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Everything posted by Malky3

  1. How long is a generation? Boris Johnson said that December's General Election was a "critical, once in a generation" vote. Five years then? Well both Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon elaborated at the time and went down the "once in a lifetime route" so really if we want to be literal I'd say we need to wait till everyone who voted in 2014 is dead.
  2. I am absolutely confident of a NO vote.
  3. Nothing - for a generation! Then after that if there was an obvious demonstrable majority for Independence then the question could be tested again. The SNP came up with the once in a generation spiel, not the Unionists. You can't have endless re-runs with you shifting the goalposts every five minutes. It just looks completely undemocratic.
  4. Beautifully done. That's them telt.
  5. Fair enough, but I should pick you up on one point. The only people who constantly talk Scotland down is the Nationalists. When you look at the GERs Figures for example - we know that the Scotland spends £12.6Bn more than we raise in revenue. The fact that we do so without generating a deficit is a benefit of the Union and of the Barnett Formula where we all get to share in the wealth generated by London and the South East. On my side of the debate everyone seems comfortable with that. London is one of the major financial centres in the world, and it's wealth is distributed around the UK. However the Nationalist see this in a very negative light. First it was a lie generated by the Westminster system. It's not. The GERs Report is compiled and published by the Scottish Governments own actuaries and advisers. Then they claimed it was an attack on Scottish people - it's not. Then they claimed that it was proof that the Scottish economy was being held back by the Union - it isn't. And finally they claimed that it's only with Independence that investment in Scotland will flourish - which no-one can possibly know for a fact but which seems highly unlikely especially if you are putting trade barriers between Scotland and our main market - which is the rest of the UK. Scotland within the Union does extremely well. We're seeing record levels of employment, low levels of unemployment, growing wage increases, low rates of inflation and we're very much a part of one of the richest economies in the world. It is only in the Nationalist mind that we should destroy all of that and risk 10 - 20 years+ real austerity (not the kiddy on stuff that the SNP claim the Tories have given us), higher taxation, and low levels of foreign investment.
  6. It costs around £11m to hold a Scottish Indy Referendum. If the SNP are willing to pay for it out of their own money I'd be more comfortable with the idea of us doing it all again just to tell the Nationalists to f**k off again. But when the expectation is that the taxpayer will keep funding these endless re-runs then its a naw from me.
  7. Oh FFS, weeks on and your still stuck on that loop. The most recent poll shows that the majority of Scots don't want another referendum. The majority of Scots who voted in the last election just over a month ago voted for Unionist parties. And just 6 years ago in a once in a generation referendum Scotland voted very clearly to reject Scottish Independence. The only people who continually refuse to accept the democratic will of the people of Scotland is the Scottish Nationalists.
  8. History has a terrible habit of repeating itself. I wouldn't be at all surprised if some on here started to defend these kind of actions too.
  9. Agreed. Stewart Campbell might well be a moron but he could be right about a change of leader at the SNP in April too. Alex Salmonds trial begins in March and one way or another it's going to be humiliating for the Nationalist movement, the SNP, and probably also for Nicola Sturgeon personally.
  10. I didn't wear badges, but I voted SNP in the Govan by election in 1988, and - I imagine I also probably voted SNP in the 1992 General Election. Which backs up what you are saying. We all did things we are embarrassed of as we get older.
  11. Absolutely agree. If we get through 2020 without any signs of the plague, petulance and famine that was predicted by the more extremist remain campaigners then I think Scottish Independence is a complete dead duck. The idea that the majority of Scots would vote for something that the poll shows most think would make us all worse off, particularly when we have stability and certainty in the status quo, is absurd and ridiculous. In the meantime though, I see that the Nationalists are out there trying their latest campaign to "persuade us" that Scottish Independence is the way to go. Sinister echos of 1930's Germany here but the "persuasion" hasn't changed my view one bit.
  12. Really? I thought it made OK reading. Scots clearly don't want a referendum and Scots, whether the support Independence or not, appear to believe that Independence would make us all worse off than we are in the United Kingdom.
  13. Change the record Malky, remove don't knows and it's a majority, as you well know. How are you going to "remove" the don't knows? Kick them out of the country? Shoot them? Gas chambers? It's not a majority.
  14. And here we go again! Nationalists hoping and praying that Scots lives are damaged so they might vote their way. Hoping and praying that Scotland is damaged, that families are put into poverty, and that Sottish businesses are endangered, all so they can tell us we might be better off with a border between us and England. I love my country, I'm glad like 55% I am on the site that wants the best for our people, our businesses and our financial futures. f**k your extremist views.
  15. The majority want a referendum in the next five years. You're a lying c**t, as per usual. Since when has 44% ever been a majority? Nationalists really are stupid.
  16. And yet in the same poll - Scots don't want a referendum Real Scots don't want Independence.
  17. And whilst I am providing reading material for the Nationalist cultists to try to spin on it's head. Here's an article from The Economist https://www.economist.com/britain/2020/01/25/alex-salmonds-trial-will-coincide-with-a-reassessment-of-the-snps-record From which we can extrapolate this
  18. TL:DR However this article is as balanced as it is spot on https://www.prospectmagazine.co.uk/politics/the-snp-is-failing-scotlands-schoolchildren-education-nicola-sturgeon If I can quote the final paragraph Here's another one on Scotland's lowest ever ranking on the PISA Results in Science and Maths https://inews.co.uk/news/scotland/pisa-results-2019-scotland-worst-ever-performance-science-maths-1331557 And this was in Nicola Sturgeons "top priority" in politics. Failing the nation. Devoid of ideas. Woefully incompetent across all area's of government. No wonder they can't convince 55% of Scots that we should go it alone.
  19. No, the new low is the Scottish Governments education figures. Catastrophic. Yet whilst they were failing Scottish kids, all they talked about in Parliament was what flag would be hung outside and about Indy Ref 2. As Jim Sillars warned - if the Nationalists can't start to make their case more convincing the 55% heroes will simply keep voting to stay within the UK. Sturgeon is having you all on and you are following her into the abyss.
  20. SNP MSP's vote for Independence Ref 2 on the same day that the news broke that the Scottish Government missed EVERY SINGLE EDUCATION TARGET it set for itself. What an embarrassing way to try to manage the news. https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1234957/nicola-sturgeon-news-SNP-latest-ruth-davidson-MSP-attainment-gap-times
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