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    Queen of the South

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  1. Todorov been freed by Airdrie, would love him back at us. You’d imagine he’d have half the Championship interested though.
  2. Been a standout both games, still surprised we got him and he didn’t end up somewhere in the Championship.
  3. Dani Olmo outright winner or I riot
  4. Thank f**k Kane is subbed off…
  5. Who have England sacrificed for this sort of luck
  6. I thought it was interesting that he said the poor attitude was pretty much all the younger players that he’d signed. He was getting that worked up at one point I thought he was just going to name them all. His attitude suggests to me that he hasn’t really reflected on what he could have done differently. It’s not just the players who need to change their attitude if they want to be successful in the future.
  7. It was another Playstation like rant on 54 minutes onwards about the players professionalism.
  8. Yep not a lot of self critiquing going on. He effectively said his work rate wasn’t being matched by the players and there were “7 or 8 bad apples” in the dressing room last year.
  9. Bartley has a few harsh words to say about the players last season on Open Goal.
  10. Presume they have been given blocks 5-9 initially, so probably already sold over/around 1,000 already.
  11. They had 200 left when I posted that this morning.
  12. Aberdeen already nearly sold out their initial allocation.
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