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Number seven

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Posts posted by Number seven

  1. 11 minutes ago, Marooneye said:

    Think it's clear why your committee cannot afford to sack the very rich manager.

    If the current Bo’ness United committee have allowed Christie to be unsackable then that is very concerning.

    I have spent today with a dose of the shits and its still preferable to watching Christie’s team.

  2. 13 minutes ago, 8MileBU said:

    Just dropping further and further down the table. I’d give Max needs his jotters and have Ian Little see out the season and see how he does. We started the season on fire without Max present, playing great football, defensively sound and banging in goals. Literally since Max returned it’s been almost consistently pish. The team and the club are going backwards incredibly quickly.

    Disagree.Whole backroom team should leave.

    Little is just as much at fault surely?

    Would be a lazy decision to give him the job even on a short term basis.

    Plenty candidates out there as long as you know where to look.

  3. 3 minutes ago, BUrambler said:
    45 minutes ago, YirTea'sOot said:

    Maybe the current Manager might like to enlighten us as to why he's hanging Nick Locke out to dry at right-back? Not his fault but he got roasted last week by the Celtic B whippets and was left isolated again today.

    Ryan Stevenson was playing midfield and swapping them would have been a better option cos our midfield created very little today. Todd, a CH, on the bench when either Jamie or McArthur could have moved and started at right-back.

    Absolutely mystifying, even by Christie's clueless standards.

    I’m not saying max is good enough I just think the players aren’t good enough for what we’re needing.(challenging up the upper end of the table)

    Who brought the “not good enough “players?

  4. 1 hour ago, grinderbrokeyourhearts said:

    Don’t think there was any beef between the Rose and Thistle. Just two different entities and with the community club maybe a case of too many different egos and interests in the room.

    In fairness to Athletic. They have made the best job of converting from amateur. They’ll disappear in a few years I’d imagine when they stop winning 20 odd nil a week.

    Hope so but a bit quicker than that.

  5. This thread is for Bo’ness United FC.

    78 years of history.

    Good and bad.

    Really don’t see what  this other team playing at a park looked after by officials of that wonderful old club are all about . 

    The embarrassing posts seemingly supplied by members of this team on this thread have confirmed to me that there stay at Newtown will be short lived.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Sure & Stedfast said:

    Deal offered to BU board members before Athletic was formed. Unilaterally declined without any member vote.

    Athletic then formed.

    Opportunity was there. Don’t believe everything you hear from the BU terraces and especially the current BU board.

    What was the deal though and what board are you referring to?

  7. 15 minutes ago, Sure & Stedfast said:

    If only United accepted the Athletic deal offered in 2021… players, sponsorship, board shake up… unfortunately for you, it was declined by your board members …now it’s a case of “look over your shoulder”. The Athletic are coming.

    Athletic deal?

    Board members?

    Please explain .

  8. 1 hour ago, BonessBear_72 said:

    Hes a midfielder by trade but where does he get in that team? Still a young kid physically but technically gifted dont think ready to start but young guns will get mins when time is right

    I wasn’t being serious about starting this lad next week for goodness sake.

    As I have said before few are great anyway.

    Things are bad enough without throwing under 20s boys  (whatever that standard is?)into the mess .

  9. 10 minutes ago, Deanburn Dave said:

    Only one BU goal in the last 5 league games........a Tom Grant penalty v Berwick.    

    Did we create enough chances in those 5 games ?  NO is the answer.




    Why then do you continue to back Christie Dave?


  10. 4 minutes ago, rowsdower said:

    I'm seriously in the position that if we refuse to take action after today I'm cancelling my stuff, small gesture but really all I can do. We need to at least fucking try.

    Making the wrong decision happens and is forgivable, but sticking your head in the sand and hoping it all goes away isn't. It is clear hammell doesn't have it, and there is no way he turns it around. I'm questioning wether he was any good for the academy either, because he's pretty clueless.


    After Mark Brown,Liam Kelly is the worst goalie I have seen.

  11. Think Miller’s  presence at Newtown started the current chaos of continual player turn over.Him taking his pals with him to Linlithgow on masse mid season left the club  short of numbers just as they were trying to build a rhythm.

    Not that the players that couldn’t wait to leave were very good though to be honest.

    Just didn’t think it was great behaviour from those individuals.

    What goes around comes around they say.

  12. Philp was/is a completely different type of player to Shirra and Sloan.He is a midfield ball carrier the other two liked to play in small triangles keeping possession .

    I disagree that these type of players don’t now exist.Just need to know where to look.

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