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  1. Let’s agree to differ. I’m sure folk on here would rather discuss the merits of Bruce Anderson…
  2. I’m no financial expert, but this doesn’t sound good. Surely there is a better option?
  3. These ageing rock stars are more injury prone now. With Stevie Nicks calling off due to a knee injury, I’m just glad that (so far) we haven’t gone down the van Veen route yet.
  4. Hope you had a good night in the company of the Boss. I suspect it wasn’t your debut. Me and my good lady have seen him live five times, Glasgow, New York and Edinburgh, so resisted the temptation to venture to the big smoke in the hope that we can afford the flights to Warsaw to see the gaffer lift the Euro trophy
  5. The Hibs fans were just as impressed two years ago when he covered their Euro tie. Certainly does his research for the games. Unlike the BBC Scotland commentators, he doesn’t cram it all into the first five minutes of the game. Quite rare for commentators to be praised these days, unless it’s the fans with mics at Stranraer, so fair play to him for his solo stint.
  6. Yes, crutches and a moon boot. Hopefully it’s just an ankle strain and the boot is a precaution for the flight home.
  7. Great to see the photos on b & w army (X) of the Saints fans heading to Iceland. Can sense their excitement and it’s beginning to feel real. Safe travels to all and here’s hoping for a decent result.
  8. Surely unlikely that they would allow them to play the second leg at home and then punish them in the next round. Then again, they might well!
  9. Real shame. He could have repaid Falkirk for giving him his start in the game.
  10. I’m just surprised that you didn’t suggest that Kasper was a Falkirk reject
  11. I’m with Ludo*1 on this. The Browns did a great job with the Perth Saints and Geoff seems to have found a worthy new owner for the Club. There are a lot of good folk at the Club already and, reading that opening statement, the future is looking bright again. All the best from the Paisley Saints.
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