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Everything posted by Sonam

  1. At home maybe, away though is a tough fixture for sure. County certainly will have to be on top of their game to win this like!! Would be great to have a cup run, hopefully in both cups this season. Even if knocked out in a semi final would do for me. Just a hampden day out and a good performance on the day being realistic. It's been a while and our rivals showed as that it can be done even with a shit squad & Billy Dodds, hehe It's possible if the players take it seriously!!!
  2. Basically it's time for County to start taking cup matches seriously. While I'd be happy just to see them avoid relegation, haven't had a cup run in a while. League cup or Scottish cup, it matters!
  3. May as well start a thread. This is a draw that I would have liked to avoid. Away as well! Not confident at all for this match. Airdrie look like they are going to have a very good season. Can see them finishing in the top four in the championship definately. Airdrie have had great results in the group stage. Seem like they are full of confidence and they will be suprised at the poor quality in the Championship overall. This match will be a real test for County. Hope I'm proved wrong but won't be suprised at all if Airdrie get a win here. County will have to up their game to get a result, for sure! It won't be easy put it that way...
  4. It's probably a question of how many goals County will concede. Signs from the league cup really don't look good. The defence needs sorted super fast for this match. However, it looks like not all Celtic fans accept Brendan Roger's return. It maybe is a good time to play Celtic. A bit of nerves and worried atmosphere in the home support if scores stays 0-0 for a while. While I would be happy just to keep the score down, would be pretty amazing if County got a result. A draw, maybe even a sneaky win. Simon Murray is on form. Never know. County will have to play out of their skins though.
  5. Yet, in a hung parliament what would the Lib Dems do for instance from picking up those Tory southern seats? I would like to think they would switch to the left of Labour, but somehow I doubt it. We are all doomed!!!
  6. It's extremely depressing the choices available at the next election. The way Starmer has totally thrown Sadiq Khan to the wolves shows exactly what type of person he is. He didn't have to do that. Advised by Peter Mandelson perhaps? Shameful! All that for a 'green' policy as well. I feel totally let down by Labour and would have normally considered voting for them. No chance now! At least we knew that about Boris Johnson, that he would stab any colleague in the back. Disgusting behaviour from a Labour leader in 'waiting'. No need. As for the Lib Dems, their policies depending on what byelection they are fighting often totally contradict each other. It's so bloody obvious! In the Charles Kennedy days, you could see at heart he was a decent person, left of centre (as I am) and genuially wanted to improve things. Also was consistently against the Iraq war from the start. As for the SNP, they just have been in power here too long. I'm afraid it shows! Even 'independence' doesn't seem a goal for them. In a way it maybe good for them to lose a lot of seats, so they can totally reassess, rebuild. While I wasn't a fan of Corbyn, I thought the manifesto was decent, as long as it was done in small, achievable steps and over a much, much longer period of time (more than 1 term for sure). The Greens have no chance where I am either. Whether a supporter of the Union or not, the choices and hope for the future in the next election is bleak. God help your children & grand children as well if the climate gets as bad as it looks. I am not voting Labour now until Starmer has gone. A hung parliament is the best I can hope for, as long as the Tories hammered. No forgiveness for what they have done. Tactical voting is the only way. Even Unionists if they care about the world should consider voting SNP and likewise Nationalists for Unionist parties (as long as it ain't the Torys!!!). Get the Tories out. Though Starmer is NOT the man know that for sure.
  7. Lafferty is better elsewhere, even from a ''County' perspective. Bullet dodget IMO
  8. St. Johnstone ain't too bad in my book, so I ain't gonna relaliate
  9. Come on man, we ain't the old firm!! Might you consider Dundee or Dundee United for example? Lots of others to throw stones at
  10. A great highlights package, enjoyed the commentary as well.
  11. Respect Hearts decision, but hurts teams like Aberdeen for example that would bring healthy crowd. Probably another reason they did it. Best away day IMO. We do things differently! How many ticketa given to Celtic in that home league cup match!? Embarressing tbh.
  12. We all know better bargains, better players can be found later in the window. How long can County hold out for? What players must be found before 1st match? To avoid totally hamnering against a pumped up Celtic. Would be legendary making if County actually won that. The headlines would be immense. Dount it though.
  13. Would be nice if they did leave some money for the last week or so of transfer window. If that is true about Fizwater, then good ridance, glad we never knew ya.
  14. While the stewards do their best to kill an atmosphere, for home fans ONLY I might add. Yet they ALL stand back when Celtic/Rangers/Aberdeen/Dundee United etc are in town. Yet it's the extreme negativity of the home support which I find disgraceful. Shouting at County players often during the early stage of a match too. I hear it also happens with ICT too. What causes this negativity in this area? Don't understand... Yet anyone living in the Highlands really are super lucky to be working and living in the best part of Scotland/UK, even possibly the world really.
  15. Lard are fucking class!! Ministry, NIN, Dead Kennedys, Foetus etc. There is a list of genuine quality music, not for everyone sure and too heavy for some, but seriously talented musicians. Unlike most of the pish these days. It's depressing actually. Not sure if you watched the Ministry documentary 'Fix', some parts maybe distasteful for some. However, in the documentary a friend of Al Jourgensen talked about how he went with Al to an ice hockey game where he started a chant, basically aimed at the opposition goalkeeper. Soon the entire home crowd all joined along, it affected the game!! Frankly Victoria Park (remember that name!) could do with some atmosphere these days. Basically the County atmosphere is absolutely shockingly bad. So negative and I'm sure it affects the players. I remember it being far better back even in the Highland league days. Didn't always be like that. Even when the crowds were much, much smaller. That is what the club SHOULD be focusing on IMO. Create an atmosphere and I ain't talking about goal music!
  16. I apologise for that. Basically any team BUT the old firm is good in my book. I guess Hearts/Hibs have a thing, a `bit`, not on the same scale sure, but I find it embarrassing that it is STILL part of Scottish culture. Just wish the old firm would take their sectarianism hate and piss off to the English leagues... Or better still Antarctica!! Perhaps Elon Musk could fucking fly them to Mars, it's a disgrace and makes me ashamed to be Scottish. I'm proud of the County&ICT rivalry though. It's done in a nice way. Even almost, allllmooosttt want Caley to get promoted (God forgive me for my sins). This year wasn't even fearing relegation as I knew it would at least bring the derby back. That in itself would be a positive influence on the youth here, bring fans back to the stadium for both teams which would be ace for the Highlands. I even know a Rangers fan who deliberately steered his children away from watching them because of the hatred that goes on. Excellent parenting IMO, few and far between sadly. How people can have no connection with Glasgow and pick one of the old firm in the bloody Highlands is a serious lack of imagination!! I guess most people are thick as.
  17. I'm not a Christian, or follow any specific religion (nor an athiest who believe as much in nothing as any religious person believes! However, when it comes to words I do believe in forgiveness. I endured horrendous bullying whilst at school, homophobia (LOTS), religious, football related bigotry. In the Highlands back then it was either Rangers or Celtic, it had to pretend to be one or the other and hope I'd choose the right answer or else a beating was on it's way. It was that bad. Few just supported Ross County back then. Yet I forgive them all, no grudges, but hey that's me. People make mistakes, big mistakes. I don't particularly follow or worship any football manager either. Like musicians, many are utter p***ks in real life. Don't meet your heroes. Yet I still like the music though. Even players these days, especially in the top leagues are only in it for themselves. In many ways I really miss the Highland league/Division 3 days. If County fell back to that when Macgregor leaves I think I'd enjoy that more than relegation battles, or Championship football which is getting worse and wore quality I hear from Caley fans. Even though he has totally sold out, I hated his support of the Qatar world cup, however David Beckham in an interview when he was at his peak was interviewed and asked how he could be such a genius at free kicks, crosses, with both feet. His answer was really simple, shit loads of practise. When other players were off home as soon as a practise session ended he would stay on. Keep practising, on&on. It's not just ability which obviously is huge. Few players have that work ethic. Most just want to go out, get pished and get laid. I also recall, not so long ago hearing LOTS of racist, homophobic shite from our own supporters before cancel culture became a 'thing'. Where were your posts then? If there is one thing I do despise it's cancel culture. Especially when no physical harm caused. I really quite like St. Johnstone, don't understand why you too are clogging up this thread when there is much bigger fish to fry. Try posting frequently on the old firm threads perhaps, just an idea. Maybe a better use of your time...
  18. On a bigger issue, I'll be honest. I love following County. However, I don't know if it's the weather, the isolation of the Highlands, but I do feel County have some of the most negative fans in the league. This goes back to the Highland league days. There was more positivity when the crowds were tiny and we were bottom of the Highland league! I often remember being in the jailend back then (used to swap sides at half time/visaversa). In some games, the first misplaced pass and some were yelling "your shite, you muppet... etc" at our own players. What that does to the confidence, only the mentally strongest players can deal with that. It's unbelievable and that is way before Malky. Even Kettlewell got totally slated. Look at him now, great stuff with Motherwell and good luck to him. Compare County fans to, ok a much bigger club such as Portsmouth, a good friend is a season ticket holder, was telling me even when they were absolutely terrible to watch, getting hammered at home, the fans would still sing along, support the team. Even do things like "Let's pretend we scored a goal" when 5-0 down and go ballistic when the opposition were in total control. Really funny antics I thought. Even in crushing defeat, certain relegation many would make the most of their day. Who has the most positive fans outside the old firm? Motherwell? Dundee United, I don't know. Certainly not County that's for sure. When Macgregor leaves, even if we sink down the leagues then the youth may get more of a chance. To cut it in the top league, it's not just ability. Work ethic and attitude play a huge part.
  19. The problem with you Forkboy (hope your name is based on the Lard song, at least then you may have slight taste. Doubt it though...). Is you keep making the same points ENDLESSLY. You may as well just copy & paste forever. Have you got nothing better to do with your sad life? Are you even a County fan? Play a f'in different record for once!! You have a right to express your view, but we read and understood you the 1st time. I respect that, but to keep making the exact same points on&on&on is worse than any Caley fan does. If there is one good thing about Malky is it keeps people like you away. Stay away, one less extremely negative idiot in the stadium thank God!! It's a new season on the way and you are constantly forever negative. You are worse than any ICT fan or even dare I say some old firm fans. The sectarian bile that gets spewed out when the old firm play, why don't you clog up their threads, but you don't. Why is that? Are you an old firm fan at heart. Is that your 2nd team FFS!! Hypocrite if so. Are you forever bitter, constantly holding a grudge. Broken marriage, kids don't want to see you. Something is clearly wrong with you. Lots don't post here, just read as I mostly do, to say your posts are tiresome now is a bloody understatement. Go watch Clach, ICT, Nairn County, Brora or some team. You seem a sour pathetic individual. We read, understood and got your point the first time. It's like an annoying song constantly on repeat. Give it a break FFS!!
  20. I'm really pleased with this. I think Samuel is a quality player who will be great to watch next season. We haven't seen the best of him yet with injuries etc last season. However, I do think has got the ability to do really well, also really like his attitude on the pitch. There is a real player there... imo anyway. Proper effort, if you know what I mean, slightly similar to Ross Stewart. Tries his heart out, runs for every ball. With attitudes like that it lifts the team as a whole. I'm very optimistic for next season for some reason, don't usually feel this way. Last year with Charles Cook, Hungbo etc all leaving I was certain we'd get relegated. This time it's different, not saying top 6, but with some clever signings we could be good to watch again which is all I really want when going to the match. Now I've said that, certain relegation, hehe Either way, even if relegated we'd at least get the derby back. Unless we meet in the cup which would be fuckin excellent! Anyway, how many more signings do County need now, that is the question...
  21. While the Charles-Cook season was great to watch, I don't think we can expect that standard as a given. In some ways a relegation would have helped bring a bit of realism to some supporters. It sure looks good challenging at the top of the Championship and is certainly more entertaining to watch, than say fighting out a point in a 0-0 draw to stay 10th in the Premiership. Poor crowds sure, but a huge away support isn't everything!! I'm happy that they stayed up in the end, but I'm not confident of high quality, end to end exciting football regardless of who the manager is next season. Maybe they will find a Charles-Cook or two by luck in the transfer market, but to expect that each season is unrealistic and doesn't take into account budget or location.
  22. Compared to the other teams in the league, budget and distance considered, where should County be finishing in the league? Can we geniually expect a top class, quality game of football each week? To even convince a player to move up North, move away from the Central belt/or cities down South takes some doing. This is as well the Scottish Premiership, convinving good players from England here a tough sell. With the exception of maybe Motherwell, have any other bottom 6 teams (Livingston, St. Johnstone, Killie etc)being playing great football on a weekly basis? I really don't think they have. Just read through their forums.
  23. I thought White did very well for us. 12 goals is indeed impressive, especially in that team. I don't like his Rangers supporting bias. Same if it was Celtic. He did himself & his Scottish career no favours that season. A little embarressing looking back. However, White is still scoring goals!! Definately rate 'a fit' Brophy above him. An obvious question mark is on his fitness. Would rather have a fit White in the team than an unfit Brophy on the bench put it that way...
  24. Totally. Against ALL "B Teams". Twin cheeks would soon have their B teams, problem multiplied by 2. The sooner Rangers & Celtic can piss off to the English (couldn't care what league..) Priemership the better it would be long term for Scottish football.
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