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Beans on Toast

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Posts posted by Beans on Toast

  1. 36 minutes ago, virginton said:

    What vaccines have been proven to be unsafe in the long term? 

    A vaccine is not a drug. The only thing it is supposed to do is develop your own body's immune response to a specific bacteria/virus: we know how to do this and have known that it is a fundamentally safe technology to use for the best part of 200 years already. 

    On your first point, I believe there's a fair few. RotaShield's rotavirus for example. The majority of "unsafe" vaccines are ones with relatively minor side effects, I don't expect a Covid vaccine to kill me or make my arm fall off. But as I said, if Covid is unlikely to have much impact on me personally is it worth the risk? If you're in a high risk category you may feel this risk is small and Covid presents a much larger risk. In that case you'd be happy to take the likely safe vaccine.

    Your second point is correct. We do know how to do this. There are likely thousands of very clever people working on this right now. But that doesn't mean a vaccine that has not been trailled and tested in the same way as we have for every other vaccine for the last 50odd years should be treated the same as getting a flu jab.

  2. 6 hours ago, virginton said:

    What are the specific 'long term impacts' that you worry about? Excluding the always present - but extremely rare - chance of an allergic response or developing Guillain-Barre syndrome from an active vaccination, the only possibly 'negative' long term impact here is of not retaining immunity and being infected anyway. As of now though there is no inherent immunity unless you've already contracted the virus. 

    I don't know and to be honest that's the point. Obviously its unlikely to be anything like Thalidomide, but when I am in the low risk group for Covid, is it worth risking taking a vaccine which has not been proven to be safe long term?

    To clarify, I'm not some mad anti-vaxer, but I would worry about the longer term impacts of a drug which has been rushed to market.

  3. 4 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

    If we get a reliable vaccine I'd be happy to make more than just travel contingent on it.  Not admitting unvaccinated children into schools, withdrawing state benefits for vaccine refusers would be fine with me.  Going full Daily Express front page outrage is justified on this one IMO.

    There is other polling that shows a far higher support for taking a vaccine among black Americans but there is still a lag.  As you say, significant issues with their healthcare system now and in the past (legacy of Tuskegee perhaps) have caused this. 

    I think the issue is any vaccine available in the short term isn't going to be reliable. I'd certainly not want to take a vaccine where the long term impacts are not known. And I won't want my kids, who are likely to avoid the worst of it anyway, to take something thats been rushed through.

  4. Mrs Beans made some decent steaks the other night, after my first bite asks if I like it, I let her know its cooked just how I like it and very nice. Job done.

    After every second mouthful she has to go "mmmhm" in a way which, as a mad shagger, I regularly make her do most nights*

    At the end of the meal asks me again if I enjoyed it, I say of course I did, I told you. Apparently just saying I enjoyed the meal isnt enough and I need to make almost orgasmic noises after every mouthful like a simpleton. Why is me literally saying its good not enough?!

    Her father does this as well, accompanied by a "braw" and it does my tits right in. When eating I should stress, no idea what noises he makes at night.

    *hasn't done for many, many years and jealous a steak can.

  5. 44 minutes ago, Mayos Noun said:

    Anyone else bored of Fifa now? It’s constant god squads everywhere and people still parking the bus.

    It’s baffling.

    Yeah I've not played in about 4 weeks. Just been doing the squad buldiers on my phone when bored at work.

    Can't really be arsed with UT again, but I do have a bit of a fifa itch. Might do a career for something to do, but I've heard its dreadful. Anyone bothered with that mode?

  6. 1 hour ago, Forest_Fifer said:

    Android? (The phone, not you)
    Click on username on a post to get their info, 3 dots in the top right corner, click to get option to ignore or block.

    I was worried I wasn't going to get it there and have to ask again. But I thought this thread had enough morons spouting the same questions over and over. So I took a few mins to read your post again, absorbed its point, and got there in the end. Thank you.

  7. 28 minutes ago, Aim Here said:

    If you're on a PC, hover your mouse cursor over 8GamesToGo's username or userpic, and a popup window comes up with the option to ignore him. Hope this helps.

    Are you some type of detective? How could you possibly know...

    Thank you, but what if you're the type of scumbag who is on their phone and cba booting up an old aptop?

  8. 23 minutes ago, Iminavest said:

    Many folk run through the bronze>silver>gold>rare upgrades?

    Tedious shite but some decent output from basically discard silvers.

    I'm doing while I'm at work. Got Pique and Pjanic from it so far. Decent fodder.

  9. What annoys me even more than getting beat by some p***k shhhing the camera is having to pay 15k for a silver padeborn stricker. Should not have left them for last. Knew it'd be bad but christ on a bike it's annoying.

  10. Normal Messi is around 330k on the PS4. I can just afford that.

    For those that have used him, is he worth it? I am so tempted.

  11. 45 minutes ago, Sauzee#4 said:

    Mariano is far too good for that fate

    I fully agree with this. I feel dirty saying it, but he has replaced GMS for me.

  12. 2 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    I shall give it a try tonight and see what happens.

    If I'm on here having a meltdown you'll know it went poorly.

    Win win for me then. Either my good deed for the day or I get to enjoy someone else's meltdown.

    But I suppose, on balance, I hope it works out for you. Others can provide the meltdown (Hey Sidney).

  13. 14 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Really noob question, but do people notice a difference between playing folk as a LM/RM and a LW/RW.

    I'm dependent on player getting best my lone striker, but like 3 central midfielders.

    Kroos isnt great at being an AM or a DM, so ideally play him as a CM beside two DMs, and have players closer to the striker. 

    Going to try Hazard and Ocampos as LW/RW and see what happens, but worried my full backs get roasted.

    Have you tried the 433 formation with LF and RF? Narrow, but it worked for me a while back. Only changed it to fit in some other players.

  14. 44 minutes ago, Wardy said:

    I’m fearful for your tele hanging over the edge like that. 😂

    I was thinking the same thing. I couldn't handle that.

  15. Massive heads gone for me last night. Not like me but I was very close to smashing a controller.

    I go through phases of playing fifa and spent what was, for me, a lot of coin to get that 92 de gea to finally upgrade my gold Ederson. Had him for ages and he had never really let me down until the last couple of weeks. Figured it was just there are more really good cards about so hes poorer by comparison.

    First game with the bold David he's not great but I win, give him the benefit of the doubt. 2nd, hes at fault for all 3 goals as I lose 3.2, including having a weak shot go straight through him. Never seen any gk have a game like it. He looks and plays like a hairy wet noodle.

    I hate him, but I don't know what to do with him.

  16. 10 hours ago, Jaggy Snake said:

     Tradeable. Worth 10.7 mill according to Futbin - probably 11 if I sell without using him.

    Bring on the hate.


    So you packed him and 99 KDB in the same day?! You absolutle monster. I do hate you. 

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