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Peter Culter

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  1. Reynolds was an absolute warrior. A prime example of not having to be a giant to be a great central defender.
  2. Surely a 35-year-old journeyman is not of the type of pool we’re looking at? He’s not looked great in the matches I’ve seen if I’m honest and has to be reminded of what to do by his teammates more than an experienced player really should. Hoping he proves me wrong but I can’t see this one working.
  3. He looked okay in the matches I’ve seen him play in. One of the best of the bunch.
  4. We perhaps used to be the envy of most clubs who visit but I doubt we are now. As mentioned, a stand that has been allowed to rot combined with a pitch that also seems to be allowed to get worse. Not adding in the battered and broken advertising boards around the place.
  5. Not that I disagree with you but for those unaware photographic evidence may lend credence to your statement.
  6. The club have moved to the other side of the town. Not a new town.
  7. I agree with the comments made regarding the seated area. Lots of discussion previously about closing it in and making it “complete” however, as seems the norm, nothing done and it’s basically been left to rot. I’ve seen children playing UNDERNEATH it at times and whatever way you want to cut it, Health & Safety would have a field day at that.
  8. A little better this evening. Looked a bit more of a unit but still a lot of work to be done. The pitch certainly didn’t help a passing game. How has it gotten into such a mess?
  9. The main concern for me was our number four who I initially thought was one of the many trialists and would be easily binned only to find out he is one of our new signings! Kavanagh was poor for us previously and played yesterday. Goalkeeper the bright spark for me which tells its own story. If Woods body language is anything to go by he’ll be away shortly.
  10. Signed by Aitken and re-signed just before he did the dirty on the club. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was only hanging around because of him.
  11. Happy to have someone in charge that can, at the very least, string a sentence together.
  12. Then they were never supporters to begin with.
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