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Everything posted by VincentGuerin

  1. He isn't though, is he? It seems that way just now with recency bias and the fact that he stayed for years. But he doesn't come close to stacking up to actual Celtic 'legends'. In fact, it's offensive to the real deals to call him one, both for his playing achievements and his utter lack of gravitas. It's a phrase that brings to mind the likes of Billy McNeill, Tommy Burns, Paul McStay, Henrik Larsson, Jimmy Johnstone etc. Suggesting Brown belongs among such company is ludicrous. For f**k's sake, he's not even a Chris Sutton, Paul Lambert or a John Hartson in the scheme of things. Celtic have achieved absolutely nothing that they wouldn't have achieved without Scott Brown.
  2. It's entirely his business where he lives and works and I won't criticise him for staying in Scotland. He made a load of cash and won a bunch of medals, albeit he couldn't have failed to win most of them. But let's not pretend he's some big deal in the pantheon of Scottish footballers. He really isn't. No achievements outside Scotland. No major tournaments with Scotland. Loads of medals won with no opposition. He's made a load of money from football and set himself up for life. That's a great thing. But he's in no way a big deal. Let's be honest, he's a dick.
  3. But where do the OF drop points if they constantly play games against weaker sides?
  4. It's a fairy story designed to make people feel good about having the inside track that the rest of us are missing. Best ignored. Of course, not believing this contemptible nonsense makes me 'naive'.
  5. No, Gain of Function research is not the same as bioweapons. It can be, but it is not necessarily. This stuff is funded all over the world by all kinds of companies. American investment in it in a lab doesn't mean the USA is running a bioweapons lab in that location. It's just rubbish that shows a lack of understanding on how this type of research works. Pipe down, young man!
  6. Just making stuff up now, aye? THE WORST OF THE LOT. That's us telt! Livingston should be shunned. They're a footballing crime.
  7. It wasn't the best chance though. There are at least two better that I mentioned. Nobody was ever going to 'punish' them. You'd have needed a club to achieve a level of consistency non-OF clubs never do and Celtic to somehow fail to win as often despite having an easier fixture list than they historically have had. It sounds like an opportunity until you think it through. Celtic couldn't fail.
  8. If I ever do meet one, it'll be easy to spot them due to the blood on their hands, I suppose. Big clubs, small clubs, who cares? Yours is a bad club. It's not to Scottish football's credit that Livingston seem to have slipped into the mainstream without any objection. MK Dons are still widely reviled and often boycotted. Livingston should be the same really.
  9. I couldn't give you an opinion on Livingston fans, since, like most people, I've never met one.
  10. Completely disagree with this. Celtic were the only team who were ever winning those leagues, regardless of Hearts' and Hibs' issues, and Aberdeen's perceived failings or otherwise. They were playing whole seasons against sides whose budgets they hugely overwhelm. The idea that someone else would win was a fairytale. No other team has the budget to be as consistent as required. For all that Deila wasn't the best, he won by 17 and 15 points, with points totals of 92 and 86. Nobody was going to catch that. And anyway, Aberdeen 91 and Hearts 98 have both been seasons with a much better chance of a non-OF winner since the 80s. Unlikely to ever happen again, but this is modern fitba.
  11. Off the charts. Imagine how you'd cope supporting a team that didn't get everything going all the time?
  12. Nothing to add to this thread other than to say Livingston are Scotland's MK Dons and should frankly be ignored. f**k off.
  13. I can't listen to Peter Grant on the radio or see him on the tv without experiencing a feeling of deep unease. He creeps me the f**k out.
  14. Always thought this was a weird one. Scott Brown has always been an immature clown. The notion that he's a 'winner' exists purely because he played for Celtic in years when they couldn't fail to win, and even in doing so he managed to constantly act in a way that showed absolutely no class and was rarely befitting the captain of as big football club. Celtic fans lapped it up because he liked laughing in the face of Rangers players, but his main virtue as a Celtic player seems to have been hanging around for years in an era when it was really easy to play for Celtic. Goodwin seems a wise man to empty him. Never saw the sense in this for Aberdeen. Not enough left in the tank as a player to justify him being around, and he's always been a bellend.
  15. Apropos of nothing, but I was bored earlier and flicking through how this season's league table has developed and how Hearts' gap in third has been looking. After we drew 0-0 at Easter Road, 24 games in, we were ten points clear of the side in fourth, who had 33 points. SIX games later, the team in fourth now has 37 points. This is ridiculous.
  16. Spent a bit of time reading through this. While it's obviously important to take absolutely everything with a pinch of salt during a war, the problems outlined here are classic issues connected with authoritarian leadership, be it a government or a business with an over-bearing boss. People are too afraid to send news up the chain that isn't what the boss wants, so bad decisions are made and it's hard to pin down exactly who's to blame or where it went wrong. Even if this is a fake, the issues it describes are perfectly plausible, I think. I've worked in offices like that, imagine how stupid it is to run a country with people being afraid to tell the truth when asked for expert opinion?
  17. That's the thing. Tynecastle has clear issues with layout. But that stand at Easter Road has absolutely no such problems. Loads of space to work with etc. And, obviously, I've never been at a pay-at-the-gate game there. It's genuinely baffling how they manage to make the act of handing over a ticket and pressing the wee button take so long.
  18. That stand has been up for the best part of 30 years and Hibs still haven't worked out how to get a crowd into it for kick-off time. Always a shambles.
  19. Rangers fans have definitely got worse since allowing their club to die. The culture of firing blame in all directions and seeing enemies everywhere is so deeply ingrained it's hard to see a way back. The club itself has to take a lot of the blame for openly encouraging the more deranged elements of their support in their paranoia. It's now just Rangers mainstream to be a paranoid wreck. Astonishing considering how the authorities bent over backwards to try and parachute them into the top flight, and inexplicably allowed them to 'keep' trophies the previous club won by cheating.
  20. Hilarious if Aberdeen actually do. There's probably someone somewhere in Europe flicking through league tables just now looking at the Scottish one and thinking 'that looks like a great league this season'. In reality, it's fucking pish.
  21. Are you suggesting that a journalist working on Scottish football shouldn't call out a prominent Scottish football club for crass behaviour?
  22. Seems an open and shut case. As soon as I saw the picture it struck me as weird to have a clear piece of marketing on it, then the tastelessness of it sank in. Totally lacking in class.
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