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Ingo ohne Flamingo

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Posts posted by Ingo ohne Flamingo

  1. I'm just glad my only connection to MK is a liking for Black Rooster, I wasn't interested in him being at Clyde or our team becoming soldiers of love. TV Cameras shouldn't be anywhere near a changing room for starters, secondly his speech v Falkirk is one of the worst, most cringiest things I have ever witnessed. I got to Soldiers of Love and canned it. I thought I was cringey but this guy put me in my place!

  2. On 27/10/2023 at 14:16, Wee man the jackass said:

    Good to see the Stennie fans are obsessed with us still. Must be hard for them knowing they'll always be microscopic in comparison.

    Funny this... I got out my car last weekend to hear a bunch of Stenny fans get out their car singing "Clyde are falling apart again". No idea who they are or if they even know who I am. Thought it was quite cute :lol: 

  3. 5 minutes ago, FREDDYFRY said:

    The interim management situation  has been mentioned.  I have no real issue with Miller, if it’s him, for this weeks game (we need someone to take training and prepare the team best he can for the cup game after all) but as long as it is very short term until a permanent manager is appointed.

    BTW absolutely not Yogie Hughes, Peter Grant etc. McInally would be ok I suppose, he certainly had us on his mantle piece for years. Not my first pick though although the pick may be a limited pool.. who knows, as long as there is a process where we cast the net a bit.
    I’m pretty sure it’s Maitland who is leading this and if so I’m slightly more confident, I repeat slightly!

    I'm pretty sure Maitland is orchestrating this.

  4. McInally I can be open to. Knows the leagues and knows how to win it. Won't be the best football to watch but we need to start winning and he can get us doing that. 

    Scott Brown absolutely no chance, Barry Ferguson MKII. We don't have the luxury of experimenting...

    Kevin Thomson I can also be open to but there must be a good reason why he hasn't had a gig since Kelty.

    Ian McCall my preferred option as he has a track record of turning things around very quickly. He also is well respected within the game and has a good network, if he could bring Archie then that'd be even better.

    There is one fan cutting about suggesting Danny Lennon, he is a fucking idiot.

    Seen Yogi Hughes mentioned above, no thanks. His recent positions haven't been great for him and when tasked with turning around a failing team, he failed.

  5. On 19/09/2023 at 09:25, Cutty Sark said:

    What was wrong with the podcast? I found it enjoyable to listen to on the way to games. 

    Even if not to your taste, the media content coming out of the club isn't very good. The podcast was something decent in my opinion.

    Unless you're one of the individuals that tried to bully the presenters on social media?

    Unfortunately you are correct. This individual has been relentless in what he seems to think is constructive criticism. The Podcast was enjoyed by many Clyde fans, some maybe not a fan but they chose not to listen as you'd expect from a rational thinking person. One regular of the Podcast I am not a great fan of personally, but I appreciate the time and effort he puts into the club which is more than many, including myself.

    On 19/09/2023 at 09:40, Brian Carrigan said:

    Come on you, the podcast was great.

    Clyde's 'content' as a club has classically been extremely poor. Fair play to the lads that took it upon themselves to do the podcast, and I believe it's the same lads that currently travel to Stenny to interview Brian McLean for his previews (maybe I'm wrong). They're poor not because of the effort of the interviewer, it's just that McLean is extremely wooden and far from engaging as an interviewee.

    You're correct. The guys put a lot of time and effort into the Podcast. It isn't a weekly zoom meeting where they just chat to each other, there is research and planning put into it. Again, like most forms of entertainment out there, you chose to like it or not.

    On 19/09/2023 at 17:47, SLClyde said:

    The ignore function on this site is really undervalued. 

    This is true, but when the sad troll has more P&B usernames and Twitter handles than goals Airdrie have put past us in recent years, then what use is it?

    On 20/09/2023 at 10:52, haufdaft said:

    The thread is basically two trolls (or one with two accounts) trolling and decent Clyde fans responding rather than ignoring them.


    Trolls are sad insignificant people who seek any kind of attention online because no one gives a f**k about them in their everyday lives.


    Best solution is to ignore these trolling losers.


    You're absolutely correct, and I am going to be a bit hypocritical here as he is going to get what he enjoys here. I hardly ever use P&B, I come on now and again and my visit this morning was to see the reaction to our latest signing, then I had a quick reminder why I rarely come on here. Unfortunately with sites like this, people are able to hide behind usernames and use it counter whatever personal demons they have. There are people on this page who actively follow particular posters just so they can red dot them, no matter what they say. I really am not sure what said individuals gain by doing this, but each to their own. South Park recently done a series based on online trolls, and whilst South Park is a satirical programme, it did highlight the dangers online with users behind usernames (or fake profiles on Twitter / Facebook etc). As a father to a 16 year old, the internet absolutely scares me. My Son is a young adult and I can no longer screen his internet use like I did when he was younger, so I have no idea what goes on in that part of his life! When I was his age P&B & Social Media did not exist except from MSN and ICQ. Back then my social life was outside the house, these days kids social lives are on their phone. With a Mental Health crisis happening amongst our young people, it is horrendous when you come on to sites like P&B and see clearly the twisting and bullying that goes on. This isn't Divs fault, he's a terrific and funny guy who has founded and managed one of the most successful football forums on the internet, a great place to bring fans together to discuss their teams and games, but unfortunately it is abused by the very few.

    The poster in question above, I have known for a number of years now. I don't know him personally, but have had plenty of interactions with him. He came out of the blue when he appeared at a supporters branch meeting claiming he had a 6 figure amount to invest in the club, after being a guest of the board and several meetings later, it transpired that these funds did not exist. I am led to believe this individual did not have the cash, but claimed to represent a number of foreign investors but again when requested to show evidence of such, it was never provided and the club swiftly moved on. Norrie Innes was the Chairman at that present time with David Dishon the FD. After that this individual lurked about online and increasingly became nasty towards club volunteers, all online on Twitter or behind a keyboard on here. I don't think he has been at a game in atleast 5 years (happy to be corrected), but he lives down in the south of England. He has been teased on here by many individuals including myself about his non-existent investment whilst he claims to do so much for the club, but the abuse he directs to club volunteers is nothing short of disgusting, worth mentioning that I have spoken to several board members over the years who have dismissed his claims. Annoying this is a grown man we are talking about here. I am far from perfect and have said and done stupid stuff in the past, but compared to this guy I am a total saint. He definitely is best being ignored. It is easy to say that as an adult, but even the strongest willed of people can struggle with people like that. I honestly do not know what they have to gain out of it, does it make them feel bigger? does it make them feel important? does it rectify whatever is going on in their lives? For 2 minutes after they click send, then maybe yes, but after that it must be back to square one again. If said person also has his demons which leads him to act like this, I hope he can find the power to deal with it and become a better person.


    So for what I came here for... aye the new boy looks a good find! I don't have an issue with signing young players but I do agree with many fans about the experience in the side. Whilst someone earlier drew comparisons to the promotion squad, the guys who were the experienced players were excellent players. Unfortunately our experienced players are guys like Forbes, that needs sorted but I can't see this happening until the transfer window opens.

  6. 41 minutes ago, haufdaft said:

    Agreed. It was very interesting and enlightening.

    It shows how much I'm out of the loop. I was completely in the dark about everything he discussed. It filled a lot of holes for me.

    It's also interesting that the petitioner's for the EGM and their supporters have never posted on the OS regarding their proposals. 


    Or anywhere for that matter

  7. 13 minutes ago, SouthLanarkshireWhite said:

    I don't get this.

    Irrespective of my opinion on the decline of the club, and my absence from games would reflect that position, I cannot understand how asking for some information on what/who you want to replace the current set up with is an avoidance strategy?


    Surely complaining a lot, demanding change,  but not providing an alternative is an avoidance strategy?

    If the answer to that is no, and change with no firm plan is OK, then I truly give up.

    You are making far too much sense mate, unfortunately it just doesn't work with certain individuals. 

    The club has had opportunists and time wasters (one being a regular poster in here under many usernames on P&B and also twitter), the one time the club look like they've done their due diligence, they still get shot down. 

    I do agree with the majority that a change in the chairman position is required, but not right now when the successful Crownpoint bid is almost due to be announced. Infighting, coups and talks of take overs will not do us any favours!! Yes it is the Clyde CF, but Clyde FC are very much apart of this bid as it is the club brand carrying it. It would be mental to try and push boardroom change right now, and as Mr M put it above, who is there and waiting? And please don't say any failed ex directors, opportunists like the one who went on camera as an "ex Clyde player" to slate the board for signing Goodie, or they mystery consortiums that are asking ordinary fans to spearhead. The CIC may have it's faults, but it keeps opportunists and time wasters away. 

    As for the playing squad, or the management rather. Duffy has to be relieved of his duties. I don't disagree with a DoF role, but Duffy is not the man for that. McLean does need time, but he needs to accept that he needs an experienced number 2. Absolutely crazy he feels he does not need this, whether that is him talking or Duffy, no one knows. 

  8. 19 minutes ago, Miguel Ángel Espínola said:

    Must be hard for the players listening to the 2 managers bark out instructions at the same time

    Yep, I picked up on this as well. Whilst I have no issue with the DoF being on the bench (a common thing in Europe for the DoF to be there), if Duffy can't keep his mouth shut, then he should retire to the stand and allow the Head Coach to run the show. 

    As for McLean, he needs an assistant ASAP. He is naive as f**k if he thinks he can cope without one. If there is money there, use it and get someone in. 

    As for the game, decent first half, second half we never coped with their changes. The Spartans keeper couldn't have had an easier half. 

    If we are to compete at the top, the priority is 2 strikers and 2 midfielders, then I think we should be in a decent place. 

  9. 1 hour ago, David W said:

    Thicot was clearly done 10 minutes earlier. Cameron as well. In fact the whole team had started making tired, poor decisions. 

    Absolutely unbelievable that Duffy left them both on. That one is on him today, and the board for bringing him back.

    We are only two points ahead of a team that haven't scored a goal since the 12th November. We need to bin any idea of surviving and plan for next season, with the right manager. If we stay up then that's a bonus.

    Totally agree with this. It is near impossible to finish above 9th, we need to start thinking about next season and get the right manager in charge asap, if we manage to stay up then amazing, but we need to start planning for a League 2 return and hopefully see us competing again. 

    Just as a reality check, as a club, are we a L2 club punching above our weight? Or a L1 side underachieving?

  10. 13 hours ago, Bob731 said:

    To help you with this BWS, my point being that getting average crowds of 500 or so affects the player budget and any subsequent progress on the pitch…it’s a factor in our decline for many years now.

    You are 100% correct here, however did you not say at the start of the season that you had patched it? Whilst that does seem a wise move for the case of sanity, it doesn't help the point you've just made. Its a slippery slope, when Fans give us, the income drops, and it becomes harder to compete in order to bring said fans back. 

  11. 18 minutes ago, Cutty Sark said:

    From speaking with the podcast guys, they find their superfan very flattering, if not a tad stalkerish.

    Onto the football. Poor result today. Roberts goal a highlight but still work to be done on the individual errors. 

    Anyone got a manager wishlist?

    Definitely a stalker


    Managers, Hartley, Thomson, Ross and Kettlewell my picks. Probably no chance for any of them!

  12. 2 minutes ago, Malcontent said:

    Coming from you? Hysterical, you utter Neanderthal.

    Your ignorance of what I have done only serves to underline what a misinformed clown you are. 


    You've done nothing except waste peoples time and bully those who play their part from behind a keyboard over 400 miles away. 

    You're the laughing stock of our support, such a weird time wasting creep of a guy, you and your fake money. Total weapon

  13. 6 minutes ago, Malcontent said:

    You’re still  a p**k RD

    A Pick? Or a Park? Surely not Pink or Perk? 

    How's your invisible investors getting on these days? Still trading the old Monopoly money? 

    How many business have you liquidated since the last time we chat? More or less than the number of twitter usernames you've had? 

    Absolute waste of space of a man, and your treatment towards club volunteers is just disgusting. I could volunteer for 2 minutes and I would've done more for the club than you could ever do. 

    Absolute weapon

  14. 1 hour ago, David W said:

    If Joe Gorman, Eddie Ferns and others escaped our notice, then Tony Wallace really should have served as a real warning that DL's recruitment was awful.

    Team of the year playing off the left, we played him centre mid and as a target man. Nowhere near good enough technically to play there.

    Was Tony Wallace not another one of the long list of players that Danny tried at full back? 


    Ross lyon

    Paul kennedy

    Ray grant 

    Barry cuddihy

    John Rankin

    Tom Lang

    Ally Love

    My head has went blank now, but who else in Dannys tenure has been shoehorned into a full back? 

  15. 9 minutes ago, Bully Wee Clyde FC said:

    Was literally just saying I liked the Mo #8, as he hit the shot.  I believe it took a bit of a swerve to the keeps right. 3rd was a tribute to Joe Hart.  

    This should feel like the last days but I don't think we can afford to sack DL. 

    Montrose #8 is a terrific player, always wondered why he is always on the bench. I'd take him at Clyde no bother, been saying that for a few years now. 

    As much as I love Danny, it is getting harder to back him. Lose next week and I think it's curtains. 

  16. 23 minutes ago, Bully Wee Clyde FC said:

    4 Things I liked and might not have seen last year:

    1 not Shitting the bed when Kelty Had good chances they didn't convert in the 1st half.

    2 Cunningham's bravery at his goal.

    3 The confidence to find the extra pass to Cameron for goal 2.

    4 Gomes  running like a greyhound to provide Cunningham with an option for goal 3, which he didn't need.

    On that last point, it was very clever work of Gomis meaning that both defenders could not go to Cunningham thus giving him more space. He was fucking excellent today! 

  17. Gomis a different player this year. Looks much fitter and playing brilliantly with some similar minded players around him. He wae outstanding today and my MOTM. 

    Ray Grant was excellent as well, sprayed the ball about brilliantly! 

    Got a cracking wee team here, fairly balanced across the pitch and playing some fine football. 

    Lastly, Shout of the game... "Fucking hell Lennon, make a sub before it's too late!!!" 🙈🤣🤣

  18. In terms of numbers, I am lead to believe that our adult season ticket sales almost the same as last season which is very encouraging. 

    Never had a season book last year as I miss too many games to make it worth it, but decided to get one this year as it is more important now than ever for fans to back their club. 

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