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Everything posted by LatapyBairn.

  1. If the small shareholders mobilise and get our votes in the Rawlins bid will pass, people just need to be made aware.
  2. I believe he’s bang on, I was given those same names along with Neil Rankine straight from a current board member as the people behind the Alan Gow bid. LM DM and PM want to sell they’re shares to this group hence the reason they are voting against the club purchasing the shareholding to be redistributed to Rawlins via the share issue.
  3. Agree with this, the problem is although I think most fans are in favour of the Rawlins investment the minor shareholders never tend to vote come AGM time as it normaly counts for nothing with the MSG bulldozing everything through using they’re own numbers. In this instance that’s not the case, the small shareholders will actually make the difference here if they vote but my fear is most won’t out of either habit, apathy or ignorance as to the detail of what’s happening behind the scenes and the opportunity will be lost. Postal votes are no use now with only 24 hours or so left also.
  4. Rawlins is from Stoke not America, listen to the WDHS interview if you want to hear more on how he sees things going forward for the club, his reasons for investing and about how in depth the discussion with the board has been over the last 6 months, this isn’t something that just came about in the last few weeks, GD has written to all shareholders advising us all to vote for the resolution because they believe both the investment he brings and his skill set add value to the club going forward. If you look at his track record at Stoke he invested when the club was at a low then sold after two promotions (presumably at a profit) Or in the case of Orlando invested at the birth of the club before selling up leaving them as a major league team, again presumably selling at a profit. If you do a bit of research you’ll find his personal history pre football as far as his business interests go make quite impressive reading as well. If we don’t vote to accept the investment (which is possible if the rumoured split in the MSG is true) it will be a massive missed opportunity for the club IMO. At 26% this would make Rawlins the single biggest shareholder but would still not have a controlling say without having the other big hitters or minor shareholders on board hence minimising any long term risks to the club. I’d encourage any minor shareholders to use they’re vote as It may be needed, looking at the numbers the smaller shareholders are going to make the difference and there is a real risk if (as rumoured) a couple of the MSG vote against then the full thing never gets off the ground. The minor shareholders (the fans) hold about 36% of the shareholding, this is chance to vote together on an occasion where it actually makes a tangible difference. https://www.buzzsprout.com/260570/5937460?s=08
  5. I’m hearing rumours the MSG may be split on this so there isn’t a guarantee. I’m no expert but by my reading of it come the AGM the resolution will need 75% of votes cast to go through. It’s vital all the minor shareholders fill out they’re forms and vote for this investment to be accepted. The numbers are very tight and going by the letter GD sent out to all shareholders encouraging them to vote for it he obviously realises the votes are needed as well. Deadline for votes to be in I’m sure was tomorow at 5pm
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