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Ingo ohne Flamingo

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Posts posted by Ingo ohne Flamingo

  1. 1 hour ago, Stellaboz said:

    I'd happily shell out for a game if you weren't going ;) Infact I'd be happy to try get a ticket for a game to catch a few beers, no matter the opposition. 

    Could be a shout. I did ask for 2 tickets. Could easily pass them on to folks from here. Will keep you posted. 

  2. On 26/05/2020 at 22:05, The OP said:

    Aye I suppose the play was generally relatively poor, I think I just enjoyed having a vested interest in a game which could’ve gone either way and giving it my full focus. Thought Sargent up front for Bremen wouldn’t look out of place in the bottom half of the Scottish Premiership - runs about a bit but pretty poor. Made any pressure they applied seem less worrying.

    I’ve decided to latch on to Mönchengladbach anyway as good team colours, great bunch of lads when we played them and not too obvious, so look forward to lots of ill informed commenting out of me in future.

    Just had to check who you supported, thought it was Celtic. I was in the Borussia end at Parkhead for the Champions League game, some game it was as well! 

    It's easy to fall in love with a club like Borussia and walking about the city of Mönchengladbach you can see how much they love their club. A city with 250k and each week fill the stadium out with 50k plus. A lot of support comes from neighbouring towns and villages such as Heinsberg and Viersen but also the nearby city of Düsseldorf. 

    The history of Borussia is excellent, the passion of the Fans and the modern day culture at the club of putting Fans first is just class. 

    I had been a fan of Borussia since the 90's and by 1999 I was watching most weeks. Took me until 2003 to visit Mönchengladbach when I was in Dortmund for the Scotland game. I got in touch with the Fan Projekt who then invited me and my mates over, we were collected at the main train station, taken to the main Fan pub on Eickener Straße and bought some drinks, they then took us the Bökelberg Stadion, showed us round then gave us a ball and told us to have a kick about on the pitch!! The local press then showed up to take pictures as we hung our Scotland flag on the goals at the Nordkurve. 

    They then took us to watch the team train behind the main stand before taking us to the building site of what is now Borussia Park (the full skeleton was up). After that a lift back to the train station via the shop for a cargo and we were back to Dortmund. 

    It was that day I fell in love with the club and that's without a ball being kicked! 

     I go 2 or 3 times a season now. My work has an office in Roermond (NL) 25 minutes away so I've applied for a Nordkurve season ticket for next season which is a whopping 185€! If I make 5 or 6 games I'll be happy with that, I can easily transfer the card to others for games I can't make. 

    On 27/05/2020 at 00:16, paul-r-cfc said:

    Any advice on how to peel a sponsor logo off? emoji7.png 20200521_202653.jpeg

    Thankfully this is the last season of Postbank!! The old Kappa kits the sponsor was died in that Material except the last year's which featured the big patch. My son has this shirt (as well as the blue 2nd and green 3rd), it is pretty smart! Last years home shirt was better though. Probably 2015/16 the best home shirt of recent times. 

  3. 17 minutes ago, The OP said:

    Quite enjoyed the 0-0 between Gladbach and Bremen although I lost my bet on Mönchengladbach. Was an intriguing game, thought Gladbach looked more skilled and Bremen more determined with a higher workrate.

    Thought Thuram was very good at times and looked lazy at others. Was debating with myself as to whether I’d prefer him or Edouard in my team and I’d say the nod goes to Eddie at the moment. To be continued...

    Thought that game was pish. Borussia really struggled to do anything this game, Werder passed us off the pitch in the 1st and the 2nd was a non-event except from Sommer providing a few heart in mouth moments. 

    Thuram is a terrific talent, he's still young and got a lot of learning to do. 

    For the 2nd game in a row Borussia we're obviously missing Zakaria. Kramer just didn't cut it today and Neuhaus who I really like needs to up his game. Midfield is a bit of a problem for us. 

    I think it's becoming obvious that the team is struggling with only having 2 and a half weeks training after a 7 week lay off and no "pre-season" games. It was a bold call to restart the season, I think this is why we're seeing crazy results across the BL. 

  4. 8 hours ago, IrishBhoy said:

    Some people seem flabbergasted when I tell them I’m a strong supporter of Scottish Independence, but not a die hard SNP supporter. I mean, I will always vote SNP at any election as they are the only viable vehicle for independence. But I certainly don’t blindly agree with all the SNPs policies, and I find some of their MSP’s to be either genuinely dangerous to the independence cause, or just simply incompetent and in position above their abilities. The Westminster group of SNP MP’s do a good job though, and overall they manage to be the most competent party in Scotland by a mile. 

    Yep, that's pretty much my thoughts. Desperate for independence but not the greatest fan of the SNP. Used to be a member but since Sturgeon took over its went from a left of centre to a socialist party. Don't get me wrong I do have socialist values but I'm more on the centre. 

    Too many clowns in the SNP nowadays. c***s like John Mason, could go through the list and pick a few out. 

  5. Another one I remember from the early 00s. Japanese singer Ayumi Hamasaki had a song called fly high that was given a European Trance makeover by Voodoo & Serano. Despite having an English title, its all in Japanese. Great tune! 


  6. Loved this song when it came out in the early 00s, I must've been about 15 or something. This is by the Flemish singer Kate Ryan who ended up having a career singing in French, mostly covers (she also covered the aforementioned Voyage Voyage) 

    Her is her cover of Desenchantee by Mylene Farmer. 


  7. Next up is the again stunning Helene Fischer. Born in Russia to German parents she's a proper superstar in Germany. Was in the Forbes richlist next to Katy Perry and ahead of Rihanna I'm sure. This was probably her biggest hit. 

    I speak a bit of German and listening to German music helps big time. 


  8. Totally agree with the OP. Got quite a few foreign language songs on my phone so I'll share a few... 

    First up, the absolutely stunning Polina Gagarina from Russia, represented Russia in the Eurovision 2015, finished 2nd. Her songs are catchy as f**k even though I have no idea what she's singing about 



  9. Interesting to see 2 of the banners that were visable on the Nordkurve. Wonder if the DFL will take exception to Borussia allowing their Ultras to put messages up like that. 

    "Fußbal ohne fans ist nichts" on the fence - Football with fans is nothing 

    "Borussia gegen Geisterspiel" on the top tier of the Nordkurve - Borussia against Ghost Games. 

  10. Poor from Borussia today. Leverkusen wanted it more and got it. Can see why the penalty was awarded but it seemed very soft and unfortunately that decided the game as Borussia were on top and looking good to push on and score another but the penalty going in done it for me. 

    Wouldn't have went with that line up personally, I don't rate Strobl and not a big fan of Hofmann either yet both made up 2 of our midfield 3, unfortunately Neuhaus was quiet as well. Really missed Zakaria, Kramer should've been in there today. 

    I had a ticket for this game from the original date in March!

  11. 43 minutes ago, lichtie23 said:

    I thought the club was keeping the money but apparently it’s all going to local charities


    58 minutes ago, Jambomo said:

    Loving the cardboard fans at Gladbach. Better than looking at empty seats. Brilliant idea 😄

    Me and my son have cut outs! Definitely a great idea. It is not Borussia Mönchengladbach themselves who've organised it, it's the MG Fan Projekt. 

    5 minutes ago, G_Man1985 said:

    Awful keeping for the Penalty. Should of saved it

    No idea how that was a penalty, even worse the ref went to look at it for ages 🙄

  12. Here's a must download for dance music fans! I'm not a big fan of rehashing stuff but I'll make an exception to what was an amazing album 20 years ago, some of the new edits are great! 


  13. On 16/05/2020 at 17:09, Marshmallo said:

    First time in this thread for ages. Folk posting 2020 Armin and Ferry as examples of great trance.


    Both are trance legends but some of the stuff they come out with these days is awful, that blah blah tune from AVB is not trance, end of. Neither was that hopeless "This is what it feels like" tune or going back a bit, Ferry Corstens "Rock your body". Rewind further to the likes of Communication and Out of the Blue, then you've got trance 😍

    I do love AVBs a state of trance, there is some shite in it which I would never call trance but there is some gems in there. 

  14. 3 hours ago, Dee Man said:

    I had to look up a Monchengladbach player's name last night as it sounded like the commentator kept calling him Brown Envelope - turns out it was Breel Embolo. 

    That would be this lad! With my wee lad 😁IMG_20200126_120223.thumb.jpg.283452e56bba536d2310d84b17c6a5df.jpg

  15. Regarding streaming, a very basic setup using Vmix is simple and doesn't cost too much. You just need someone with a laptop to work alongside the camera guys (can work with multiple cams) and a decent WiFi connection or 4G hub. I suspect this is what the East Fife boys do. 

    It also wouldn't surprise me if the betting companies get involved

  16. Forfar is a cracking wee ground and plenty of boozers nearby. No contest! 

    I do like Balmoor as well, fucking brilliant grass pitch there and a decent wee boozer in the ground, just a shame the town is full of **** which I just cannot understand how considering its 3 1/2 hours away from Glasgow (in a car) and they probably have the cheek to call us weegies as well. Grounds that have fans right round the pitch wins it for me. All this all in one stand efforts like airdrie, East Fife, Dumbarton, ourselves I just don't like, leads to no atmosphere. 

    Albeit I haven't been this season and I notice we were in the railway end which helps but I always hated Starks Park. 2 huge stands behind the goals with that daft pokey effort on the corner and the wee railway end.

    Falkirks a decent stadium but like Broadwood it's far too open. St Mirren got it right with their wee stadium. 

  17. 1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

    34 km today which is my longest ride I have done. Really enjoyed it though despite the breeze being stiff and cold on some parts. Changed my route which provided welcome distraction.

    Averaged 25km/h. Is that a respectable speed for pretty much a novice?

    I range between 23 and 26 just now so I'd say 25 is good. I'm not a seasoned cycler though and it's a hybrid bike I have, not a road bike. 

    Giving today a miss as I've got a shitload of things to do at home but hoping to get back out tomorrow. I'm quite enjoying these longer run outs. I set my Strava aim to 100km a week but last week I done 240km so will probably aim for 200km a week. 

  18. Really pulling my hair out with this, not sure how many are in the same boat? 

    Daughter is 2 next month and since the start of the year I can seriously count on one hand how many times she has slept past midnight. Its just turned half 10 and she's up screaming already 😭. Before we used to be bad at just bringing her into bed and unfortunately I think this is coming to bite us. In her near 2 years she's only slept a full night a couple of times 🙄

    Any pointers would be much appreciated!! 

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