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  1. Haha. I suspect quite a few of us in the same boat.
  2. Bit off topic.. Looking to see if anyone has a spare ticket for the KM7 for 4th May? Adult or Kid happy to pay to upgrade so I can take the old man. Cheers
  3. Are we expecting anymore movement in or out before the window slams shut later? Another good window for JM in terms of the players he's managed to move out and Tait looks like a handy acquisition.
  4. Would largely agree with this. I'd probably add Hibs to this list. Went right off them when Stubbs was in charge of them and kept bad mouthing us in that title race. Maybe any team managed by Hartley too.
  5. How much are they? Might be something the equity bairns would want to sponsor, or potentially we could setup a crowd funder for them here.
  6. Thanks BB. I was certain they had a go pro or something similar recording from behind the net at one point. I must stress I still pay for the service regardless of the replays. If they could add goal replays that would really solve my main gripe. The behind the goals camera would also be good but it's not exactly essentially.
  7. At no point am I trying to pit the old regime against the new? I just said the new guys have a lot to learn, I'm sure/hope they will. The original comment was about cameras behind the goals which the old guys used to have, I also said they occasionally had a second camera in the KM7 stand. AND the big thing for me was the goal replays, clearly you don't like goal replays but for someone who has a 7 and 9 Yr old the replays are/were really helpful.
  8. I'd be Interested to hear from Lewis on it being the same person and the same camera. My understanding is they put a proposal forward to continue and the club chose the new crew instead. Not looking to start a disagreement just staying my opinion is I preferred the old setup. My issue with the replays is that I've always been used to Falkirk tv having replays and now they don't, so I get your point but i see it as a downgrade on what was on offer. I'm also sure one of the guys said the camera was now controlled by an xbox controller from a few rows down?
  9. I subscribe to the new Falkirk tv and the only positive I have about it is the new guy on commentary duties. I don't want to be overly critical because I appreciate we're currently in a Diddy league and they probably don't want to spend too much on it, but it certainly feels like the old Falkirk TV was more reliable, better angles, better replays and also occasionally they had some pre match stuff going on.
  10. Agreed. New TV providers have a lot to learn. Sure the old guys had cameras behind the goals and the odd camera up the back of the KM7 stand.
  11. Have to disagree with this. He's coaching kids and from two leagues above us. Guys 35 and planning for his future. I'm sure he's eager to get back and have a proper send off by helping us to win this league. One of the good guys imo.
  12. Apologies. Didn't realise I wasn't allowed to voice my opinion safely.
  13. I like Lewis. Lewis and the new guy would be a good duo. The new platform isnt up to much for me. No replays after goals, breaks alot, and uses Fifepay for subs.
  14. Bring back the old Falkirk TV guys. Keep the new commentator though.
  15. Fair comment. His recruitment this summer alone deserves alot of credit. Still worries me a little he doesn't seem to have a plan b and he's so reluctant to play two strikers.. But who am I to comment when his team are producing the goods. COYB
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