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Ingo ohne Flamingo

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Posts posted by Ingo ohne Flamingo

  1. 4 hours ago, DiegoDiego said:

    For somewhere like that you're not going for things you can see, you want to understand what the place is like so you'd need a decent amount of time to experience it and meet folk, find out what life there is like; I'm not sure you'd really get that from a day trip.

    Yep my thoughts, would ideally like a base and that would mean having a hotel. 

    Looking at sorting this out as I could fly to Berlin, have a few days there then fly to Chisinau, night there, night in Tiraspol then home via Berlin again, flights are cheap as f**k. 

  2. 13 hours ago, bluearmyfaction said:

    Me too, albeit only for a day.  Took an hour to get through the border controls.  It's like an alternate reality, the signs are all Cyrillic, you don't see any Western brands.  Booze is cheap but one of the startling things is that they have plastic coins that look like casino chips.


    It's still very Communist, Lenin statue outside Parliament, propaganda about how they only want peace and unification for Moldova with Russia, the South Ossetian and Abkhaz flags outside their embassies.  And they still have the hammer and sickle on the flag.


    Sherif Tiraspol play in the Moldovan league solely because they can't get into Europe via the Transnistrian.  And you see a lot of cars in Moldova with Transnistrian number plates cos there's no road tax in Transnistria, and it's cheaper to tip the rozzers in Moldova than to buy your road tax.  Technically Transnistrian cars should not overnight in Moldova.

    Was always curious about the whole Transnistrian car plates in Moldova, I'm sure I read recently they are now banned from the Ukraine. 

    I really fancy going to Tiraspol, do you think it would be worth having an overnight there? Or is a day trip more than good enough? 

  3. 250 is steep as f**k, that's why numbers are down. The concession package is shite as well. I only bought an ST just to give the club money plus the new flexible ST makes it worthwhile for me whereas last season I didn't bother my arse as I miss too many games because of work. 

    Worth adding, the most expensive season ticket I've had was £240 in season 2004/05. This is the first season it has went above that. 

  4. Managed to tick off a fair amount of random countries when I did the Scotland trips in my late teens, now most of them are work related but here goes... 

    Iceland, Rep. Ireland, N. Ireland, England, Wales, France, Portugal*, Spain (Inc Catalonia, Ibiza, Mallorca, Menorca, Fuerteventura, Tenerife & Lanzarote), France, Italy*, Switzerland*, Czechia*, Hungary*, Germany, Austria*, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg*, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland (brief stop in Mariehamm but I'm still counting it 😂), Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Greece (Corfu & Crete) , Turkey and United Arab Emirates*. 

    All those with an * is countries I've only been for work reasons. 

    According to Adamskis Post that would be U.A.E ticked off now but surely plenty of folk have been there? 

  5. 9 hours ago, The Mantis said:

    Can't argue with most of that TBH, but here's a counter argument anyway.
    Iceland, The Faroe Islands and Norway have prices to make your eyes water, and the weather's not the best. But they are class destinations so people bite the bullet and just pay. They're practically fighting off the tourists. The first two have very limited accommodation although they're getting there. Scotland's in that bracket.

    You're from Scotland, so you take it for granted. You don't see it through Dutch or German or even English eyes. Correct me if I'm wrong but you seem to be assuming anybody would pick Corfu given a choice.

    A good example is - my missus and her sister inherited their parents' house in Lewis (I'm not from there, I'm from Midlothian). I'm in a hillwalking club, and a camera club, so I started offering mates rates at say £300/week. The wife and sister were embarrassed at that and tried to suggest £200 would be enough. Because they take it for granted. Meanwhile the average tourist going there for a week thinks they've died and gone to heaven. They are heartbroken having to leave at the end of the week.

    That's all in the past. Once the sister in law smelt the first few dribbles of cash, they started doing it properly, TripAdvisor and all that shite (against my wishes). With all the booking fees plus cleaners you really have to charge £700-800 pw. But nobody turns their nose up at that. They come back.
    All summer it gets booked up so we can hardly get a slot for ourselves (and incidentally nobody in their right mind would choose to holiday in Scotland in July/August if it wasn't for the school holidays. Just look at the weather stats.  April/May/June for me any time, or even Sept/Oct).

    You can't underestimate the pull of the history, the scenery, the castles, the wildlife, the distilleries. If you've ever got into a conversation with a Dutch tourist about whisky, you'll know what I mean. And a lot of people actually like the hills with mist on them. I remember walking near Bridge of Orchy and I met an English family. They were pointing at this speck about a mile up in the sky which was a Golden Eagle and it had obviously made their holiday... like you I probably wouldn't spend my annual leave either, just several short breaks, but that's probably true in any country.

    Can't disagree with a word of that. Absolutely not everyone will chose corfu for example, the beauty of vacations is there are many different types, relaxing beach, family sun, family ski, city breaks, wildlife safaris, hill / mountain climbing, castle touring, scenery chasing, history exploring and much much more. Everyone has their ideal place, they're happy place. For me that's the Sun and Beach plus hearing other languages being spoken, I love the feeling of being away from it all. Whereas my brother in law, his ideal holiday is wild camping and munro bagging in whatever climes. 

    Scotland is undoubtly one of the most stunning countries in the world and its obviously why in the summer you see loads of foreign cars, Dutch and Germans especially. Worth adding that both of those countries, especially Germany love Scottish culture and music. 

    Nice you've got that little money making niche up in the Highlands! These cottages are definitely the way forward for exploring Scotland, the B&Bs as I've mentioned previously are not up to scratch and personally I don't like the idea of staying in a strangers home which B&Bs generally are. Maybe I'm too used to hotels, with my job I usually rack up atleast 2 months of overnight stays in hotels over Europe and beyond and become used to a standard. 

    I do love driving around Scotland but with a 2 year old that's not an option now and a 13 year old who is far too independent, he just wants to make pals and have a good carry on. One day I'll make an effort to explore our country but ultimately when the price of taking your car on a ferry to the Western islands can be a couple of hundred quid, I'd rather jump on a plane somewhere. 

  6. Whilst there's no doubt Scotland is absolutely stunning, as a country we're absolutely shite for tourists.

    Outside the cities we don't have many decent hotels, it's all overpriced B&Bs that haven't been refurbed since 1985.

    On the roads there's hardly any service stations and toilet facilities are pretty much limited to cafes or bars. 

    Before we went to corfu for a week we looked at Scotland for a family of 4. Aviemore coming in at 1700 for the week! Skye was over 2000 just for a B&B and there's no danger my holiday was going to be a caravan in the pishing rain in Ayr. 

    I love Scotland but its got a long way to go before I'd consider spending my annual leave here. That's without thinking about the midges and the shitey weather as well... 

  7. Going to add to the praise of Jet2 as well though I used to hate flying them purely for that annoying Jess Glynn tune. 

    Had a holiday to Mallorca in July and it got cancelled, got a text then an email, then waited for them to contact me. 7 days later an email again to say a refund will be made within 28 days, it was in my account that night. 

    Then rebooked with Jet2 to ibiza for the end of July, quarantine kicked in and I phoned, couldn't find an alternative to the lassie actioned a refund for me saying it'd take 3 to 5 days, still on the call my PayPal flagged up saying money was in the account. Brilliant service! 

    Ended up getting away in the end but that was a Ryanair effort to corfu and booked it the day before we left. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

    Our school have had to put a notice on seesaw asking parents to stay away from the playground as they were not practicing social distancing properly. With expection of nursery and P1 and P2 parents. I'm in the gate and out ASAP. Think some of the mummies turn up at half 2 to get the local goss. Not into that myself.

    Your last sentence is correct, it's purely that. My sons Mum is one of those types that even in P7 she would walk him round much to his annoyance but as an unemployed bum who refuses to work, she gets to see the rest of the workshy brigade and talk shite to each other. 

    1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

    Our school has already been told, even for P1 not allowed in the playground but the school grounds outside the gate are just as bad. Headteachers clearly exasperated already. Like you say, wee gangs forming early on, then not fucking off once their kids have been retrieved. Whole thing pretty cringy watching the way they carry on. Aside from that, some of the stuff they put on Dojo, desperately needing spoon fed and wanting to circumvent every thing the school has asked... Torture to watch as a functioning member of society. 


    It's all very much individual council stipulated I think. 


    The whining about lunchboxes seems to centre around the fact that we are protecting them from covid but not from the botulism their kids will get if their dairylea lunchable goes unrefrigerated for 3 hours.  



    It's brutal mate, I've seen first hand in schools the attitude of some parents towards teachers and unfortunately these are the same people who had no respect for teachers when they were at school and ended up breeding like rabbits for their offsprings to have the same shite attitudes towards teachers. Worst thing is those are the same types who will then bitch about teachers on Facebook etc for their pals to sit and agree with each other whilst still sat in their jammies at 1pm watching Jeremy. 

  9. That's both my kids back. Juliana in nursery 2.5 days a week, was dreading it as she had become far too attached to my wife over Lockdown to the point anytime she left the room she would start whinging "mummy mummy". Thankfully she just waltzes in, she loves it. Probably more that she's at the age she loves playing with other kids, in corfu last week she tried to befriend every single kid at the kids disco 😂

    My son just started 2nd year which is really making me feel old. Homeschooling during Lockdown was a nightmare for him so I'm relieved that he's back at school! Massive year for him. 

  10. 4 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

    Had my eyes opened recently with what we are surrounded by on the school/nursery app that the teacher use to communicate with parents.

    Todays one was the assistant head explaining why bags and lunch boxes are currently not allowed, which is due to a council recommendation. Cue idiot parent....

    "Thanks for confirming it's just a recommendation".

    You arent being asked to run a fucking marathon ffs. Just do as you are told.

    Last weeks was a big rant after a few posts generally trying to get kids excited about going back, because of the "5000 families who HAVE NOT HAD A GOOD LOCKDOWN!!!!!"

    Get a grip.

    You'll be seeing the chat from the full time yummy mummy brigade who hang around the school gates, in fact the same crowd that head teachers have resulted to telling them to bolt and on the radio today I heard Jason Leitch also reiterating that bit. All this whilst parents are hurrying their kids to school so they can get to work on time...

  11. Definitely prefer using my card. Previously on a night out I hated c***s who held up the queue when paying by card but these days contactless has changed that. 

    I took £30 out before Lockdown and it took until May or June before it was gone and I had to take money out the wall again. 

    Was in Germany 2 weeks ago and found its still very much cash is king there. Many places I visited only took cash but pre-lockdown when I was in Germany almost every month, many bars and restaurants plus small shops don't have card facilities. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Tynierose said:

    The Sanam has been going since the 70's and other than the occasional dip the standard has been exceptionally high, I've been going there since the early nineties.   The Gulnar is good  as is Delhi's Winter in Lithgy but the Sanam is as good as it gets in central region imo  (in my opinion).

    Gulnar is class but Sanam is a totally different level, best Indian I've ever had was in there. 

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