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Posts posted by Troy.1995

  1. Without patrionising yous.I was shocked at the scoreline so early.Most so called pundits had this down as a potential banana skin for Livingston. 15 minutes of madness blew that out of the water..In fact your goalkeeper kept the scoreline respectable. Weve more important aspirations than this cup.Probly a while the next time i get back to Somerset but i genuinely hope you guys have a go at the playoffs this season.Good luck



  2. Lets get it right here.All Livi fans know the influence Martindale has within our club is massive. Hopkin and Holt will testify to this.Its something that while we try to cover our ears, its worked.To an extent. Weve punched above our weight for years,much to the dismay of many others i might add. This wont last forever. But as long as it does il be there supporting my local team,unlike many others. 👍 🦁 

  3. 8 hours ago, FreedomFarter said:

    Neoliberal capitalism is an unfair and ruthless economic system which regularly produces such catastrophes. Get angry at it rather than at people wanting to watch their local football team. 

    Well said sir.And thats all we want to do.Follow our local team through the ups and downs which incidently weve become accustomed to.Weve earned the right to ply our trade a whatever level and nobody will ever take that away from us.🦁👍

  4. 1 minute ago, Yflab said:

    Is Holt not just the puppet for the main man Martindale?

    It hurts,but your probably right.Martindale has a big say in the running of team affairs at our club.Was the same with Hopkin.So many Livi supporters dont know what happens behind the scenes. We are in limbo as a club.Sentiment has a big say fans wise as a club..Hopefully we'll still punch above our weight and stay in the SPL.🦁

  5. 46 minutes ago, Biscuits said:
    50 minutes ago, Troy.1995 said:
    Fair play to St Mirren. First 20 mins could have been 2 up.Saints stuck to their guns.Agree Jet for this level overwieght and and seriously overated for what we need to get out of this debacle.We are now in serious trouble for the first time in years.Weve got to deal with it.Ive got to stand by them as a supporter. But this is gonna take something special for us to survive at this level. emoji106.png emoji881.png 

    Have you seen Hamilton?

    Probably gonna be our only saving grace. In this current climate. We are not the Livi from the last couple of years.The teams around us have so  many games in hand. Will probably take it out off our hands. Miracoulous if we stay up.👍


  6. Fair play to St Mirren. First 20 mins could have been 2 up.Saints stuck to their guns.Agree Jet for this level overwieght and and seriously overated for what we need to get out of this debacle.We are now in serious trouble for the first time in years.Weve got to deal with it.Ive got to stand by them as a supporter. But this is gonna take something special for us to survive at this level. 👍 🦁 

  7. These games in hand worry me.Weve had chances to pull ourselves away from this debacle,but havent taken them.We seem to be coasting through games thinking oh its gonna come.Its not.A scenario we didnt want to think about has now become a reallity. This is not the Livi,especially at home that we are used to. To lose the way we did is criminal imo.But tells me how serious the predicament we find ourselves in.Tough times ahead.🦁 

  8. Dont normally take whats going on in League One.But your boys if they can get your act together can have a real go at this.Like Livi yes weve punched above our weight. But maybe the scoreline flattetrd us today. Like us,1000seater stadiums dont Guarentee ultimate succses. White elephant comes to mind. Your no.longer a sleeping giant. The people of north Lanarkshire have to get behind yous.Wish yous well. 👍 



  9. 2 hours ago, CEMSFC said:

    Hi lads,

    Looking to watch Tuesday's game against the Warriors, for just £8 you can watch at the link below


    Commentary from myself and Craig G Telfer, from A View From The Terrace

    View from the Terrace a must for me every week.The banter from Craig and the boys is first class.And covers all of Scottish football,unlike others.Looking forward to the game👍

  10. Kinda gives me a wee bit of hope that our strikers cant get any worse than they have been lately.Teams below us have games in hand,but weve the points on the board.Its not looking great but we always do things the hard way.Think most of us now realise the job weve got to do to stay in this division. Hopefully can build on last nights result and kick on.We know we are better than this,up to those players to confirm the faith we have in them.🦁

  11. Even at this stage of the season, its a huge game for both clubs.Rarely easy for the Lions up at Dingwall and i suspect Fridays encounter will be no different. Recent form doesnt bode well for us,but I guess the same could be said for County.Weve got to get back to basics and stop gifting soft goals to the opposition. We are better than this and hopefully the players turn up and show our real play.Too close to call,so i wont.Hopefully an entertaining game though.🦁

  12. No complaints whatsoever. The better team won.Criminal from us at crucial times in the game.Slightly better 2nd half,but the damage had already been done.Wells games in had will make them comfortable. For us its gonna be a long hard season.Our impressive home form has severly let us down so far.Its no longer early doors, but I for one am worried,and rightly so.

  13. Lets get it right here.It wasnt a penalty but having decisions from that official in the past didnt surprise me in the least.We were still in the game until an absolute howler from Mcrorie. Killie did what they had to and in the end got their reward.Decent game for the neutral.Nobodies mentioned despite Covid.That was a good response from your first team,and not a mix and match like the other night.Well done on your win.Not sour grapes,you deserved it..


  14. Despite all the sillynest on here,well done Killie.You showed the flaws in our defence.Something we will have to address in the coming games.We tried hard to get back in the game,but the inneptitude of our goalkeeper when we were arguably still in the game put this game to bed.Killie on their day are a decent side,as are we.Just have to take this on the chin and move on.Ibrox next week.Nea bother.Sorry im being silly.😂😂😂

  15. FWIW. Livi fans had the same problems with the stream.Unless its the old firm here with Sky or Bt Sports with their big dishes outside the stadium this will be an ongoing problem unfortunatly. Would Tottaly agree £15 pounds for this was steep, but both clubs agreed to this.Cant imagine either would have made much from this. Got to get the fans back or we will all have to face the consequenses including my team.Good luck to the Wasps for the rest of the season.🦁 

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