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Everything posted by AndyDD

  1. https://www.airdriefc.com/2122-news/220223/captain's-comments Big fan of this. Really hope we get a decent turn out on Saturday. The squad and staff are well worthy of it and we definitely owe clyde one after that draw last month. Players will be keen to put that right and keep the pressure on Cove, who might find themselves facing a new manager bounce at Alloa.
  2. "“My expectations are simple: Win the next game we play. There’s nothing more important than that." Quite right, Brian. Quite right.
  3. Airdrieonians 5-1 Clyde Alloa Athletic 2-1 Cove Rangers Falkirk 1-1 East Fife Peterhead 2-0 Dumbarton Queen's Park 1-1 Montrose
  4. Yeah, a minor wobble, but a wee wobble nonetheless. Still on an unbeaten run so no illusions on this end that the bottles have completely crashed, but it did very much feel that Airdrie finished the stronger side in that game and looked the only team that was going to get a winner in the last quarter of the game. That we have gone and pumped Montrose whilst Cove failed to beat ten men, cutting the gap further, cranks up the pressure a wee bit, so it will be telling how Cove respond. A return to winning ways against Falkirk would hand the momentum back to the league leaders, for sure. As it stands, they have stalled a bit with the three draws. Big, big game for Cove, one that I'll definitely have an eye on for obvious reasons.
  5. Aye, fair to say that'd be ideal, but a draw would be fine anawl, as long as we do our job in Peterheid. Just looking for Cove to drop points anywhere, really. They do seem to be wobbling and we finished the stronger the other week. Cut out your pishy midfield and get it up to that Kabia as often as possible, please. If Griffiths want to pick this game as the time he gets a nostalgia-inducing freekick, then that would be welcome, too. I think you're right, there's nae danger of Falkirk catching Cove or us, or even Montrose unless the arse really does fall out of them. All about trying to pip QP to that last playoff spot. They've a healthy GD advantage over you (wonder how that happened...) so that's as good as a point, too. With QP going to East Fife, you have to assume that the former Hampden dwellers will take all three points (regardless of the Ferguson killing result at Alloa) so Falkirk won't want to let that gap become 6 and GD. Anything other than a Cove win would be absolutely delightful, so best of luck. They're a good side, so you'll need it. Definitely winnable for yous, though.
  6. Every time you see those goals, man. What a statement win that is. Delighted for Gal to get two good goals, one a sublime strike, the other a great bit of improv (after a gorgeous cross from Easton) from a man who often hits form at the right time for us. Brody Patterson looks like yet another excellent loan find under Murray, Dycey and Kerr were excellent (bar the one silly challenge for the penalty) and Watson stepped in very well, taking his first goal with great gusto. What a hit. Smith worked hard and was unlucky not to make the early Patterson cross in the first half and to be denied by an excellent tackle in the second after Gal played him in brilliantly. Maybe should have hit it first time. His work rate and pace gave them something to worry about all day, though. Wasn't even Frizzell's best game but he still put in a power of work, played well and scored a header, of all things. Huge marker laid down and Cove having another wobble was a welcome wee boost, even if many of us seen it coming given the QP propensity for a draw. Another favour from Falkirk next week and we really are cooking. Win these next two games and what a start to 2022 it would be. The players, the manager and the staff all deserve huge credit for the form we're showing. Hopefully we get a decent crowd in for the next home game. A win in Peterheid will hopefully set that up further. They deserve a good backing. Looking ahead, March is set to be some month. You can tell the squad believe. I know I do. Bring it on.
  7. Cove Rangers 1-2 Falkirk Dumbarton 1-1 Alloa Athletic East Fife 1-2 Queen's Park Montrose 2-1 Clyde Peterhead 0-3 Airdrieonians
  8. I don't think Cove will win 9 points out of 9 in their remaining February games (Home to QP and Falkirk, Away to Alloa) so it's imperative we do and close that gap to some degree (We are Home to Montrose, Away to Peterhead and Home to Clyde). If we can win all three, and if I'm right that Cove don't, then March looks set to be a crucial and possibly decisive month in the title race. First things first, get a win over Montrose. It won't be easy by any means, but we are definitely capable of winning the game. The players should take confidence from that second half performance and if we can get a goal during our customary fast start at home, I fancy us to get ourselves some revenge. We're definitely a better side than we were on the opening day of the league campaign, that's for sure.
  9. I'd have thought that beating Cove was a must but, upon reflection, I'm fairly content with that point. 7 is not a huge gap and I don't see Cove winning all their remaining games. Had we lost it was over, but I don't think catching them is beyond us quite yet. It does make the QP draw, and especially that damn clyde result, all the more frustrating. We merited the draw, I think that's fair to say. We have it in us to beat them when they come down the road, too. I was excited when the rumblings of Moffat joining on loan were first felt on here, so a shame if that has indeed fallen through, especially when I think we would benefit significantly from having a different attacking option to complement what we've already got. I hope very much Gabby does make it to the squad on Saturday as he does offer something different to Gal, Smithy and Allan. Massive game ahead this weekend, against a side who have had our number in the two prior fixtures but who, again, I think we're more than capable of beating. If QP want to throw in another draw in their fixture, that'd be lovely as well.
  10. Airdrieonians 2-1 Montrose Alloa Athletic 1-0 East Fife Clyde 0-1 Dumbarton Cove Rangers 1-1 Queen's Park
  11. Really liked him, seemed to get better the more he played. Likes to burst forward from the midfield and looked very much at home in a quick-passing football side. He did have a very good midfield around him (relative to his division) which complemented his strengths (and vice versa) and he would on occasion be caught dallying on the ball. He also got caught out of position in some games, but he was clearly improving on that over time. Overall, he was excellent and was really starting to stand out even amongst a very strong midfield. How do Ayr play? A lot of the ball and a dominant midfield? On a good surface? Ball on the deck? If so, good signing who will do well. If not, then I have absolutely no idea.
  12. An uncharacteristically sluggish start, sporadic periods of good pressing, a miss that smacked gobs right across the stadium, an horrifically bad pitch and a searingly bad hangover; not my favourite ever day at the fitba. The game was pretty poor, with both sides failing to really do that much with the ball. They played like I felt. Airdrie unable to nick it towards the end despite some late pressure. Opportunity missed again, but no ground lost, so hopefully we are a lot fresher next week.
  13. Cove Rangers 1-2 Airdrieonians East Fife 1-0 Clyde Falkirk 1-1 Queen's Park Montrose 2-0 Dumbarton Peterhead 1-1 Alloa Athletic
  14. Our chance conversion rate can't be too high, I wouldn't think. We create a lot in every game but have never scored more than 3 this season. Cove likely create less but convert a higher proportion. As I said earlier, we've only three forwards which, for a team that plays two from the start, isn't sustainable. Those games between boxing day and McInroy going included matches against the bottom three, which skews things significantly, given the other two games have been against 5th and 6th placed sides, so i'm not convinced his absence from the midfield made a huge difference to our concession of those four goals. I agree with you, it would be great to get McInroy in. It would be brilliant to get him and a forward in. That being said, if it came down to one or the other, I think we need to consider that our midfield is already our best area. I think on balance we need another option in the forward area to complement the three we have available, more than we need another attacking midfielder. What further business we do, if any, will be largely determined by what is actually available in the remainder of the window and if they are actually an enhancement to the squad or not, so that's going to come into it. We'll not really know until and unless they are brought in, I guess.
  15. No I suppose that one is largely on the club, but it would have been a win win for everyone involved had the SFA allowed QP to continue in Hampden. Hardly booked out every second Saturday. I suppose Firhill is still in Glasgow, which might have been something they'd have wanted. Maybe Broadwood? I dunno. Hamilton as fair a shout as any I suppose.
  16. Ach I know, but options would have been quite limited, I imagine. Personally felt QP should have been allowed to use Hampden until Lesser Hampden was ready, but that was always seemingly a non-starter, which is unfortunate.
  17. Yeah, inevitable consequence of the amount of games being played on it. Not the fault of QP. Just the way it is. As I was saying in my post, not likely to get any better and quite likely to get worse. More of a problem for us given how we like to play this season than it might have been in other years. Hey ho.
  18. This is heartening. Please do not alter this very sporting approach.
  19. The pitch isn't going to be any better than it was in the cup match versus Thistle, and will likely be worse, so that's a concern for our style of play, but with a bit of ruthlessness we should have enough to win this. Expect it'll be a narrow scoreline again though, if not another draw. Might take that one bit of quality, like the last time. QP at serious risk of dropping out the top 4 but we really need to try and get another win and lose no further ground on Cove, especially after Tuesday. If we could try and defend crosses with a modicum of competence, that'd be lovely anawl.
  20. Ultimately our midfield is without question our strongest area of the park. Guys like Easton, Frizzell, Scott McGill and McCabe are goal scoring midfielders capable of that bit of match-winning magic and of controlling games, opening up teams and dictating tempo. With Salim sidelined for the long term and Gabby McGill still likely to be away for a few weeks yet, we are running with Gal, Smithy and Allan as forwards. That's it. I don't think having three available forwards, when we start every game with two, is sustainable. You want at least two forward options on the bench, ones who hopefully have different attributes too, so that you can use them as best suits the circumstances of the game if and when you need or want to change things up.
  21. I think his agency also represents a cupla Airdrie players as their agents.
  22. I'd take Kerr McInroy back, of course, he's a very good player and did very well for us, but I'd see it as a bonus now. We need to try and get another forward in, as hard as that is going to be. We've only got three available as it stands.
  23. Really did blow it last night, missing an excellent opportunity to cut the gap to a much more surmountable looking 5 points, but defending like that gets you punished, even when the opposition aren't up to much. Nearly gifted them a winner, too, if Tade had elected not to go for the spectacular and took his time. He could have taken a few touches. Whilst we dominated the game, for all our good football, we didn't put it out of sight they way we did in the two games last season. Pathetic defending for both goals, but in truth the backline looked shaky all evening and a better side than clyde punish us earlier and more often. I'd love a deadly striker, but since those are thin on the ground in January, I think the focus has to be on getting the defensive frailty and lack of composure sorted out. We always look likely to score a goal or two, so it really is criminal to concede so many goals, so very cheaply.
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