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Carnoustie Young Guvnor

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Posts posted by Carnoustie Young Guvnor

  1. 8 minutes ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

    That's an absolutely fine position to take, as is that espoused by the likes of VT that this is an issue of non-critical importance at the moment and should never have been allowed to become a wedge issue in the first place. However, it's the same crocodile tears argument to which genuinely phobic people pivot when they realise that their views aren't well-received, before some dribbling pish about being terrified of being cancelled. We've seen in recent times on here a certain member going from some fairly rabid transphobic commentary to now mewling about how you're not allowed to have a polite discussion about it without being labelled a bigot. Absolutely correct to have the polite discussion, but some folk are clearly just covering their backs.

    Have we?  Lets see you post one transphobic thing said member has ever posted then.....

  2. 6 minutes ago, AMMjag said:

    An impetus on both sides for grown-up conversation - as opposed to twitter screaming matches - and an agreed, unified stance on how the case for independence can be best presented seems like the sensible approach to take just three months before an election of this magnitude. Whatever your thoughts on Cherry, driving an axe into already bitter, pointless factions, is monumentally stupid and it all has a very unpleasant New Labour feel.


    That's not gonna happen. The woke Nazis do not tolerate any dissent whatsoever. You can't even ask a question, ask for clarification or explanation, express any dissent.  You comply fully with their beliefs, and that's what they are just beliefs not facts, or you're a bigot. That's it, end of story. So any hope for a grown-up conversation is forlorn.

    I've asked before on here can anyone give an example of even one transphobic thing Joanna Cherry has ever said or done in her entire life and nobody can give even one example. That tells you where we are.

    Read why Andy Wightman left the Greens, same thing.

  3. 1 minute ago, tirso said:

    Is there a party for folk that are bemused by the cherry 'faction' AND the 'student' politics faction that abuses anyone they don't like?  Snp needs to grow up.

    I think a split is coming. The best hope is that NS has to step down in a few weeks, then the party could maybe begin to be repaired.

  4. 7 minutes ago, tirso said:

    Women that have sincere concerns about gender ID are branded bigots and others on both sides of the debate are intolerant of anyone having a different view to them.

    SNP officialdom is a joke just now.  I can see why Sturgeon has decided to take action and try to move on. 

    Yes movement was massively helped by a progressive attitude to equality and she's keen for that to continue.  Rather than be tarred as just nationalism.  My hope too but challenge is to still facilitate debate on difficult issues and not just take the easy option.  There does appear to be a more intolerant feel about the snp just now.  I believe some are overzealous.  I used to be strident in my youth but didn't have the ability to brand people as bigots on social media for simply disagreeing.  A lot of activists put me right off independence.  Losers that would argue in an empty room.

    Yeah, even to want to discuss certain aspects or ask questions get you immediately branded a bigot. Dissent of any form is not tolerated.  Its amazing people can't see how dangerous that is.

    Cherry's only 'crime' is to believe biology is real. She doesn't want to take any rights away from trans people, or deny them the right to live their lives how they please.  And she is someone who has fought for equal rights all her adult life and faced decades of discrimination herself.  Its very sad this is the hill that Scottish independence is going to die on, laughable though really not funny.

  5. I wonder how many people are getting warned for spamming this thread given they are posting stuff not remotely related to the subject being discussed when I did for posting about the subject being discussed.  Going to take a wild guess zero.

    Anyway enjoy your ideological purity, I'm sure you'll be able to fight poverty and secure EU entry with that.

  6. Just now, Baxter Parp said:

    How much do you think this will reduce the independence vote by?

    Well I'm one. I was already reluctant to vote for Andrew Wilson's proposals.

    How much do you think pandering to 1% of the population at the expense of 51% increased it?

    Anyway don't answer I'm not interested. My active day to day interest in independence ends today. Its not gonna happen, the SNP have been fatally corrupted from within, and no progress can be made until the entire leadership is changed.

    You can think people like Joanna Cherry and Andy Wightman are just mad bigots all you want, I couldn't care less anymore.

  7. 1 minute ago, Baxter Parp said:

    Not if you don't vote SNP, no.

    I don't care. I'm not voting for that shower and they're incapable of getting us independence anyway.

    Membership is going today too.

    I've thought in the cold light of day for a long time Scotland will never be independent cause our resources are far too important to England, they'll never let us go.

    But I was prepared to vote for it and campaign for it to my dying day.

    I'm done now, its over.  Not remotely interested.

  8. 2 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

    I genuinely don't know. What I do know is Billy Gilmour has impressed Tommy Tuchel and looks like he's being kept in the Chelsea squad. I see that as good news, others (bizarrely to me) see it as bad news, or disastrous. 


    Its bad news if he's going to be playing less first team football than he would out on loan or would have if Lampard had still been in charge, which is obviously the case. Hope he goes to Southampton. I don't think his chances of making it for the Euros are very good, but if he doesn't go out on loan they are zero.

    As for his development as a player he is only 19 so nothing is urgent just now, just in terms of making the Euros a loan is essential.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Erih Shtrep said:


    That's the one I'm asking you about.  


    Again, tremendous journalism, fully referenced, using her own statements not his, and hard to disagree with a single word of it.

    I've said myself for ages NS biggest problem is she tries to be all things to all people, very much like Tony Blair, and is afraid to take the tough decisions for fear of damaging ratings. There's no doubt she's proved to be an extremely weak leader, she is really more of an administrator than a leader.  We, and the SNP, badly need leadership just now and she hasn't given any except to defend her fascist mates when they falsely accuse honourable people of transphobia.

    I don't see anything unfair or inaccurate in it, he engages in conjecture as to why she participated in a criminal conspiracy to have an innocent man jailed for the rest of his life, we don't know for sure her reasons for doing that yet, only that she definitely did. So you could find fault with that, and his conclusion that she is a 'weak person' is possibly a little harsh and again conjecture, but she certainly has been an extremely weak leader there's no doubt about that.

    Its an excellent article loaded with facts and references, as they always are. What really is going on is a lot of shooting the messenger as people don't want to hear the message. That's not his fault, that's Nicola Sturgeon's. As it happens I would prefer to see her remain in place as losing the actual First Minister a few weeks before an election would be hugely damaging to the cause of independence, but if it does happen it will be nobody's fault but hers.

    Again though, if you want to deconstruct it the floor is yours....

  10. 42 minutes ago, Erih Shtrep said:

    It's his words not mine.   Are you expecting him to advocate a SNP(Nicola vote this time out)?   We both know the answer to that.  

    The fake Rev - which itself is an unbelievably insane thing  to self-promote  today posts about Nicola Sturgeon's mental status.   Did you think the article was okay?    Remember you're convinced he's supporting her party!   

    I don't want the SNP to split.  Rev Campbell does.  The NEC whisperer does.   

    He's by far the biggest danger to Scottish independence.   But he no longer cares, and some just cannot see it!  

    That's my point, I don't think they are his words.  Funnily enough I just did a search on his site and guess what.......that didn't come up.

    A lot of people tell a lot of lies about Wings, because he is the most effective independence campaigner there's ever been. You should probably check them before parroting them. One thing he always is is very up front, and sources everything archives everything.   

    He doesn't want the SNP to split. He is someone who thinks the current leadership of the SNP are the biggest threat to independence, and he might well be right, he usually is.

    He never even mentioned Nicola Sturgeon in today's article, you really need to start actually checking what is said before condemning him for things he hasn't said. But, given she's the actual FM her mental state would absolutely be something that is fair game to discuss (did you notice much discussion about Donald Trump's mental state?  Or Boris Johnson's) and his article was excellent. But  it didn't even mention NS at all, even once, let alone question her mental state.

    As I always do when people slag Wings I will post his latest article, and invite you to deconstruct it.  I think this is the fourth time I've done this, no takers yet.  Shocker. Take as long as you need.



  11. 1 minute ago, Erih Shtrep said:

    "if you have independence at heart then don't cast for the SNP in their current form"  

    He's the one losing his job - an easy 25k a year job for being on holiday for months and not actually talking about Scottish independence anymore.  

    He's trying his best to get everyone involved in a non-debate to save his job.  

    I don't remember an article saying that and I've read about 95% of what he's ever written.  If you're interested in independence its a must read.  That's why its the most often accessed site in the Scottish parliament.  

    As for the rest I have never had the slightest doubt he stringently supports independence.  I think that's a pretty cheap jibe tbh, more likely SNP MP's who stand to lose a million pound pension pots have that view. 

    Though his content recently has been a bit of a rabble, you still get moments of lucidity and writing that no sensible person could objectively disagree with, like today's article about the NEC. If anyone doubts the veracity of what he's saying and wants to deconstruct it go ahead.  I posted one for I think inanimate bellend to deconstruct recently and you'll be surprised to know he could not.

    As I said he's an arsehole, but he's not a bigot and his journalism is impeccable.

  12. Just now, Erih Shtrep said:

    I suspect Rev Campbell (off camera) would prefer a No vote.  ~

    The man that advised everyone to vote against the SNP last time out will do the same again this time.  

    He might be the man who stops the SNP majority and he'll be smug as hell if that happens.   

    I've wasted too much money listening too his picks when end up being total horseshite.  But because he only posts his rare correct projections readers forget most of this hotpicks are bollocks.   

    I think the last one I had was his 'SNP WILL WIN EDIN SOUTH - IAN MURRAY IS TOAST, NAP'   

    He didn't advise people not to vote SNP that's a myth.  He has always advocated voting SNP in Scotland if you support independence. 

    There is no doubt whatsoever he strongly supports independence and always has.  There is also no doubt he conducts the highest quality journalism on Scottish politics of anybody alive. In terms of veracity and the quality of his analysis he is unrivalled.

    He is also a bit of an arsehole. Those things are not incongruous. 

    I am no Wings fanboy I have been Ip banned from commenting on his site for ages for telling him he's an arsehole, but I can still appreciate the quality of his work.

  13. 1 minute ago, Erih Shtrep said:

    I thought the whole woke thing or thoughts about the GRA were small beer and not worthy of comment?   I'm not remotely bothered about this but after telling everyone not the be bothered you now seem bothered.  

    I never said that, you may be confusing me with someone else.

    I don't think its nearly as big an issue as it is being made out to be, deliberately, the issue is the damage it is doing to the SNP, again by design imo.

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