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Posts posted by 0Neils40yarder

  1. 9 hours ago, MJC said:

    Well each to their own. Personally I value supporting my own team more than I do hating/obsessing about Rangers/Sevco and a win for us would be about a win for us, not for Scottish football and to please all the Rangers obsessed moonhowlers who hate Rangers more than they love their own clubs. But as I said, each to their own.

    Oh, I'll be delighted alright, I'll be delighted for my team, but I'll also be delighted for anyone who hates the cocks as much as I do

  2. 2 hours ago, MJC said:

    I'd rather beat them because that would mean that Motherwell have won and have finally got a league win against Rangers after 17 years of failing to do so. The rest of Scottish football has nothing to do with this fixture and what happens in it, this is about us, no one else.

    I take great delight in anyone beating Sevco, so I'm more than happy to spread the wealth, should we do the damage at the weekend... Ya miserable tadger

  3. 8 hours ago, Luke92 said:

    Great interview with some really good insight!

    I hope you continue to do your 'unofficial podcast' as well. It's great the club is giving such access on a official platform but I do enjoy the more unoffical stuff as well.

    I know our media team like to 'control the narrative' but I think it's important - especially in times of trouble - that there is a more unoffical discussion around what is happening. I think your podcast has been a really good platform for this over the past year or so.

    On Cadden, interesting to see him thriving as a RB. Honestly shocked to see him do so well in this position.

    Anyone with a pair of eyes could see that was his best position. 


    On the transfer... The whole thing stinks to high heaven

  4. 1 minute ago, Swello said:

    It wouldn't fully finance it, correct but you'd have the Sale of Fir Park money as a big down-payment. I'm no expert - but I'd imagine that the rest would be made up of Grants, Sponsorship and other external funding - and a big f**k-off mortgage (assuming we're allowed one these days) to bridge the gap.

    So if we're going to rely on sponsorship and external funding, why don't we just do that to build a new main stand and stay where we are? 

  5. 1 minute ago, Swello said:

    It wouldn't fully finance it, correct but you'd have the Sale of Fir Park money as a big down-payment. I'm no expert - but I'd imagine that the rest would be made up of Grants, Sponsorship and other external funding - and a big f**k-off mortgage (assuming we're allowed one these days) to bridge the gap.

    So if we're going to rely on sponsorship and external funding, why don't we just do that to build a new main stand and stay where we are? 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Desp said:

    We'd be funding the building of a new stadium from the sale of the existing one. 

    If we are simply knocking down and rebuilding half of our current stadium, where is the money coming from to do this? Also, isn't a well known secret that the South Stand was built fairly poorly, as well? 

    The sale of FP will never stretch to a new rebuild, we would have to get some other financial backing, or go into debt. 



  7. 1 minute ago, Swello said:

    The the logic is that it would be more expensive to fully redevelop FP than to build new. If you take away the money that the sale of Fir Park would generate, you've got a big black hole in the finances needed to actually redevelop the ground in the first place... 

    We're going to have a blackhole regardless though, because the sale of our stadium won't finance a new build elsewhere 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Desp said:

    I don't have the answers mate.  There's a possibility that we end up with a St Mirren style effort, but my feeling is that we won't. I'm sure Alan Burrows has spoken informally in the past about the Scandinavian stadiums being an ideal template. 

    As for how much it'll cost, I haven't a clue. I don't have a scooby how much the land at Fir Park is worth either. However, I do have faith in those in charge that whatever funds we raise through the sale of FP, and if any further funds are generated through sponsorship etc, they'll be creative with the budget to ensure it's the best stadium possible for MFC and the fanbase.

    Of course, fixing and renovating FP would be my no.1 choice, but I'm also realistic to know that's not an option. 

    The last paragraph is the bit that I really don't get. Why isn't an option to redevelop Fir Park... Pull the main stand down and rebuild it? Tart up the East Stand? 

  9. 1 hour ago, Desp said:

    I love Fir Park as much as the next 'Well fan, but we need to realise that the place is in its final years. It costs a lot of money to maintain each year. 

    With regards to the new stadium, I'm assuming the land next to the new College is where we'd be looking? In saying that, I hope theres someway of improving the transport links as one through road would get very busy very quickly on a matchday. I remember there was chat about opening a train station in Ravenscraig. Is that still a possibility? 

    As for how the stadium will look, I've got every confidence, with the people in charge we currently have, it won't be a horrendous St Mirren style effort.  If you take the time to look around (certainly around Scandinavia) then you'll find great wee stadiums around the 10,000 mark which would be ideal for us. 

    I'm not sure how us selling Fir Park to a housing developer, would ever be enough to finance a new fitba ground... 


    ... Say we sell it for £10,000,000...which is probably being very generous, where does the rest of the cash come from for a 10,000 seater stadium that isnae just four wee breeze block and sheet cladding stands? 


  10. 4 hours ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    It's very strange a motherwell fan making up stats for a humping when you have only lost 3 in the last 6.
    The only humping came in the game when motherwell got a player sent off in the first half.
    I didn't say sevco wouldn't win but 4-1 for me is a bold prediction unless the mighty well get a player sent off.


    See this mighty well patter, gonnae bin it, ya patronising tadger? 

  11. 11 hours ago, BB_Bino said:


    I’m 39 years old, a fitness instructor, volunteer football coach, have a wife and 2 kids along with everything that comes with that and a full time job. Honestly think I have better things to be doing than coming on a football forum and typing up lies about a professional footballer.



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