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Everything posted by Bogbrush1903

  1. He's hopeless, he was on the bench today...hopefully be back at Livingston by January
  2. Coincidentally, I just used exactly the same term, "dead man walking" on a What's App chat group to describe Glass before I saw your reply.
  3. Oh dear, broken Glass listening to his post match interview...he's finished I feel sorry for him, he's getting thrown to the wolves...
  4. A drunken away support and a negative result at Dens Park has all the ingredients for things getting very ugly for Glass and the players.
  5. No, we aren't... we appear to be in big trouble. We haven't got a decent keeper at the club, defence are all over the place and it doesn't take much for our confidence to drain away. I'd give Glass the rest of October which should be enough time, given the fixtures, to finish him off. Meanwhile, I'd identify one of the merry-go-round managers to take us short term until the end of the season.
  6. I'm having a bad day, unfortunately the Dons are losing today.
  7. In my opinion, some teams are quite happy for us to have possession, I'm not sure if it's a good measure of highlighting our dominance in matches.
  8. The important factor here would be to identify where this taxi is departing from?
  9. ...and Glass worryingly enough for those of superstitious disposition
  10. At this present point in time, I agree... whether I shall still agree in two or three years remains to be seen...
  11. We became a better run club when Willie & Elaine Donald wrote off the 12 million debt that Milne had amassed and didn't want to pay off himself. That debt was hindering the progress of the club. Milne wanted out long before he left and wasn't prepared to throw anymore money at it, which is fair enough as the club should be self financing. The Donalds had paid off the debt by the time McInnes arrives and he, in addition to the struggles of some of our rivals, finds himself in an environment more favourable than any Aberdeen manager has had in the last 30 years. That doesn't mean we were a reasonably well run club under Milne himself though. If he isn't starting to think on these terms yet, then I'm sure it won't be long before Cormack thinks about bailing out. He won't want to be here for the long term. He'll realise soon enough that he doesn't need the hassle. What happens to Aberdeen after that remains to be seen but the club needs to live within its means to survive. We've far too much players in the squad at the moment, and too many that aren't contributing but are still taking significant funds out of the club.
  12. That's because we've been starved off anything akin to it for the 25 years or so previous, so regular top 4 finishes, semi finals, the occasionally final and six weeks in the European qualifiers did feel better than anything in recent memory although it wasn't up against much. I think if we were a well run club in good hands we could do even better though than those eight years. Unfortunately, we weren't under Milne and the signs are looking ominous with regards Cormack's qualities as club chairman.
  13. It looks like our "challenger brand" model might be on the wane after all those years of 'success' under Derek McInnes with lots of semi final/runners up/top 4/European qualifiers titles in the bag. However, it's good that we're still playing a challenging brand of football to watch. I've attached the 'challenger brand' document if you need to reacquaint yourself with this project and exciting journey we're currently undergoing. Club-Brochure.pdf
  14. Is that for the Celtic match? I won't bother attending out of principle if that's the case Although, having said that, I could head to the Red Shed instead of Section Y, which is at an acceptable price.
  15. Indeed, but those two wins were the first two league games (one after a blooper by the keeper in the last minute) of the season and we've since been pumped by Raith Rovers in the League Cup and we suffered the Qarabag disappointment in Europe, on top of the poor league matches (with the exception of Tynecastle, where I was impressed with the second half performance). However, I thought we'd beat St Johnstone and was obviously wrong but I'm going to back us again. 1-0 to The Dons which will kick start us as we power through October with just one defeat...
  16. I agree that there are major differences between Cormack and Romanov, not least that Cormack is an actual supporter (which might be his greatest weakness as chairman) of the club. All I'm saying is that there are, in my opinion, parallels between the two. Indeed, 'Cormack Park' can't exactly be labelled as "cheap" but I would suggest it was ill thought out. For example, I wouldn't fancy training their in the winter.
  17. I actually see a lot of Pele Paterson in Stephen Glass. They both have the barfly look. In Paterson's case it was because he was a barfly, Glass I don't know. I always remember that during the first Gulf War, and presumably the second war, Saddam Hussein could never get the right info from his inner circle because everyone was afraid to tell him the truth in case they were fed to the dogs. Consequently, they told him what he wanted to hear. Cormack may not feed anyone to the dogs but nor does he want to get himself into a position where people just tell him what he wants to hear. The self named training park was the first signs of Cormack building a cult of personality whilst trying to leave a legacy for himself. The Fergie statue might be the precursor to a bigger one of Cormack being erected next to Fergie... I don't trust Cormack. Not because I think he has evil intentions, but because I think he might be having a multi-millionaire's late midlife crisis. It's making him impulsive, unpredictable and probably a nightmare boss to work under. He's 62 now I think. How long will his interest in being chairman/owner last? Is he even considering succession planning? There's nobody there to rein him in, and he's probably not going to listen to anyone anyway. He quoted what Fergie told him during a video call to fans but what he quoted sounded very much like what Cormack wanted to hear rather than what was actually said. Cormack makes me more nervous than excited and nothing so far during his tenure has done anything to assuage this nervousness. Everything he does seems cheap, ill-thought and off the cuff. There are definite parallels to Romanov at Hearts for me.
  18. Keep the faith Joey, we can't have our resident optimist looking at the grim side of things...I've got a feeling in my water that six points will be delivered in the next two games. Although my positivity might be generated by the blue skies and sunny September morning rather than any belief in our current squad of individuals led by a management team with little experience....
  19. This run of October fixtures shall give us a clearer understanding whether he deserves time, even until Boxing Day. Unfortunately, with no track record behind him, and if we've only picked up one or two points by the start of November then it would take a brave (or probably more apt, foolish) man to keep him in position until even Boxing Day. If he was my appointment, I'd suggest we get an experienced assistant in pronto. Although Glass, understandably, might not be too keen, he's unlikely to argue with Cormack. The signs are not good though, the pressure beginning to build highlighted by a tetchy post match interview today, the media have now fixed their eyes on the likeliest candidate to go first so pressure is only going to build as we go into a round of fixtures in October that looks extremely unpalatable to a struggling rookie manager. Now a routine match in Paisley looks absolutely crucial to Glass. Three points will take the heat off and maybe get the players believing again. Defeat then things might be away to snowball. I can't help but feel sorry for him but there's no place in football for sentiment.
  20. The problem with this though is that the third placed team (Hibs) will be playing European football until Xmas and generating a couple of million into the coffers whilst we'll be playing Peterhead in the group stages of the League Cup. This was really poor timing to experiment by installing your son's pal as your manager without bothering to look at other candidates. I don't care what Cormack says, there was one name on the shortlist. If he doesn't take a more professional attitude soon and realise that Scotland isn't a state in America then his tenure runs a real risk of being an unmitigated disaster. If he doesn't want to sack Glass yet then get an experienced man to work alongside him because as things currently stand we're going to be, at best, top half of the bottom six.
  21. A mate mentioned it but probably just an unfounded rumour then if there's been nothing from anyone. Of course, even if he his training with us it wouldn't necessarily mean he's on the verge of signing anyway.
  22. Is Hal Robson-Kanu training with Aberdeen? Has that been mentioned by anyone? I haven't been on for awhile and can't be bothered catching up... A Google search reveals nothing apart from Hedges praising him in 2019.
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