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Everything posted by Millarman

  1. With opinions like that it wouldn't surprise me if he was.
  2. Do you think it is okay for people that could work but are just too lazy or cannot be bothered is okay ? It is people that do work paying for them.
  3. Seriously ? And you are free to walk the streets.
  4. No he is not. There is far too many people on benefits that could easily work but are lazy gits that cannot be bothered. You know that though.
  5. Says so much. It is okay to abuse people Okay then.
  6. 100% true. Why you lot would think that I would make that up beggars belief.
  7. He does alright out of benefits. Rent paid, council tax paid, enough money for Sky tv. He is just a lazy bum thet can't be bothered working. He freely admits that.
  8. I didn't say that The guy us just a lazy git that is quite happy living off benefits.
  9. It most probably will be. As long as the Conservatives get a majority it will not matter.
  10. Same as my other half and myself. We both work hard. Our neighbour has not worked for over three years. He is fit and healthy and is or was a qualified plumber. Speaking to him he says he can't be bothered working as the dole pay his rent, council tax and he gets good benefits. He has Sky tv and up until a couple of months ago ran a car. The guy is fit and healthy and could easily work if he wanted to. And you would never believe this but he has a poster to vote for Dave Doogan of the snp in his window. Really annoys me that people like him get away with it.
  11. Yes, only if you're a w**k mind Says a lot about the independence movement.
  12. Shut it you w**k You lot are hilarious Are you not allowed to be against independence on here ?
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