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Ingo ohne Flamingo

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Posts posted by Ingo ohne Flamingo

  1. Also, I'm curious and want someone to answer this. When a team is in a relegation fight, and puts in a lacklustre performance against a team we should be beating but ultimately lost, why would you clap them off?? Couldn't believe the amount of fans that clapped failure tonight. I genuinely thought behaviour like that was reserved for the Tartan Army. 

  2. Tonight proves that Danny made a huge mistake in handing out contracts whilst emotions were high from the play offs. 

    Lamont, McNiff, Rumsby, Cuddihy, Lyon, Duffie and Fitzpatrick all not good enough at this level. Harsh on Cuddihy and a lesser extent Rumsby, but the former has been a huge disappointment this season. 

    Recently Grant has been poor as has McStay who in my opinion is very inconsistent. 

    Summer signings very poor Im afraid with the exception of Mitchell. Wallace, failure and already away. Smith, failure and probably won't feature much for the rest of the season. Johnstone, failure - hasn't lived up to the hype and a guy who was meant to be our big signing is stuck on the bench, the raith fans were right about him. 

    Unfortunately January signings with the exception of Lang have been disappointing, expected decent things from Wylde but can see why he's ended up with us. 

    With that, I love Danny to bits but ultimately the blame is with him, he made those signings. I'm not calling for Lennon to go, far from it, but ultimately we need to get to the end of the season and stay in this league, then a massive clear out is needed and Danny is definitely the right man to do that. 

  3. 27 minutes ago, RH33 said:

    I think if she stands her ground you’ll need to go through the court system.

    Sad that you’re son feels something is lacking and wants to move. As mentioned to you before may be grass is greener but reality is if he’s there full time you’ll have tensions just like he’s maybe having with his mum. Plus not easy just to up and move back if he decides as schools will have to be changed etc.

    Also as a single mum, I’ve only just gone back to work in last six months. 11am-2pm term time.
    It’s not as easy as just getting any job when you have zero childcare options other than paying £30 odd a day. Plus my son has had issues with bowel and I was getting called school regularly, I’d have been fired.

    Aye I remember your chat before. His mum has no excuses though, we've been lucky as he's been pretty plain sailing, my mum and step-dad live around the corner (literally 100m away!), my step-dad being retired and has always offered to look after him until she gets home from work. She's probably telling the dole office that I'm absent and my family aren't willing to help. Her auld man isn't able bodied and her mum looks after him so in the eyes of the social, its impossible for her to work. She doesn't have any other kids either. 

    Anyway, I wouldn't say it's sad that he feels he needs to move out of his mums. I was a mummy's boy and a daddy's boy, but I always said if my mum and dad were to split up, I'd move in with my Dad. They didn't split up until I was 21 and by that point I had left the house anyway. 

    The problem my son has is his mum treats him like a wee brother and speaks to him like one. I've always had my suspicions that something wasn't right back there as his moods were funny as a young kid and its starting to come to fruition. He's the model child here and I get a lot of compliments about him, he's a brilliant big brother to his wee 20 month old daughter, that could be another reason why he wants to move here. However his mum is always painting him as this uncontrollable cheeky 12 year old, and I just never wee that. 

    The whole thing is a shame, it's far from ideal. I love my son to bits and I've always wanted him to live with me, this weekend daddy thing is pish, but it's reality. There is many differences between the 2 households and the locations, obviously I'm biased but I can justify in saying that he would be much better off in Falkirk than Govan, better school, better area, the ability to get to after school activities such as athletics, swimming etc etc. But I've not told the wee man any of this, I wanted him to see this for himself. 

    He's got a cracking bunch of pals here, they all go to the cinema, swimming, bowling etc together and if they're not doing that, they're kicking a ball about somewhere no matter the weather. In Glasgow his pals are never out and they all have after dark curfews because of the neds, gangs and junkies/alkies that take over. 

    Pretty much giving my life story away here 🙈

    Before I finish, the biggy for me is how do I tell the wee man's mum this? It's also going to be uncomfortable for my son who'll obviously have to live with her if she does stand ground, how will this affect him? Honestly my head is in knots. 

  4. Has any Dad's on here taken their kids on a full time basis after them living with their Mother?

    For anyone following a few months ago about my soon to be 13 year old son deciding where he wants to live. We hadn't spoke about it for atleast a month or so as I was wanting him to make his own mind up in his own time, and out of the blue yesterday morning my son told me he wants to move in with me full time. 

    Now is the bit I'm puzzled about, the process of making it happen. In Scotland a child can make up their mind at 12 years old but his Mum will likely stand her ground. I live in Falkirk and his mum lives in the south west of Glasgow, 25 minute drive but unfortunately his mum doesn't drive. Whilst I will never doubt his mums love for him, she will stand to lose around 500 quid a month in benefits including my maintenance money. She has refused to work and has not worked since she was pregnant, no idea how she's managed to escape work. This would obviously be a massive blow! Most importantly the idea of her son, her only house mate no longer being in the home would be a huge deal, so I am really unsure how to go about this. 

    Any pointers would be most welcome! 

  5. On 17/01/2020 at 12:41, DAFC. said:

    For me this was the best series for a good number of years.

    I liked how they went a total different direction instead of the usual narrative. A lot of folk seemed disappointed with this, but it was probably necessary to change it up a bit as the previous couple series felt a bit same-y.

    Highlights for me were, but not exclusive to, Randy getting caught with marijuana at the Chinese customs, Mickey Mouse speaking Chinese and slating Winnie the Pooh, the Tegridy Christmas snow...

    Been watching series 15 quite a lot recently, especially the Broadway Bro down episode. I just love the bit where Randy goes for a drink at Wicked, returns to the show and the penny drops that they are signing about blowjobs 😂


    Was watching that episode on a flight recently and kept getting into trouble from the wife for laughing too loud 😂

    Last season was class, to be fair the benchmark was lowered massively by the shite seasons that proceeded it but unlike the last few seasons, I've watched many of this seasons episodes over and over again. Jesus and Santa doing lines cracked me up big time 😂😂

  6. I listen to a lot of German music. Roland Kaiser, Helene Fischer, Beatrice Egli, Anna Maria Zimmermann, Thomas Anders (formerly of Modern Talking). All cheesy Schlager efforts. Also like the Drunken Ballermann stuff like Julian Benz (Jöli), Ingo ohne Flamingo, Lorenz Büffel, Honk, Mickie Krause... Lot of crazy drunken shite but it's helping me learn German 😂😂

    German artists I could name plenty, guilty pleasures with Boney M and Modern Talking, but over the years I loved Kraftwerk, Sash, Paul van Dyk, Cosmic Gate etc etc

  7. I've got the wee one watching old episodes of Pingu, she loves it and if she's not watching it she's singing the pingu tune (the old one, not the stupid new one). 

    Anyone else's kids watch that Bounce Patrol on YouTube? Bunch of ozzies singing kids songs, to be fair to them they're really good, juliana loves them

  8. 1 hour ago, Stellaboz said:

    I'm afraid not, although I would have absolutely loved to. We've got a friend coming to stay next weekend and if it wasn't for saving up for our wedding, I'd be at as many games as I could :(

    Aye I remember those saving days! Was utter pish. Don't think you're missing much anyway 😉

  9. @Stellaboz are you going to Mönchengladbach on Sunday? Thankfully my work schedule has allowed me to go to the game albeit I'll be working in the morning then need to drive to Lübeck after the game so no boozing!

    It's my first Rhein Derby so definitely looking forward to it. Will have my phone glued to my hand watching the Clyde Celtic game! 

  10. On 29/01/2020 at 17:53, German Jag said:

    First time at the Continental Arena in Regensburg as H96 went down 1-0 in an absolute crap game.

    New signing on loan from Alaves, ex Celtic player, John Guidetti made his debut. For all he did he might as well have been standing next to me.

    Miserable conditions with snow/sleet through the 1st half, requiring a switch to the orange ball midway through. Regensburg took the lead courtesy of a penalty deep into extra-time.

    Result leaves H96 hovering above the play-off/relegation spots.


    Next up home to fellow struggler Wehen Wiesbaden which has a bit of a 6 pointer feel about it!

    Drove past there stadium a few years ago when heading for Bad Schallerbach in Austria, beautiful part of the world! 

    Why are H96 struggling so much? 

  11. My wee lassie is hilarious after she comes out the bath, she throws the towel off and starts dancing about the livingroom. Then when you try to get a nappy on her she starts running about the place, they obviously like the freedom too much! 

    She's in a hilarious way just now, sings and dances to everything right now. She has a love for German Schlager music which originally was to aid us in bringing her up to be bilingual (it's working a treat by the way!). She's been mentioned before but Beatrice Egli is a favourite of hers and mines! If you want to know why, have a watch of this 



  12. We were absolutely shite, Forfar deserved that today. Kirkpatrick is a great wee player, was outstanding for us a few years ago, would happily take him back. 

    Tried the Bridie and it was rotten! Dunfermlines Steak Bridies definitely the best in Scotland. 

    Surprised at people saying Station Park is shite, I really like it! Close to the pitch, terracing right round the pitch and a decent wee atmosphere within it, albeit only from the away support. 

    Another write off and unfortunately with Airdrie and Raith away followed by Falkirk at home after the Celtic game. It could be a long couple of weeks watching what Stranraer Forfar and Peterhead are up to. Our failure to beat they likes of those teams is worrying. 

  13. Another good weekend in MG with a wee surprise of meeting the players on the Sunday morning! The wee man was absolutely chuffed, especially meeting his hero Stindl 😁 

    Hopefully back again in 2 weeks for the Köln game and back again in March for the game v Bayer Leverkusen. 



  14. 4 hours ago, You Only Live Twice said:

    Mind and tone down the swearing eh? His agent might be reading this, and rumour has it that he’s a tad precious.....


    Wouldn’t want to scupper the long awaited return now! emoji1.png




    That's a very good point. Just to clarify something incase my message earlier was a big muddied, f**k Tom Langs agent. He's already poorly advised his client so I'd like to think Tom can make up his own mind where he wants to be this transfer window. As someone said above, if the option is presented to him and Stevie Crawford sanctions it, if he chooses not to come to us I'll respect his decision and still hold a high regard for him, however it would be water under the bridge and we move on. 

  15. Heading to Mönchengladbach with my son the following weekend for the Mainz game. Looking forward to it!

    Turns out I'll be at our dutch office when Borussia play Köln at home so hope to make that one albeit I'll need to drive to Denmark right after it en route to Stockholm.

    Then back again in March for my wee sisters fiancé's stag doo, going to the game against Leverkusen then I hope to return again in April for the union Berlin game with my son again for his birthday! Looking like 5 games this season 😁

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