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Everything posted by PSJ.84

  1. Can see that MacPherson knows he should be doing it, he either isn’t comfortable enough to or is told not to
  2. It doesn’t say much, but that was much better
  3. A much larger travelling support than I’d expected after last week
  4. Cleary in for Sang, MacPherson in for Crawford and May in for Ciftci BIG changes
  5. Not really one for booing myself, but ever there was a player worthy of booing it’d be him. Should never have been seen again after that free-kick at Easter Road. He’s 10/1 to score anytime today I’d get on that now
  6. Should hear the state of him on the Courier podcast this week
  7. Hard to judge based on what he’s actually played, but is Mahon what we’re after on the right of the back three? I’d always just assumed he’s more in the Gordon mould, based on that half hour or so at Livi
  8. If you go on the banter page you’ll find out pretty quickly…
  9. Laughing/crying at our placing in some of the predictions in this thread. The number of people, myself included, who thought we’d be top six must be a record. Been pointed out before, but the sheer lack of relegation shouts is a new low also
  10. This. I’m of an age that I’ve only really been going for 15 odd years, fully aware that I probably have been spoilt. That doesn’t mean that I should just accept the shit-show that we’ve seen this year. The bar has to rise at some point, that’s how you grow as a club. Relegation is/was bound to happen at some point, it doesn’t mean there can’t be anger at it. Folk accepting of this season because we had a sticky period in the 80’s are wild.
  11. The amount of people that were allegedly at that game…
  12. Scarily accurate description of our season
  13. That touch map is fucking wild, but hardly unsurprising
  14. My fellow Saintees…sick of the overreaction from fake fans after todays result. If Davidson got his way and got Robbie Deas (championship team of the season) in we wouldn’t be in this position. Stevie Grieve knows football and we should be listening to him!! Davidson is an icon for this club and gave me some of the happiest moments of my life, and to turn on him now goes against everything we stand for at St Johnstone FC. Maybe if the personal vendettas against Callum stopped we would see some real improvement with this club #COYS This was a highlight - fake fans for being unsatisfied with finishing 11th at best.
  15. The only one with an ounce of credibility left. Remember him saying on the Courier podcast before Christmas about a change of shape and being instantly shot down. I like Nicholson and his articles are usually a good read but his unrelenting defence of Davidson is wild.
  16. That is fucking pathetic, yet again. The irony in him saying it is something personal towards Davidson is laughable. Fanny.
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