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Game of throw-ins

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Posts posted by Game of throw-ins

  1. 1 hour ago, AlbionSaint said:

    How's that even a valid comparison? You realise Britain was at war in 1940, don't you? I'm simply commenting on a war between two foreign countries. Also Putin is not Hitler. Calm yourself.

    I'm perfectly calm and it's a perfectly valid analogy.  In 1940 Britain faced invasion by a country led by a brutal dictator.  Some people argued that we should throw in the towel because the odds were overwhelming. 

    In 2022 the Ukraine is facing invasion by a country led by a brutal dictator.  Some people are arguing that they should throw in the towel because the odds are overwhelming. 

    Are you seeing the comparison yet?

    For an analogy to work the two things being compared need to be  alike in some respects and different in others.  Finding a difference does not, as you bizarrely imagine, invalidate the analogy.  If there were no differences it would not be an analogy: you would just be comparing something with itself.

    Hitler and Putin are alike in some respects, different in others.  They are both brutal, murderous, dictators who sought to invade other countries in pursuit of imperialist ambitions.  For the purposes of my argument they are analagous. 

    As for:

    What are Zelensky's options? 

    1) Unconditional surrender

    2) Negotiate

    3) Fight to the last man

    What does (3) actually achieve? Serious question.

    Some people have always prized freedom from life under a brutal foreign dictator over mere survival.  The Few in the Battle of Britain for example.  We are massively indebted to them.  What (3) achieves is keeping that principle alive.  I can think of nothing more important.


  2. 7 minutes ago, AlbionSaint said:

    It's just an analysis of the situation. What are Zelensky's options? 

    1) Unconditional surrender

    2) Negotiate

    3) Fight to the last man

    What does (3) actually achieve? Serious question.

    Quite a few of your sort around these parts in 1940.  Thankfully most people thought they were c***s.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

    Thankfully I will be watching this on TV, sadly accompanied by the dulcet tones of the DUTV crackpots commentary team.

    My prediction is the usual sort of climatic conditions at Pittodrie with an archeological team finding frozen remains in 2,000 years.

    The forecast is for gales up to 50 mph so probably not much hope of actual football breaking out.

    It's weird, it's felt like a reasonably mild winter but weather conditions on actual match days have been the worst for years.


  4. 19 minutes ago, AJF said:

    In what way does him saying "what a game" constitute split loyalties? He even tweeted it after Dortmund scored so it was hardly as if he was cheering Rangers.

    Obviously it doesn't. My first paragraph was about the Ramirez incident.  I made it clear that I was not criticizing him, which I definitely would have if I thought there was any suggestion of split loyalties.

    My second was making a more general point about how I expect Aberdeen fans and management to conduct themselves.

  5. 2 hours ago, tarapoa said:

    Agree with that - albeit some of our support potentially do need to find their filter on that particular social media platform. 

    Not sure why any of our players would go on there, but Christian seems that he just wants to be nice to everyone.  A quiet word may have sufficed on this matter, rather than people ranting about his poor hold up play, when he's banged in 15 goals for this pi$$-poor effort of a side and we're only in mid Feb.

    We'll get that N.E.Scotland dourness knocked into that shiny Californian character of his yet......


    I intend no criticism of Ramirez who seems a great bloke and has been one of our few successes this season.  I love his attitude.  There's no way he could have read the sensitivities around this issue coming from America a few months ago.  If a Scot had made the same tweets I'd have been a lot less tolerant. 

    I'm not one of those people who object to our players or management team having OF connections or attachments but do I expect them to act like Aberdeen fans with no split loyalties while they are actually on the payroll here.

  6. 2 hours ago, Aufc said:

    The funny thing is that I actually dislike both sides of the old firm. However, I like to see them do well in Europe. Not surprised thay aberdeen fans are so narrow minded about that. Also a pretty lazy assumption that airdrie fan = rangers fan but carry on.

    Why? Because being Scottish trumps representing bigotry? Then we just have different values and I'm not going to apologise for ours.  Being intolerant of intolerance might be being "narrow minded" to you. To us it's basic decency. 

    I did not assume you were a Rangers fan, lazily or otherwise.  I merely hinted at the possibility.  If you're not, you're not.  It makes no real difference to me, given how much you seem to think think like one. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Aufc said:

    I see aberdeen fans having a go at their own player for having the audacity to comment on a Scottish team winning in europe. Awfy bitter

    You see the thing about Aberdeen fans is we don't like to see organisations representing sectarian bigotry prosper - not even if they are from the same country as us.  In fact we feel that the fact they belong to the same country as us is a source of shame and embarrassment. You are no aware of certain club's frequent punishments by the European authorities for repellent sectarian and racist offences.

    Understandably we would prefer that people representing our club felt the same way.

    I wish I could pretend that I'm surprised that "Airdrie" fans don't see things like that, but sadly I'm not very.  However it does seem odd to describe a hostility to supremacist bigotry as "bitterness".  If that's your accusation, yes, we're bitter.

  8. 2 hours ago, Dons_1988 said:

    What about if they asked him the question and he just gave a thumbs up or a ‘mebbe’s aye…?’ Hand gesture? 

    Exactly. There are ways of doing these things.  Managers are forever hiking their skirts in the direction of bigger clubs through journalistic connections, without putting anything on record that could be used to embarrass them later.

  9. 2 minutes ago, coprolite said:

    Of course they're making it up. 

    He might be keen or might not but some hack at the Record will neither know nor care. 

    I don't know, but neither do you.

    It's easy to have a pop at football journalism in Scotland and usually deserved.  Standards are appalling. But people let that tip over into 100% cynicism, a belief there are no constraints or standards whatsoever, and it's not quite that simple.

    Managers habitually use journalists to signal which jobs they might potentially be interested in. 

    Could this be made up? Absolutely.  But my view is on balance probably not.  There's not enough upside to justify printing something deniable that could piss Goodwin off.  "would probably be keen" or a similar form of words conveys essentially the same message without saying anything that anyone could take exception to.


  10. 7 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    This is it I imagine.

    Sacking McInnes wasn't the mistake, hiring Glass was. The two aren't the same thing.

    The myth here is that it would have been a scoosh to hire somebody good, but we perversely didn't bother.

    The history of our last, say, 10 managers proves otherwise.  It's seriously hard to find somebody good.

    Out of those 10 McInnes was a success and you could maybe make a case for Calderwood.

    Most of them looked decent on paper when appointed and were welcomed by the majority of fans.  But, depending on your view of Calderwood, 80-90% failed.

    This isn't unique to Aberdeen.  A very high percentage of managerial appointments fail and fail fairly quickly.

    We didn't have to appoint Glass, and we were probably stupid to do it.  But the probablity that whoever else we'd appointed instead would have been good is very low.

  11. 31 minutes ago, AJF said:

    You would definitely start complaining and making demands if you were in a job where your time there is entirely dependant on performance.

    You will be out on your arse if you just coast by and maintain you are just “happy to be there”.

    Not if your employer is a guy who would regard complaining and making demands as a sackable offense. 

    McInnes was so enraged by Dave's behaviour in last year's window that he (very uncharacteristically) complained in the press.

    A couple of months later he was gone.

  12. 31 minutes ago, betting competition said:

    I'm enjoying looking at Celtic fans on twitter moaning about the allocation. If it was up to me I would give them the same they give us (800 tickets) and build a pillar so their fans has a restricted view seat.  

    I got stuck in the away end when STs were moved because of Covid restrictions earlier in the season.  No additional pillars needed, the view was rubbish.

  13. 1 hour ago, Dons_1988 said:

    It was voted on by all the clubs. 

    My observation was meant to be tongue-in-cheek, but it would be naive to assume that something accepted by other clubs in Scottish football might not be intended to suit two.  The inception of the 11-1 rule is just one example and I'm sure any historian of the Scottish game could produce others. 

  14. 9 minutes ago, IDoNotKnowThisOne said:


    Which is why it's all the more baffling it was agreed to. 

    You're surprised that a rule change that would benefit the two teams with the largest and most expensively assembled squads was approved?  Welcome to Scotland, sir, I presume this is your first visit?

  15. 30 minutes ago, Merkland Red said:

    What about the season before that one?

    Any manager who's in situ for a long time is going to have some bad seasons, the main reason being recruitment at our level and form fluctuation has a huge element of chance in it.  We lose good players (Shinnie, Jack, McLean, Hayes) and have to replace them with guys costing a fraction of what they are earning at their new clubs.  At our level, every signing is a punt.  The idea that there's some shrewd super-manager out there who can remove the chance element from this process is a fantasy. 

    I agree with this:

    38 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

     what he did have was an ability to know a) when he had a shite squad that he needed to ask less of technically to win games and b) a knowledge of how to beat the bottom 6 style of football with a level of consistency. 


    McInnes was happy to try to play a more expansive game when we got the rub of the green with the recruitment.  We saw that at the beginning of last season when Wright and Hedges both started delivering better performances alongside Watkins.  When he didn't he found a ways of  winning ugly and hoped we got luckier with recruitment next time.  In the season you're talking about, we finished 4th, one point off 3rd.  Agreed the football wasn't pretty but I think we're now in for a spell that will make us very nostalgic for an era when a bad season was finishing one point off 3rd.

  16. 1 minute ago, Merkland Red said:

    It wasn't getting us up the table anymore though.

    There were a lot of reasons for that though.  The punishment for breaking the Covid regulations that got us of to a sluggish start because we were behind the rest in terms of match fitness (look what that did to Celtic's season). The injury to Watkins and him going back to his club.  The loss of Wright to Rangers.  Cosgrove injured, unsettled by the transfer speculation and then gone.  The injury to Hedges.  Cormack's, let's be honest, deliberate sabotage of the manager's attempts to find replacements for the players we'd lost in January, ending in panic signings late on on the final day, all of them completely useless. 

    And with all that crap going on, remember we still managed 4th and qualified for Europe.

  17. 21 minutes ago, Merkland Red said:

    Well this is it. I believe the club when the say they interviewed several people for the job and Glass was the best candidate.

    I believe he was the best candidate as he was the only one willing to work within that remit.


    Exactly.  Cormack has been accused of giving the job to a mate.  I don't believe it.  He didn't want a mate, he wanted a lightweight, a guy who was so grateful to get the job he would do what he was told.

  18. We're about exactly where I predicted we'd be when this experiment started.  I agree Glass isn't the answer, but he's working to a remit that makes the job impossible.  We can't afford the creative quality to play the style of football Cormack is demanding and get results.  We can't even hold on to a player as limited as Hedges, because he can earn much more elsewhere.  And we'd need better players than Hedges to play  the way we are trying to play.  This is not being wise after the event, I've been making the same argument since before Glass was appointed.

    Glass probably needs to go, but I have close to zero belief that changing the manager will fix things, because he's not the most fundamental problem.

  19. Regarding Aberdeen voting against changing the 11-1, as a long time Aberdeen season ticket holder I have never met a single Aberdeen fan who didn't think that was a shameful decision.  It reflected the values of Stewart Mine, not the values of Aberdeen fans.


  20. 20 hours ago, kilMARKnock said:

    So Dean Campbell looks a goer for DM, thoughts gents?

    My worry if I were a Killie fan would be that his very recent form has been dreadful.  He's had two or three games in a row where he can't seem to do anything right and to me looks like a player whose confidence is completely shot.  If Deek can fix that and get him back to playing at his best, he'll be an asset.

  21. 4 hours ago, Orbix said:

    Juventus had a clause in Ramsey’s contract that stated that if he were still at the club at this point, an automatic contract extension would kick in. The only reason it makes any financial sense to anybody is that him being on loan negates it.

    Ramsey on Juve Bench - 6 months of paying remaining contract + 12 months

    Ramsey at Rangers - 6 months of paying 90-95% of remaining contract.

    That arguably makes sense for Juventus and Rangers but makes absolutely no sense for Ramsey.  It implies that in return for going to Rangers he voluntarily gives up the right to a year on a salary is presumably massively higher than his current market value.  Why would he do that? 

  22. 1 minute ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Gerrard got rinsed by Celtic, went away and worked on a way to beat them, then carried that out.

    That's the task for GVB now, but something about him reeks of tactical failure, so I'm not sure he's got it in him. He'll be reliant on his big players performing for results.

    But Gerrard only needed to be better than Lennon.  I think some of the cheerleading for Ange is a bit premature, but I never had the slightest doubt that Celtic were crazy to re-hire Lennon.

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