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Everything posted by port-ton

  1. With all due respect mate, what more can you do than press the shoot button? I think this post perfectly sums up why you couldn't score many of your 27 shots.
  2. Can't help but feel I'm only watching this now out of routine. It's all getting pretty dull. Actually starting to miss RTD and David Tenant.
  3. He seems to be thriving in the reaction he gets now, whereas before i don't think he was ever really sure how he was supposed to act towards them. He's really grown on me recently.
  4. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/83218371/ Relive all the RAW glory in a glorious 8 minutes.
  5. Can't remember the last time there was a crowd that made the commentators basically stop commentating just to talk about them. From the moment Cena broke from the script to talk about them it's been all about the crowd.
  6. As good as this raw has been, my favourite moment has still been Big-E Langston elbowing AJ in the face when he was making his way to the ring.
  7. That was so much better than him just coming out and beating Del Rio's injured leg and pinning him. I was absolutely shitting myself at points, surely even the WWE couldn't f**k up what what the fans wanted that badly? But for a minute you thought they actually might!
  8. I never remember previous episodes enough to notice little details that might lead to story lines later on. I'm kind of glad though considering about 4% of them end up being true.
  9. Silver Linings Playbook It's been a great couple of weeks for me with movie watching choices with Detachment and The Perks of Being a Wallflower, so i picked a safe choice that i knew i at least wouldn't hate. Really quite enjoyed this. The performances from Cooper and Lawrence are great. After 5 minutes of Lawrence being on screen i was wondering why plenty of people think she's the sexiest woman alive etc, but by the end of the movie i had fallen completely in love with her, rather than her character. The film didn't hit me emotionally as much as i thought it was going to based on some reviews i'd read/seen, but it was a very enjoyable way to spend a couple of hours and at no point was i bored. Not sure what my next choice of movie will be, but i'm hoping my good run will continue. A nice solid 7/10
  10. What happened the rest of the show after fandango came out? That's when I went to bed.
  11. If Daniel Bryan and Ziggler had been handled differently they could have been the biggest main eventers in the company just now. Those two and Cm Punk are as talented in the ring as anyone in years and have the personality to go all the way to the top. I'd much rather watch them than Triple H, Brock Lesnar and The Rock. I don't have the faith in the WWE creative team that they will ever get Ziggler and Bryan there, and even if they wanted to it might be too late.
  12. Also you notice the time at these times, and then try to over think your play or defending, and then panic when something doesn't go right and the domino effect leads to conceding a goal. Plus against another human it had the opposite effect. They notice the time and concentrate fully on every pass they make or dribble etc. When you combine their concentration and your panic, then there's only one outcome
  13. I think i love Fandango's partner.
  14. The perks of being a wallflower This is a film that i'd heard decent things about and always wanted to give it a watch but wasn't sure if i would enjoy it.I had the image of this film being completely up itself and trying to be edgy and cool which was putting me off. Well i watched it, and i absolutely loved it.....like more than i love almost any movie i've watched. I don't know why it hit all the right buttons for me but it did. The pacing was fantastic, so much so that i thought to myself that i wanted the film to go on for another 2 hours. Now of course if it had continued for another 2 hours i'd have probably got bored and hated how much filler there was, but i just loved the world so much and wanted to see more of it. The acting performances were incredible, especially from Ezra Miller and Logan Lerman. I haven't seen any films Lerman has been in and although i'd heard great things about his performance i hadn't seen Miller in ' We need to talk about Kevin'. Emma Watson was good too, but not at the level the two guys were at, they absolutely stole the scene everytime they were on screen. The chemistry between the three of them, and including their friends were excellent, the dialogue was really good and the use of flashbacks were really smartly done. I love me a coming of age movie, but this was a lot darker than your usual coming of age movies, but still funny and natural and emotional. I can't praise it enough. I can't put my finger exactly on why i loved it so much, but i guess that's a compliment in itself as there is no technical reason for me to think it's the best film i've seen in years, but i do. I'm not one to watch films more than once like a lot of people, at least not for a few years as i find it boring, but i can see me watching this again just to experience that world again. 10/10
  15. As good as Paul Heyman is, and a good at selling things he is, if the crowd doesn't give a f**k like they didnt last night then his over the topness just makes a segment even more painful to watch.
  16. Missed the first hour again sake. Doesn't seem like i've missed much though to be fair.
  17. Detachment An Adrian Brody film about a substitute teacher who goes to the worst school in the area and gets his class to learn something. Seems like a story that's been told a million times, but this film is nothing like your uplifting overcoming adversity movies of which there have been so many. It's dark, thought provoking, tragic and intelligent and Adrian Brody puts in absolute masterclass of a performance. I've not seen him in much because i've never really liked the sound of many of his movies, but he was sensational in this. The thing that i noticed most about this movie was that i couldn't take my eyes off the screen. There's very few movies that i've watched where it has 100% kept my attention the whole way through, staring at the screen. The way the story is told is brilliant, the directing, editing, acting performances are all amazing. Watching all the different relationships Brody has with people on screen has been one of the best times i've ever movie watching experiences i've ever had. It's hard to find much fault in this film, and it's certainly one that caught me off guard as i was just wanting something to watch due to boredom. I'd thoroughly recommend it to anyone. 9/10
  18. Just to make things clear. Our owner isn't a father made entirely of sugar.
  19. If only it wasn't for the fact that it wasn't even the worst segment in tonights Raw.
  20. I agree with that tbh. Firstly for a " dancer " he looked as if he had no rhythm and how to dance with a female. Secondly and more importantly he seemed like an amateur who practiced in front of his mirror his whole life thinking he was excellent when in reality he's got no comedy timing and completely oversells the schtick, and not in a so bad it's good way.
  21. Surely they must be able to see how terrible it is. Then again you'd expect them to see how terrible it is before ever taking the idea off the page.
  22. Oh FFS. Then i turn it on to whatever that was there. The least interesting piece of wrestling entertainment ever.
  23. what happened in the first 45 mins? didn't realise it started early.
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