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  1. If Easton is out for that long i'm surprised we haven't brought in another centre half and a striker aswell before the loan deadline this weekend
  2. Do we really need another midfielder when we are still light in defence and up top Would of liked to have seen another player in by now in one of those positions
  3. Perfectly fair assesment of the game feel that sums it up well, Think if we (Tayport) had more players and could muster up a bench with some attackers to bring on then we could of been on for a grandstand finish
  4. Hopefully team lines get added onto the results section like the previohs websits
  5. Wonder what the chances are of us getting a few loan signings in tonight or will we need to wait for the loan window staying open for the next month
  6. For there to be no linesman at North End v Tayport today was a disgrace that ref was out his depth and gave North End a pen when it was never one was a blantent dive and gave us absolutely nothing apart from a stonewall pen
  7. Surprised we haven't seen any new faces after the loan moves out last week Squad is far to weak and a couple of injuries away from struggling to field a team
  8. Must surely be at least a couple of new signings in place for Saturday would think
  9. Listening to Dick's post match interview does it seem like we might see another couple of new faces before Saturday's league opener
  10. Have any clubs annoucned new signings been looking arounf the social media accounts of clubs and can't see anything from any of them
  11. Hopefully we can hear of a signing or 2 this week with only signed players able to play in the cup games
  12. Surprised at tbis would of thought if he didn't get full time then he would of resigned with us
  13. Does anybody have an knowledge on clubs signings and releases this summer can't find any posting from clubs online
  14. Liam McFarlane is a far better option and i would say is easily an upgrade on Ali Adams so i would say it has worked out for the best Saves a wage that can now be used elsewhere to strengthen the squad
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