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Posts posted by Exiledjag

  1. Football fans will have different opinions of individual players and I  respect this. 

    In general though the worrying factor for me as a life-long Jags fan is, assuming we have a much bigger budget than Arbroath, how can they field a team of individuals who look and play like footballers while we field a team of what appears to be very limited, one dimensional and slow (thinking, anticipating and moving) individuals. Exceptions  to my description possibly are Bannigan, Penrice and Miller. 

    Kakay has potential and promised much when he ran at defenders but he needed his team mate to move into space to receive a pass or take defenders away from him - not just stand and watch him. 

  2. 51 minutes ago, Casual Observer said:

    The fact it’s taken several angles and slo mo to determine who actually played the ball proves how close Bruce was to performing a brilliant last gasp tackle. So to say 

    1. No attempt to play the ball - simply took the motherwell player out

    is at best bollocks, or just displays a total lack of football understanding. 

    My understanding of football might not be as sophisticated as yours but I do know that when an attacker is ahead of a defender and is running through on goal then that represents a goal scoring opportunity.

    I also understand that if the defender makes a sliding tackle from behind the attacker (who has a goal scoring opportunity) and doesn't get the ball then he is in serious danger of a red card. 

    Finally, if the defender is the last man (which Bruce was) and commits any sort of foul which prevents a goal scoring opportunity then its a red card. 

    I think the above shows a reasonable understanding of football and this situation. 

    My immediate reaction on seeing the incident was that Bruce did take out the Motherwell player and as you have agreed, close or not, he didn't get the ball so only conclusion is - a red card. 

    Bruce's body language and lack of protest from himself and team mates suggests he knew he was in trouble. I rest my case. Goodnight and hope to speak again soon. 

  3. Don't know the details but given what McCall achieve with and for Ayr think the negative comments are a bit harsh. 

    Anyway to the game. I am a big admirer of Ayr and see them as a means of keeping the Arabs in this Division. So given we have plenty time to play our way to safety if not a top 4 place I won't lose any sleep if we only manage a draw - in fact I would be delighted. 

  4. From what I have seen of this Thistle team, which is not a lot, I doubt McCall will be able to do much with them. 

    I think he will improve the set up and organisation of the team and make them a little harder to beat. However  I suspect McCall knows the best he can hope for  is to pick up enough points to avoid becoming detached at the bottom. 

    I don't see any real improvement until the manager can bring in his 'own', players in the January window and off load some of the current squad. 

    With the exception of Penrice,  Miller and possibly Bannigan (Mansell & Kakay could be worth developing) the rest can go! 

  5. As a neutral who admires both teams for the manner in which they try to play the game I am surprised the sending off decision has created so much debate. The fact that Kilmarnock have decided to appeal the red card does them no credit at all. 

    IMO it was an obvious red card for the following reasons:

    1. No attempt to play the ball - simply took the motherwell player out. 

    2. The attacker was ahead of Bruce and running through on goal so had a goal scoring opportunity

    3. Bruce, when he made the tackle, was the last man. 

    Given the above circumstances there was nothing 'tight' about the decision it was a no-brainer. The referee got it absolutely correct - a red card. 

    I would like to known the grounds on which Kilmarnock are appealing other than doing so just to make themselves appear harshly treated! 

    I suggest Kilmarnock forget about the appeal  and move on! 

  6. Looking at the picture of the offside decision (rainbowrising and lichtes23) you can see a maroon Jersey just goalside of the thistle defender in the middle of the penalty box!/picture. 

    Assuming that is the position of the player when the forward pass is made then it is offside. You cannot argue that a player standing in the middle of the penalty box in this move is not interfering with play. 

    Looks to me linesman got it right. 

    Regardless, Arbroath on general standard of play and chances should have won by 2 or 3 goals. 

  7. The new managerial appointment is hard to call. 

    I wouldn't want any of the candidates named so far with the possible exception of Lennon (shamefully treated by St Mirren). 

    I would support Doolan returning as an assistant manager, perhaps with Lennon as manager. 

    The appointment, though, needs to excite the fans. Regrettably I can't think of anyone, within our budget level, that could do this!

  8. I have no idea who will be the next PT manager but whoever it is I hope he doesn't release any players (Caldwell signings) without giving them a reasonable chance to prove themselves. 

    I went to the Arbroath game last Friday and thought we were lucky to get a draw. However I was disappointed with the many fans who are writing off our new right back, Kakay, after one game. 

    I agree he had a tough night, defensively, against Bobby Linn (Arbroath's best player) especially first half. However in the second half Linn was nowhere to be seen and was substituted. 

    Kakay then became a mauradjng overlapping full back, something we have not had for a few years. He really unserrled the left side of the Arbroath defence and contributed to the move which lead to our goal. Let's give the guy a chance! 


  9. 18 hours ago, Nightmare said:

    Not the most technically gifted player, but will run all day and try really hard. Can also cover pretty much any position on the pitch.

    If Gary Miller was a success at Carlisle, he should be fine, as I don’t think there’s a great deal of difference in their abilities.


    Good move for Christie. Will be making decent money and gets to move closer to home.

    Genuinely sorry to see Christie go. 

    Have thought he was under rated and although I agree his crossing of the ball could at times had been better it shouldn't be forgotten that for a few seasons he, with Callun Booth, made up one of the best attacking wingback partnerships in the SPL. 

    He always played for the Jersey unlike some of his team mates who just seemed to disappear the minute a game turned against us. 

    Wishing him all the best for his future career. Welcome back to Firhill anytime. 

  10. I see that GC in yesterday's interview with the Glasgow Herald/Evening Times is saying among other things that PTFC  can't live in the past and that a that after two years of fighting relegation the dynamic of the dressing room needs to change. 

    A vague justification for letting players go, especially Doolan. 

    If he signs Boyd and or Miller I think GC is demonstrating that's exactly where he is living....... In the past! 

  11. The Kris Doolan situation has stimulated me to become an active member rather than just an occasional visitor to this thread. 

    1.  I think that like it or not we have to respect that managers will and at times must make unpopular decisions. 

    2. The issue is how such decisions are implemented. In this case my view is badly. 

    3. As a long standing Jag, 50 odd years and although I will always be a jag, I do not like the 'different direction' we are apparently taking if it means we are treating our club legends the way Kris Doolan has been treated. 

    4. I am in no doubt both on and off the field Kris still had much to offer.  With the right support he will score goals, lots of goals. 

    5. We can be a good/nice club and still be successful




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