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Posts posted by StuartA

  1. 24 minutes ago, RuncornBairn said:

    Right - how do I increase FSS payment. Checked my bank account and have my direct debit (PayPal) for Falkirk TV (not that I can view most games) but nothing for FSS?  But money does go out every month for FSS

    Depends how you pay. If it’s PayPal, then easiest is to cancel and restart. If it’s SO, then just instruct bank to change. Ping us on subscriptions@falkirksupporters.org if there are any probs. 

  2. Just to be clear - FSS membership is one member, one vote.  It’s on the website.  There are no plans to change that. 

    And anyone can join by Standing Order too. It’s also on our website and we’ve been leafleting home games much of the season with an SO mandate. We’ll be asking for volunteers to help leaflet the Alloa and Kelty games so we can get them in more people’s hands. 

  3. 24 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:


    There are also clearly issues between the FSS and board/Patrons group. The FSS should be honest and open about what is going on- they are there to represent the Falkirk fans, not act as the gardening wing of the Patrons. 

    Just wanted to respond on this point.  There are no issues or problems between FSS and the patrons group, or FSS and the board.  I don't know where this is coming from but it's simply untrue.  Many of the patrons group are FSS members too.  Happy to discuss with anyone who thinks that there is. 

    We do need to get a shift on and appoint a new director, that's a fair criticism.  No reason for the delay other than taking a breath and all of us having lives/jobs etc.  We plan to communicate to members about that this week.

  4. 45 minutes ago, Duncan Freemason said:

    Bear in mind that a Board(?) requirement was for 15 to 20 hours per week. That alone would have ruled out almost everyone. Would have liked to have seen a required variety of skills that could have ruled people in rather than solely a time commitment that was destined to rule out almost everyone currently in employment.

    The 15-20 hours was based on what the board told us was necessary to deal effectively with the challenges the club faces now. There wasn’t solely a time commitment though, other guidelines were suggested. Ultimately, it was a self-certifying process. The text we sent out is below.  I agree it’s a high bar, but we need good people who will put the time in. 


    The nomination window for our fans' director election is now open. The position is currently held by Nigel Serafini, who is entitled to stand again.

    We need talented, experienced and highly committed Bairns to step forward and play a full role in rebuilding our club, as well as making a success of the fans’ director role.

    Ideally with leadership experience, candidates should have strong communication skills and an ability to inspire confidence among the support, a track record in business or another profession, possibly a background in sports and, vitally, the time and energy to commit to our football club day-to-day.

    Current directors estimate a commitment (outside matchday) of 15-20 hours each week. Candidates should have high levels of integrity be able to maintain confidentiality, be that about club finances, football decisions, or any other aspect. They should be able to balance the legal duties of being a company director with a need to represent Falkirk fans effective at the heart of the club. They will also be expected to promote FSS and wider fan ownership at Falkirk.

    The position will last for two years, subject to club General Meetings’ continued agreement, and the successful candidate will be entitled to stand for re-election.

  5. 22 minutes ago, NUMBER 7 said:

    Absolutely spot on. The club should be targeting folks looking to buy shares in £ 500 lumps for themselves and not via FSS

    Anyone can buy shares in the club. The club can’t market that fact openly though, for legal reasons.  But there’s nothing stopping you sending them a £500 cheque asking for shares. 

  6. 14 minutes ago, Brockvillenomore said:

    I didn’t take notes and don’t want to take a guess with the numbers.  Maybe somebody on here did? Or ask the BoD at the board email address? 

    It was a projected approx £400k operating loss, after an improved commercial performance delivering a similar uplift, IIRC. 

    That’s before any wishful thinking, like cup runs, transfers, add-ons etc.  

    On current numbers, FSS will provide up to £70k of that. Long way to go. 

  7. Lots of good ideas on here. 

    On memberships, we’re currently on about 460 individuals contributing nearly £5.5k a month averaged. That’s just shy of 20% higher than pledged in our survey last year, but about half of the number who pledged for Back the Bairns four years ago (albeit under a different proposition). 

    We are trying to keep pushing memberships up, and have had a good boost since McGlynn was appointed. Incidentally, the most successful membership day was when the ex DoF left the club, and we tend to see spikes in membership linked to good news stories and good form.

    By now, every Falkirk fan must know that we exist and what we’re trying to achieve. We kept the offer basic so as to make sure we were being honest with fans, rather than add a load of bells and whistles where the core message gets lost. But all these ideas are helpful.  I’m less sure about the lower entry level as any boost might simply be offset by people choosing to lower contributions. But that’ll be looked at when we review membership policy later this year. 

    On one point - the board has been mega-supportive. They wrote to all ST holders recently promoting membership, included info in the ST packs, helped us get McGlynn for the event next week, and many other things. So we need to mend the roof while the sun is shining!

    We’d obviously welcome offers of help. Nobody new stood for election to the committee this year. We don’t want fans to become frustrated at us being unable to action their ideas, but equally we all work too. 

  8. 13 hours ago, Bairney The Dinosaur said:

    Certainly would be more preferable to me to eventually have the FSS directors as those outwith the patrons group. Makes sense to have a fan owned board with some representation of the wider fan base. Give it another year or so and I'll nominate myself.

    Each to their own, but I’m against this false separation. Every board member is also an FSS member and, based on my interactions with them, utterly committed to seeing FSS work.

    Patrons are just Falkirk fans willing and able to have given an extra £10k to the club last season, money that ultimately got us to the end of the season. And I’d wager that not one of them will ever see a penny of that back, while watching their investment dilute almost immediately.

    There’s an election next week. Any member of FSS as of today can put themselves forward for election. We really welcome candidates standing up now. 

  9. 31 minutes ago, some_guy said:

    Morton have 6 Youth players starting and 1 as the only player on the bench?  Struggling to not be confident about today, but we know what happens as Falkirk fans when we get our hopes up!

    They’re mostly first team players in their early 20s, just that they came through Morton’s youth system.  But the team is threadbare. Clatter Jaze early and that’s their bench gone. 

  10. 20 minutes ago, Blame Me said:

    I don't have issues with volunteers per se but I think your underestimating that role and what it potentially entails nowadays. 

    You also overlook the actual plea which was included sales experience. This isn't the club inviting folk to help smarten up the stadium or clear snow - these are specialist roles which are time consuming and skilled.

    I used to be very critical of the club’s reliance on volunteers, given how many of these volunteers were treated. I have a couple of people in mind when I say that, especially on the media side. 

    What's clear is that the club has degenerated for a decade or more, since we left the SPL. Bad decision after bad decision, taking people for granted, terrible management and processes, and some seriously dodgy behaviour from individuals who are, largely, gone. 

    We don't have a choice now. Fans have to step up. Actually, that's not true. They don't need to, but our club will just suffer further if we don't. Hopefully we can get back to a point where we can pay for all the expertise and skills we need but we aren't there now, because of many years of strategic and financial mismanagement. Whatever folk want to say about the last board, they diagnosed many of the problems but didn't get round to fixing them.  Time for all of us to get in the tent. 

  11. 5 hours ago, ShaggerG said:

    I'd like the BOD to outline just exactly what the 'mess' they've been left with is. I'm not disbelieving them in anyway but we continually hear that they've been left with a lot to clear up and that they need to be given time to do it.

    I obviously understand that some details may not be able to be made public for legal reasons or to protect individuals or whatever but I do think that a list of things that they've been working on would get fans onside and would maybe make some fans a bit more patient re our current predicament. Whenever I hear the narrative I get a mental picture of them all sitting round the Boardroom table with a huge list on a board and the sweat pouring from them as they try to sort it out!

    We have already been told about the non payment of the fee required to sign foreign players so there's one thing we can tick off the list straight off.

    Something that I think would help.

    Good post and exactly why we organise the "pub events", next of which is on Saturday post-match in BtG and Monday at the Courtyard.

    We do this without an agenda, just to give Falkirk fans the chance to give directors their views, and ask questions in a less toe-curling format than the Q/A.  That's not to say if you don't choose to engage like this, you forfeit your right to grinch on here or elsewhere, but it is an outlet.  I'm sure the board would answer these questions at these events.

    And I'm sad when I see folk saying they won't come back.  I understand why, but Falkirk fans are trying to rescue the club right now.  There'll be bumps along the way, but now isn't the time to abandon ship, IMO, unless you're really done with it forever.

  12. 3 minutes ago, ebobsboy said:

    That's not answering my question. I got an email like many others about Kenny and Martin identifying players for next season.  That's quite clear. What is it they do a Holt impression sign players for the next mug with a target on his head to try n get a tune out of dross.


    It's not for me to answer your question. All we’re doing is giving you an opportunity to ask it of people who make the decisions. Your shout if you want to take it. 

  13. 1 minute ago, ebobsboy said:

    Why release a statement about identifying targets with Martin and Kenny if you have no intention of keeping them beyond this season. Or is it lies? At best if there is no truth in it you should have retracted that statement. 

    Rennie said at the FSS AGM that he had no idea if he'd be manager next season, but either way, the club had to plan.

    But again, if that's on your mind, you've got an opportunity to come along, look people in the eye, and ask them to their face. 

  14. 18 minutes ago, ebobsboy said:

    Yes all fair and well. But if the board have already made up their mind on who is managing the team next season it would seem as was alluded to in a statement released about identifying targets for next season. You don't do that then do a pr exercise to tick a box when your mind is already made up, rendering fans views irrelevant. What's the point. If it's to try n convince folk to get onside about the manager then the horse has already bolted.  

    You're welcome to come along and raise these very questions. 

  15. 27 minutes ago, Blame Me said:


    Leigh Griffiths does have that experience and I think folk could see on Saturday that he is frustrated and demanding better from those around him that hasn't been in evidence for so long.

    Ultimately he's judged on goals and that's where I question whether the spend is justified but as an influence on others that may be harder to put a value on.

    On this specific point, I think Griffiths is judged by more than goals, which includes the influence on others.

    We were pretty awful for most of the EF game but, arguably, he was the difference between a deeply troubling draw and a victory. So he was worth his wage, and some. I'd say that's what Griffiths brings - the chance to turn things round even when are are playing mince. Plus, as a fan, it's just a bit more exciting when he's there. 

  16. 2 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

    Very disappointing if that’s the case. It would be grossly premature to renew his contract at this stage.

    It does look like that is what’s being set up with the talk of ‘significantly improved’ results.

    I do think the implication in the statement of ‘give us your money or we’ll be part time next season’ is laying it on a bit thick.

    There are significant cash reserves as of the last accounts and the claim that even a hybrid model would be unaffordable is odd when we have teams like QoS, Morton and Raith full time with a fraction of our support base.

    I didn't read that re Rennie from the message. But we're going to have to double down on a coaching team at some stage. I've more confidence in Rennie than any of his predecessors since Houston, so hope that bears out. 

    On finances, I thought it was quite transparent. We don't have saleable players or any more add-ons, and we can't bank on a cup run to plug the built-in several hundred grand operating loss we've faced for a decade or more. The cash cushion will be gone by the end of the season. QoS, Morton and Raith all own their own grounds and get much more SPFL baksheesh than we do, including the scandalous £500k covid payment. We pay hefty overheads for our stadium.

    I'd say this is last chance saloon. Fans are in charge, formally not coincidentally.  It needs to work or we can just call in the dodgy agents, sockless Walter Mittys and unfit improper ex-multi club owners. 

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