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Bridie Vision

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Everything posted by Bridie Vision

  1. We've got more than 11 players signed so Ray will be happy now for us to challenge for 9th in League Two.
  2. Looks like we're playing Brechin on 29th June according to Brechin's socials. Wonder what other friendlies will be arranged, if any!
  3. They never say what the fee is. Perhaps it's two cans of Irn-Bru and a Saddlers Bridie?
  4. Now we're in June and contracts have expired, do you think Forfar will be signing anyone soon or just wait until later in the window?
  5. Is that everyone from last season now informed whether they are staying or have left? That's actually quite efficient in Forfar terms
  6. I think it will be sky blue due to this quote from the Hutchi announcement: "Hopefully his career will continue to blossom in a Sky Blue shirt."
  7. Good for him to get some coaching experience although who knows if Ray is a good mentor for him.
  8. Well we never used the midfield last season so makes sense to only have CBs and two strikers
  9. Arbroath have released their released list. Do you think we'll be sniffing around any of those players?
  10. I pity any Forfar fans who bewilderingly went to watch the game today.
  11. "We were unlucky. I think the lads played really well and deserved to win the game. The scoreline heavily flatters the hosts." - Ray McKinnon "We were s**** and deserved a drubbing to sum up the season." - majority of Forfar fans.
  12. I agree, we can't play the injury card when you look at other teams this season in all the leagues. Clyde have had more injuries than us, and look at Arbroath they had their 2nd choice keeper play out field because they could only name 3 on the bench (I'll ignore the fact Ali Adams scored a 30 yard screamer in his "outfield outing"). Skelly has had a few injuries but they've been 2 or 3 weeks at a time at most. You're right Thommo has been our longest absentee (since the club have erased Daz from history) and whilst he did have an injury his absence was mostly due to firefighter training. However, it's not surprising the way the board have worded this. We all know that not being relegated is viewed as successful for this club. When we inevitably go down to the Highland League I imagine the first season the target will be "get into the pyramid playoff" if that doesn't happen then the club will be happy to mingle with Nairn, Keith and Inverurie for midtable boredom.
  13. Will Forfar's "brilliant display" from last week continue tomorrow?
  14. Well Forfar have had a resignation this week, although not the one most fans were asking for.
  15. Completely agree about Daz. Clyde announced his end of loan but Forfar made no comment. I know people said Daz and Ray didn't get on, but at least inform us of what happened, I'm assuming he's just sitting out his contract at home, not training or anything.
  16. I don't think all fans think these players are world beaters but they will be decent to good players in a competent League Two squad. As previously mentioned, I fully expect them to join teams who finished above Forfar. But supposedly we dump every single player except for Marc, Rusty & Matty who are under contract and we manage to get Morrison to stay. Do you think we'll sign 18-20 players who are all massive upgrades on what we currently have?
  17. Forfar's version of the highlights. https://youtu.be/bbytCkY1sSU
  18. Adam Hutchinson, only whispers from fans, no solid evidence. I thought you lads might be interested in Nditi as well, but perhaps he's going to England.
  19. I understand you're reasoning but I ask you, why will all these departing players likely (with the exception of Skelly) join teams that finished above Forfar? If rumours are to be believed the players mentioned are probably off to Peterhead, Montrose, an Edinburgh based team (so probably Edinburgh City or Spartans) etc.
  20. Just proves how we have become a feeder club to Lochee, looking forward to the Forfar v Lochee derby in the Highland League in a couple years time. We've known Hutchi was away, also not surprising to see the likes of Seb & Nditi departing, I would hazard a guess that if we'd had a more successful season top 4 all year or better they'd maybe stay but those two are definitely destined for football at a higher level. It has felt like this was Munro's last season and I'm glad he vastly improved his form to depart on good terms. Honestly, I thought Skelly might choose to stay knowing this is probably his last chance at the SPFL, but agree he's better suited to the junior game. As for Ray, there's no chance the board will dispose of him, this season will be viewed as a success because we're not 10th (how ambitious ) surely the only way Ray leaves is if he blags an assistant manager gig somewhere else.
  21. Forfar playing well, nice passes and good pressing, so surely that means we'll sit back and concede two goals in the second half. But I'm enjoying my afternoon so far! PS- can Skelly please stay onside!
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