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Rob Smith

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Posts posted by Rob Smith

  1. 2 hours ago, faither said:

    It may be worth considering an early sale of season tickets. I know that simply delays the problem but it would help cashflow from now until the end of the season.

    At the same time the club should get its creative thinkers setting up income generating activities that don't involve physical attendance at events.

    I'd be very reluctant simply to contribute cash to a "Save EF Fund" unless there was a clear commitment from the majority shareholder Ms Twigg to contribute too - at least on a matching basis.

    Although the club means a lot to us and the community it is still under the private control of an individual and if she can't make the effort to help save her own asset then why should the ordinary supporter 

    100% spot on! 

  2. 31 minutes ago, King Kebab said:

    For the Club’s sake, I hope they sell hunners of them and fill the coffers, but personally I still think it’s rank!!!

    Yep, agree and hope the club make some decent money from the sale of possibly the ugliest East Fife top I’ve ever seen. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Big Fifer said:

    I've completely misread the original point on generating income for the community. In my foaming at the mouth, holier than thou rage I read it as sponsorship generation. The figures themselves, whilst still fairly high, are not as mental now I see the context.  However the more arbitrary "subjective wellbeing" value of £4.15m for Ayr, for example, seems far far too high and I am not entirely sure how they quantify that. It definitely has some value, christ knows what I'd think/complain about on a day to day basis were it not for fitba so my "subjective wellbeing" is influenced but I have no idea how to assign a cash value to that. I'd be more interested in the figures that you can actually see the logic behind, for example the income at the local pubs on matchdays. I think that's the kind of thing clubs should be highlighting.

    Studies like this are run from the SFA so are of course likely to be heavily skewed to favour how great the financial outcomes are of fitba, so "wellbeing" won't interest the community in terms of paying £200 or whatever for a sign. Being able to say to the Brig for example, look how many pints are bought in here on a Saturday because of our club, get behind us, is more likely to work (though should be worded a lot nicer!). 

    Great post! You would be an asset to the club in some sort of  corporate advisory capacity. 

  4. I never said he parked the bus but there has been occasions where a more cautious approach has been adopted. Is it a coincidence who the 2 fans questioning my opinion are? 
    For what it’s worth, I questioned a Rovers fan on their Falkirk game thread after he said that them and Falkirk are the best footballing sides in the league by a mile! That reeks of typical Lino arrogance, considering , at this stage of the season, they are only 5 points ahead of 4th place. 
    I genuinely feel we have the squad that can really go for it and challenge for the title rather than hoping we get a play off spot. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Angusfifer said:

    The most pleasing thing about this win is that clearly Airdrieonians are no mugs. They had decent spells of possession throughout the game. 

    Just as I refuse to get despondent after disappointing performances I equally think that improvements can be made after our most complete league showing to date.

    But the positives were all there to be seen; quick out of the blocks, great variation between possession football, getting the ball into the channels early and good pressing from the back. For the most part the back four were excellent.

    Only the one negative. Game management at 4-0 up. Keep possession, no need to commit too many players forward. Keep your shape and invite the the opposition to leave gaps at the back.

    9 out of 10 performance though. Bring on the Raith...

    Angus for Manager! 

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