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Thane of Cawdor

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Posts posted by Thane of Cawdor

  1. 2 hours ago, Michael W said:

    I really feel for Gray. She doesn't have the power to decide if the PM stays in office or not and can only really state the facts as she finds them. She has had her legs cut off by the Met and when the report unsurprisingly doesn't contain the damning details, she is going to cop a lot of flak. In the meantime, the Government will work as best as it can to bury the bad staff and a few No.10 lackies will be fired over it. 

    Absolutely none of this is Gray's fault. She was landed in a crap position. 

    Gonna need a much bigger patio.

  2. 2 hours ago, BFTD said:

    Nightmare. Still not changing to easy mode, but.

    Wordle 209 X/6


    My failure looked pretty similar to yours. Got obsessed with the ides of the setter's nationality and/or American confectionery. The fucker's toying with me.

  3. 55 minutes ago, Glennie said:

    the core problem is a society that even pre-covid hysteria expects the state to wipe our arses from cradle to birth

    and the state employs the kind of people who oblige - maniacs who get a kick out of fixing everyone with top-down 'solutions'

    self fulfilling spiraling nanny stateism.

    Ah, the Benjamin Button syndrome. I had hoped that the minimal support provided by the state might see me out.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Ric said:

    Direct link for those who do not want to entertain Twitter's bullshit.


    Potted biography in yesterday's Guardian, claims she is married to an Irish C&W singer and once ran a pub in Newry. So, basically an English Janey Godley.


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