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Everything posted by SteamingparBoz

  1. Well thankfully you won't base your life on any Ultimate Warrior promos or you'd be stabbing yourself in the head with a fork.
  2. I'm probably not the best person to ask, as I had left High School, done and HNC in the subject and had been working for about 3 years. However, this years prospectus says you need 4 Highers and Standard Grade Maths. I've absolutely no idea how close they stick to this to be honest as I only have one Higher- Accountancy. Best to stick in, give it your all and don't go into your exams half arsed like I did Great city to live in though, PM me if you've got any questions or that
  3. I apologise for him, he's a complete amateur
  4. I started it a few years ago but going back to finish, what makes you say that though?
  5. Really, Forehead? *sigh* On the bright note, I'll be delighted about Angle's mistress if it's true and I'll be letting Baracus know all about it X Division get's shat on once again. I'm not really a long term follower of TNA but I do know they have a lot of good talent there and it's being wasted on WWE rejects and has-been mid carders. Especially Jeff Jizzit, absolute CNUT I hate him beyond words for all the tv time that's getting wasted on him.
  6. Impact is worth watching if only for 2 reasons: 1: let some steam off at the screen for the sh*te that Hogan, Pishoff and Russo are STILL conjuring up all these years later 2: Scott Steroids absolutely retarded rants! Something about badminton and basketball last night
  7. looking at some of these pictures, shouldn't this be merged with the incest thread?????
  8. Aberdeen Uni this September for Accountancy
  9. What ever happened to Rick Steiner? Woof Woof Woof
  10. Fair enough about Bubba pushed as a heel but they really need to start pushing younger talent. Personally I loved Kurt Angle when he was heel in the WWE. Whilst it's on my mind I thought Steiners in the ring promo with Morgan was hilarious due to the fact he could hardly string a fucking sentence together then came up with such bad lines as Baracus previously mentioned
  11. I'm with DA Baracus on Impact. It's so bloody bad it's worth watching to take the utter pish out of it. It's just a shame that fuckwits like Hogan, Pishoff and that CCCCCCCUNT Jeff Jarrett hog most of the tv time. He's a f*cking midcard player at best the utter pr1ck. There's a LOT of talent in TNA, AJ Styles perhaps the most noticable and it's getting wasted on ex-WWE midcarders like Bubba Ray and Matt Hardy, the cold blooded one. Maybe it's so cold that his absolutely abysmal charisma skills have frozen over. The X Division has been shat on and it's a damn shame. It's just like WCW all over again, but even worse. Have to say, I loved RVD's ripping of Hogan last week, a leg drop won't cut it nowadays etc tell the old c*nt how it is lad!!
  12. Cena turning heel is like Will Smith bring out a gangsta rap album, talking about bitches, hoes and shooting up the police
  13. Only managed WWE Legends of Wrestlemania so far. Would dearly love to get 100% on Assassins Creed 1+2 but I can't seem to find the last flag in a couple of places and I am utterly lost trying to throw sand in 5 different guards faces on 2.
  14. I watched This is England and it's truely horrifying that we have some of the kind of people in Britain that have such extreme views.
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