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Posts posted by Troy.1995

  1. 22 minutes ago, LIVIFOREVER said:

    I don't think it's a case of them being stupid Troy, what were the odds we be in the top 6 let alone 4 points off a possible European spot at this stage of the season, the pundits only started talking about Livi being a top 6 team about 2 weeks ago, and only after our win against Motherwell did they see us as a possible threat to Aberdeen. Don't know the ins and outs of it, but i'd presume they're doing their best to get it sorted now. Would be proper gutting if we do qualify and aren't able to play though. These things don't come around that often for a club our size.

    Dead right L/F.Meant to say id be more than gutted for the players  if that were the case.If they get there.Lol.T.

  2. 1 hour ago, thruthenight said:

    It's a little harsh, but there's an element of truth to that. Guthrie has firmly planted himself as CB #1, and the question is do we partner him with Lithgow, Brown or Lamie? I think the other 3 are all of similar ability, however Brown definitely has the highest ceiling. Unfortunately he's not our player. Yet.

    Still its good to have the options for our backline.Crucial to us at the moment.

  3. 5 hours ago, Menga Bus said:

    Would’ve rather Ward had kept it quiet and quickly worked away behind the scenes to try and fix it. Makes it all a bit deflating now wanting to qualify just to be kicked out at the end. From looking at the licensing I really can’t see what would be failing us, added a youth system back, improved our facilities and as far as I’m aware our finances have been fine for a good few years now.  Rangers had a Uefa licence denied a few years ago cause of dodgy finances but managed to go through an appeal process and got their licence in the end, surely we can have our application reviewed. 

    All ifs and buts at the moment.Il try not to think about it until we are actually in the top four.Still a long way to go and many tough games to come.Regardless,weve had a terrific season so far with a carrot being dangled before us.Surely the club arent stupid enough to oversee this aforesight should it materialise.But then again its Livi.

  4. 13 minutes ago, crispy said:

    With two upfront, who would you have in midfield, if fit? Bartley and Lawless undroppable and Pittman is stalwart in the current system. With two up top there would be less onus on Pittman to get beyond so maybe someone who just sits in? Robinson would go left for me. Menga is an enigma and I hope it’s just not to replace Dykes 😯

    Bbc Scotland reporting Livingstons business finished for the night.If so thank god.Lyndon and Dolly up front anyone.

  5. 3 minutes ago, LIVIFOREVER said:

    Mon the Dolly, ya fucking dancer.:bounce2


    Don't want to brag but I said this would happen.:guinness


    Brilliant news, we'll really run riot with him and Dykes up front, and wee Pitts back in amongst the goals too, Dolly is the perfect player to rough up defences leaving Dykes free to get in on goal.

    Yeh strange how some people forget when hes on his game he is undoubtably a handfull that defenders dont like.If he can recapture his good form will be brilliant for us. Welcome home Dolly.

  6. 35 minutes ago, Durnford said:

    Of course there's also good evidence that newspaper speak can easily unsettle a player so that they go off form until things quieten down. And lets remind ourselves it is "The Sun" I'm talking about.

    Would be tragic if he was to leave us.As you you say D.our hopes of a top six finish would go with him.Imo would be a massive mistake from the club and would undermine any ambition we have to move forward possitivly. He will go eventualy just hope its not now as we are doing so well.As always though money talks unfortunatly. 🦁 

  7. 11 hours ago, EdinburghLivi said:

    Alan Forrest on a PCA is apparently done. I don't think there is any need to add him to the squad before the end of the season given the depth we have in the forward areas.

    Just hope Sevco dont come sniffing around for Dykes now that Defoe is crocked. Heard they were interested not long ago.Cant wait till the deadline is closed tommorow night.

  8. 11 hours ago, crispy said:

    I’ve not really see much between Livi, Aberdeen and Motherwell in the head to head games this year. Hoping it’s not a whimpering defeat and I don’t expect that from us especially not at home. Might be first (and only) goal wins this one and you guys have certainly come out the traps against us at least at Fir Park the last few games.
    Looking forward to this one!

    Livi will have to be up for this.Well have improved so much recently and will be tough opponents.Anything other than a defeat would do for me,but we are at home and have a bit of momentum so who knows.Hopefully its a cracker between to in form teams.Mon the Lions.🦁 

  9. 1 hour ago, LIVIFOREVER said:

    After the last game there I wasn't going to go to this, glad I changed my mind, an away win. holly fucking f**k.:o


    Sibbs goal was superb, drilled it right inside the post from a scrambled ball out from Brown's long throw in. Thought Brown had a cracking game, didn't rate him last season but have to admit he's winning me over this season. Good to see Pitts getting another goal too, him and Dykes are forming a good partnership. 

    Souda played well in the first half but was fading when he was subbed, frustrates the shit of of me with his step over pish, esp when he accidently kicks the ball away doing it and loses possession, bit silly with his temper tantrum going off, no place in the team for anyone with that kind of sttitude, our success is built on team work and everyone giving their all for one another, better accept that or he'll be out of the door.

    Feels great getting an away win, we're on a really good run just now.


    Forgot to mention McCrorie didn't do as well today, was a blunder for the 2nd goal, should've held it, and near threw one into his own net when we were winning 4-2, bounced off his chest and went behind him, luckily no Accies players were close enough to get onto the loose ball this time. Think Schofield may be getting a start in the next game if he's fit.

    Yeh. Agree Mcrorrie still has a lot to learn at this level. But the Lions should have put this to bed sooner than before13 points clear of 11th at the moment.Pleasing.Digging out the passport as i speak.



  10. 12 minutes ago, accies1874 said:

    Fon Williams is rotten, that defence is rotten (Woods looks a maaaassssssive downgrade on Stubbs), the midfield setup was so bad, Smith was rotten, Rice is a bad manager and his subs were hilariously bad. The 11 that finished the game is the worst we've fielded since promotion.

    Putting Miller and Winter up against two dominant CBs who had no reason to push up was really good management IMO. Conceding straight after scoring is really annoying one time, but doing it twice is embarrassing and telling of how shite we are mentally and in our organisation too.

    Livi's shape was really good and their midfield did exactly what ours couldn't. Having a striker is helpful too.

    Kinda looks like we are gonna do an Accies this season. But Tbf,i fear for our brethren. Not getting carried away,but some suggesting passports will have to be dusted down.Surely not.


  11. 3 minutes ago, Cptn Hooch said:
    9 minutes ago, cdisaaccie said:
    Seemed a bit unhappy at being subbed.

    Straight down the tunnel belting a ball down it too as he went.

    He's a decent player and can be really exciting to watch but he strikes me as a bit of a dick...always stoats about with a perma-scowl and seems less of a team player than the rest of our squad

    For me 13 points clear of 11th place will do for me.Remember we just want to stay up.But these lads have a different agenda.Need to dust the passport out.Well done our Livi.🦁 

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