second ball, players doubling  up at  left back and right back, Why???
    Out played in every area,5 or more players just not good enough.
    Defence shaky full of mistakes.

    McCrorie  3/10  Bad ball clearance, Taking to much time on the ball  

    Devlin   6/10   Done well enough, Tried to get forward.

    Fitzwater 3/10  Scored a goal, caused a goal in a mix up, looked shaky, To much fouling..

    Guthrie  5/10  Not great ,bad pass across box, Motherwell should've scored, also to much fouling. 

    Taylor-Sinclair  2/10  Out paced by Well winger, ball distribution poor, panics when on the ball

    Lawson  1/10    Game passed him by, won nothing in middle, little effort, lack of interest. Just Not good enough on this display

    Bartley 1/10  Moved into a more central area, anonymous, done nothing, no drive, plenty of fouling though ,as far as I'm concerned  Bartley's time is up

    Mullin  1/10  The 1 points for the free kick, anonymous again, done nothing, this is another who's time is up

    Sibbald   3/10  Lasted 90 min, but on this display looked leggy, won nothing in the middle ,poor. 

    Serrano   4/10  Managed to get on the ball, his ball distribution, passing was not good enough, especially  first half.

    Poplatnik   5/10    Busy enough, hard to judge him with the lack of support..
    The best strikers in the world would struggle  in this team

    Forrest   6/10  Looked lively enough, good effort

    Pittman   3/10  Tried but no impact.

    Tiffoney  3/10  No impact

    Awe f**k.Here we go.Fill yer boots,Serious.

  2. 6 minutes ago, ATLIS said:

    Looks like Nixon is taking us back to court to try reclaim the money we owe him... 

    It's being heard on March 17th with his claims that Livi haven't made ample attempts to repay the debt despite the club offering to settle the debt for half the amount up front (which he rejected). His claims are coming from the fact we got 1.1m up front for Dykes (the other 900k is in instalments) and could've paid him there and then. 

    John Ward's counter was that we're expected to make a loss of 1.6-2m this season due to COVID. 

    SFA also investigating us over links to Gordon Beurskens  who is a 'legal advisor' for the club. 

    Worth noting that the money we owe (somewhere between 200-400k) is our entire debt as far as I know, so if it's settled then we're likely debt free. Seems like an iffy few weeks ahead for us though.

    Yeh,and coming at the most important time of the season for us. Absolutely typical. More negative media incoming.Just what we needed, not😤.

  3. 9 hours ago, LIVIFOREVER said:

    Thought Lawson played well when he came on, won a lot of balls in midfield.


    Positive is we defended set pieces well, that hasn't always been the case, esp since Brown left.

    For some reason we've gone off the boil with our own set pieces, that has let us down in our last 3 games. Disappointed with Pitts in his tame effort in the first half, got onto a great chance to rocket it into the net but put it wide. Left Morelos in the box for their goal too.

    A few shite yellow card awards by Beaton, and giving a corner when it was an offside call etc, just glad he didn't give them their dodgy pen claim, think he had a wee brain fart moment and decided to book him for diving instead, which shocked Slippy as well, that and their offside goal usually gets given when we play them.


    Anyway, better defensive performance, but we need to start scoring goals too, if we want to hold onto 5th place.

    Yeh,would agree about Lawson L/F.Thought he did well when he came on.Was worried we might have gone down to ten men with all the cards Beaton was dishing out.And i also worry about our offensive options. We desperatetly need one of our strikers to hit form if we are gonna seriously challenge after the split, assuming that top six is secured of course.Other teams around us could help that scenario granted.🦁

    On 03/02/2021 at 09:06, Durnford said:

    Am getting a trifle worried about the number of injuries we're picking up in our central defence.

    So far we have the following players out.

    • Guthrie
    • Lithgow
    • Fitzwater
    • Brown (returned to Cardiff)

    This kind of leaves us at the bare bones defensively although the schedule does ease to one game a week after Saturday week.


  4. 34 minutes ago, Troy.1995 said:

    Yeh fair dos. But in a Cup final dont ever go on recent form.As you say,unlikely but weve been in this position before.If its been suggested that Livi have been holding back for this then il have no excuses if we fail. On the other hand,should we prevail and really turn up for this Martindale should be givin the freedom of the county at the least.At our best,St Johnstone will know that in a one off,theyl have to put in a helluva shift to take this,regardless of recent form.We should be back to full streanth for this.Defeat is not an option.

    And still nothing from Scrutinizer. He might be right.Doubt Saints fans will read too much into his presumptions.As ive said doubt us at your peril. Put your house on it 🤔.No didnt think so.🦁.

  5. Yeh fair dos. But in a Cup final dont ever go on recent form.As you say,unlikely but weve been in this position before.If its been suggested that Livi have been holding back for this then il have no excuses if we fail. On the other hand,should we prevail and really turn up for this Martindale should be givin the freedom of the county at the least.At our best,St Johnstone will know that in a one off,theyl have to put in a helluva shift to take this,regardless of recent form.We should be back to full streanth for this.Defeat is not an option.

  6. 1 hour ago, The Real Saints said:

    A great performance and result, although we took our foot off the gas a little bit after the 3rd goal. The whole team performed excellently, but I think the Saints Twitter has got it right in terms of the four stand-out candidates. The one sour note of the afternoon is obviously Wotherspoon's groin issue. Hopefully it's a minor thing as he's absolutely imperative to our attack. 

    St Mirren dropping points has given us a bit of additional hope in the race for a top six place. Looking at their fixtures, I fear it might be a little too late for us. But we're very much in the picture and we've got something to aim for.

    Onto the cup final now. We approach it as the in-form team. 


    Really want you to keep thinking that.Please.🤔

  7. Yeh,no problems with result.Ref had a mare for both teams. From my perspective. Both red cards will be contested  which makes an absolute arse of the Refferee. Well done Utd.Weve got to get back to what we do best.Frustrate teams, not pretty but effective.. We Are in a cup final which was evident.Wrong in my opinion. But next week is massive for us going into this.All this talk of top six Europe etc,takes a back seat for now. One game at at time,be patient. 👍 🦁


  8. Firstly credit to United,our normally solid defence decided to have a day off.And United took full advantage. Robertsons ommision so early in the game had a huge effect on us.Weve beaten Aberdeen and Hibs away recently but today just rolled on from last week.No disrespect to United,but the alarm bells must be ringing. Weve a crucial couple of weeks ahead of us as far as the season is concerned.We will still be in this League next season,but are in danger of it going out like a damp squid.But once again well done United.

  9. I did deliveries from Livingston to Linwood just outside Paisley yesterday and the difference in the weather pattern was night and day.Seems to have been a line right down the central belt with the east side taking the brunt of the snow.So many opinions as to why we couldnt get this on.As has been said it would have been dangerous to both sets of players not knowing what it was like under that deluge.FWIW Livi fans to a man wanted this game on after Saturday,but I guess common sense has prevailed here.🦁👍.

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