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Posts posted by Troy.1995

  1. 1 hour ago, TxRover said:

    Sorry, nope. Just a passerby who got interested in the MC fiasco and how a club like Falkirk has stumbled so badly. Having seen similar mismanagement at Raith, it’s just befuddling to see the same kind of mistakes made at Falkirk. Mix that with Ray McKinnon’s involvement, and it becomes an interesting place to watch, kind of like a crash crash. I understand the hubris of those in charge thinking that they won’t make the same errors that others have made, but the ability to willfully ignore the fruits of ones errors and misdeeds is, well, it takes a special kind of delusion and self-centeredness.

    As for “knowing the team better”, I’ve simply offered opinions on an opinion board. It seems a large number of FFC fans believe that The Great Raymundo assembled a Championship team this year, but I believe it is closer to a Championship payroll with a few marginal Championship players and a bunch of mid-pack League One players. To suggest that someone not a “fan” cannot have any idea of how players are performing is an interesting take too.

    Skipping that argument, the team lacks balance, coaching and leadership, that much seems fair. The open question is can fixing one of the three (coaching) solve either of the other two? But, since this line of inquiry seems verboten by any other than the “faithful”, I’ll just drive by now and then and see how the Circus is going.

    Good post mate.Says it all about whats happening at Falkirk at the moment.When realism sets in its sad that such a so called big club has slumped to these depths. Their support is crying out for change from top to bottom.Worrying times in Grangemouth. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, bennett said:

    Barry Holt isn't a happy chappy and has a total Sevco rant with just a little bit of hypocrisy thrown in.


    Hopefully today's ref is strong enough to deal with their thuggish shenanigans. 


    His names Gary by the way.And hes right.If the quality that the Rangers possess cant stand up to the physicality in the Scottish game then yous have a problem.Whithin reason weve got to use any wee advantage we can against a vastly superior team.Not expecting much from this game but theres no point in turning up if we feel weve no chance.Hope we have a real go.You never know?.

  3. 16 minutes ago, crispy said:

    Not having a go at you, Troy.

    I agree we would be much better with Devlin and Dykes in the team. Lawless is obviously a usual starter too.

    I don’t think there’s any evidence to suggest we’ll play like that (a) at home; and (b) against the OF. I don’t mind surrendering possession when it’s in ‘Well half. They were going side to side and would rather we were stretched.

    If Lawson had just smashed it then we’d be talking about a well executed point where we could’ve won it.

    Crispy. You know where our problem lies. Christ Rafa,Dolly Jack to name but a few..They are still our players. At the moment toothless up front.


  4. 12 minutes ago, LIVIFOREVER said:

    I'd say Dykes and Devlin were def key yep , but the likes of Miller, Souda and Erskine would've been first choice had they been available today, and having to rest Lawless and Robinson also left us weaker from our starting eleven.


    Yep I think you're being harsh, and expecting too much, lets be honest here, pre match we wouldn't have been surprised if we got beaten 3-0 with the players we were missing. Think our performances have got us a bit carried away tbh, we've dropped a few points we could/should have got, but expectation was that we'd be battling it out down the bottom anyway, and that isn't happening yet. I actually think we'll be comfortably away from the bottom 2 again this season, lets look at where we are when we've played everyone twice, and not get panicky if we drop down a few places in our next 2 games. We've got Sevco at home and Celtic away next, this is the toughest 3 games we are going to get this season, but the other teams below us have to play them too, so it'll even out. I think we've a chance at home against Sevco, maybe Dykes will make that one, which would boost our chances, don't hold out much hope at Celtic park, they'll be out for revenge from us beating them.

    Totally agree L/F.I certainly,wasnt being harsh.Sarkich didnt cover himself in glory.Its so frustrating knowing that we dont have that striking option that so many teams would struggle to contain. Auld firm next. Help ma boab.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Menga Bus said:

    Who are the key players missing? Devlin and Dykes, that’s it, definitely not 5 players. It’s Holts fault for saying we did not need another striker. 
    Can’t believe the attitude of people on here, we’re in danger this season, maybe I’m being harsh, but to me that performance was nowhere near good enough. How can we go away from home and play so negatively time and time again? We just sat so deep and invited so much pressure, we are simply not good enough to try and defend for 90  minutes. We made peter Hartley look like a genuine ball playing centre half. If we sit like that against rangers and Celtic in our next 2 games they’re going to be very long days.

    When we scored we actually had a bit of momentum and pressed so well, we looked the better team for about 10 minutes. Then we dropped deeper and deeper and inevitably conceded. Just for once I would love to see us go out and try to win an away game, and not sit back so deep for the full 90. Fed up with away games.

    Are you havin a laugh. Devlin who has been magnificent for us recently and Dykes missing.Your a Livi fan.But Ffs. No striker means no return.Fact.


  6. 3 minutes ago, Jim McLean's Ghost said:

    Hylton was ok but there was very little end product. We didn't look interested in working crosses from the left. Carroll never looked at getting an overlap. Most of the time he was forced onto his weaker foot and was unable to beat his man.

    I thought Seedorf was much more direct when he came on. Not afraid to take on players and work his way inside. That is how we got the winner. Seedorf battled his way into the box to set up a shooting chance that broke to Campbell to tuck away.

    2 random irritations. Motherwell need to learn the new sub rule. At least Hylton ran to the halfway line where as Cole trudged off slowly for 40 yards when he could have stepped off the side of the park. And Livi need to brush up on the new drop ball rule.


    Think the fact that during the game there was nothing on here from Well fans says it all.Check back and see if im wrong.Ask big Deccy.Too many of our players sitting in the stand who would have made a difference.Enjoy your night.Wee know our goal.


  7. 31 minutes ago, crispy said:

    I think you are being a bit glass ‘half empty’. Candidates for 3rd best in t he country are Motherwell/Killie/Aberdeen. We are holding our own against established teams in this league. 

    Appreciate I may be seeing things through Livi tinted specs so will be interested to hear what ‘Well fans think. Gillespie made a couple of good saves and I think the winner was an error from us. Looks like a hooked shot going wide which Guthrie tried to clear and played it to Campbell. It wasn’t injuries that undid is for goals today it was errors.

    Crispy, you know full well a full streaghth Livi team would have a great chance of getting a result here.,but injuries did play a part in this.Yes errors cost us,but with two or three of these players on that pitch,imo would have made a difference.Only my oppinion of course.


  8. 6 minutes ago, crispy said:

    Don’t think we deserved to lost that; thought we were the better team 2nd half

    Injuries are killing us.On the plus side yeh we lost. But not by as many as i thought before hand.So damage limitation sustained. Was always gonna be a tough shift.Other teams know that we dont have a back up striker.We are making it easier for them.Gonna be so difficult for us to sustain our place in the top flight.Too many points dropped. 


  9. 9 minutes ago, LIVIFOREVER said:

    Better players on the subs bench than in the starting line up, but understandable that we had to freshen it up with us looking absolutely fecked in the 2nd half against Hibs. If we can keep it down to 1 goal till the subs come on it would be good. Then we might have a chance of a draw.


    I'd go with just sticking everyone behind the ball for 60 odd minutes till we can get Robbo, Lawless and Sibbs on.

    If we can keep it down to a one goal deficit il eat ma bunnet L/F.As you say better on the bench. Damage limitation for me. 


  10. 6 minutes ago, ATLIS said:

    We're away from home, so easy to see we aren't winning. I've decided to just ditch away days this season for the most part since our record is absolutely atrocious, sod paying out the nose to see us f**k it over and over

    Ridicoulos amount of injuries for Livi.Defensive masterclass required. Only one outcome. Huge Livi win?Not!

  11. 9 hours ago, crispy said:

    Hopefully not a repeat of the first half shocker we had last time!

    GK Sarkic. Back four: The usual of Guthrie and Devlin to start and  two from the other three. I’d be tempted to stick with last weeks. 

    The midfield is going to attritional by the sounds of it. I was reading about the excellent defence record Killie have and the midfield protection. For us, Same as Celtic game maybe even if Pitts is in good shape; No-one deserves to be dropped IMO.

    Hopefully Dykes has shaken off whatever knock forced him off against Celtic - we simply don’t have another player like him for up there.

    To be fair,would take a point here.Our home form is what counts for me.Killie will make it difficult for us im sure.Hopefully the euforia of the Celtic game has died a bit although we are good enough to get something from this game.Mon the Lions.🦁

  12. On 07/10/2019 at 20:32, Chuck Blazer said:

    Anyone got a link to the L1 trophy celebration video in the changing room with Gallagher's monstrous boab on show? Asking for a friend.  Obviously. 

    Smashing day at Keaghan Jacobs testimonial today.Some nice touches from the legends.Bingham outstanding.And Keaghan made sure the legends won 5 4.Probably wont see this again,but well done to all those involved. Brilliant day.And i was there. 


  13. 8 hours ago, LIVIFOREVER said:

    Wullie Collum is the referee for this game.

    Whoopie fucking doo.

    As if couldnt get any worse.Brother William did us no favours at Ibrox a few weeks ago and i dont expect that to change on Sunday. Grim prospects when we needed any help we could get.Hopefully a hangover after Cluj but i doubt it.

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