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Everything posted by Baggio

  1. As a rule I try to disagree with the music police as often as possible. However on this occasion they are correct. Dire Straits are shit.
  2. is that the new band aid pish? let's start an internet campaign! something worked last year when that miserable gary jules pish got to number 1
  3. Is there any chance teenage kicks will get re-released?
  4. Thank you Can you stick amarillo on the end as well please as I don't have it
  5. powderfinger - since you've been gone
  6. I will investigate it on your recommendation My CD is finished and I have to go to the other side of the flat to change it. So i'm listening to nothing.
  7. I only meant about reindeer section really! I'm not that bad!
  8. So what should I be listening to then oh wise one in preperation for the gig I will be attending and you won't?
  9. I went on a date with a bloke who was rabbiting on about the reindeer section. He was annoying me so I told him I thought they were rubbish Anyway I don't know much about them so I'm afraid you'll have to educate me, me being a johnnycomelately and all that on/off
  10. I'm just making sure I know all the songs so I'm not some Johnnycomelately type Snow Patrol - chased by....i don't know what
  11. I know Single of the week in the guardian guide, 10/10 for their album in NME Snow Patrol - If I found the right words to say
  12. Snow Patrol- Never gonna fall in love again
  13. Snow Patrol - One night is not enough
  14. I'm listening to Radio 5. They are talking about plastic surgery and how rubbish Britain is.
  15. I didn't hear the interview, I only heard them talking about it. Chick asked him about the reaction Berti got from the fans which was apparently pretty bad and Ferguson just said something along the lines of 'well that sums them up, they're not supporting us' He later backtracked slightly in another interview and said he doesn't like seeing anyone get theat sort of abuse. Make of all that what you will.
  16. Nightswimming - REM My favourite I think
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