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Everything posted by SJFCtheTeamForMe

  1. People who believe that the everything should grind to a halt because the Queen died genuinely come across like they've got mental illness. I worry about them.
  2. Now this game will be on some obscure Baltic Tuesday night mid winter. There will be about 6 Saints fans there. Was meant to buy my ticket for this yesterday and the minute I seen the news she was potentially dying I held off and thank f**k I did!
  3. I don't want to be... That guy but isn't this just all "virtue signalling"?
  4. They'll not want to be seen to the only one not cancelling. The dithering on announcing the decision as well does suggest they're unsure though?
  5. They're also the kind that post "I'm not racist but" If the Gov were in touch with the population, especially those interested in football, they'd say go ahead. Issue here is gov's are not known to be in touch with societies views. For what it's worth I don't think the Scottish Gov will get involved at all. "It's up to you to decide" I reckon they'll say to the SPFL etc.
  6. I'm not shocked though. As the whole thing is structured like it's law that you must mourn.
  7. I cannot put into words how UTTERLY RIDICULOUS that is if it ends up happening.
  8. Unfortunately, probably. Am I interested in forced mourning? Absolutely fucking not but as it's forced, I don't get a choice.
  9. Exactly my feelings. If you're upset, by all means be upset but my life shouldn't be impacted by it. It's I don't want it forced upon us.
  10. Seen a Royal Correspondent saying all events are going to be cancelled. It's not a choice thing. Comedy shows, sport events everything. "Extended period of mourning". Forced mourning. You MUST be upset she's dead We'll soon find out
  11. We'll not need to worry about a shitfest 0-0 if the Queen croaks it today. All the games will be off
  12. Out of interest what kind of team is big D McIness turning Killie into? He was quite direct as a Saints manager. He was like that at Aberdeen at times as well when I seen them against Saints. Although many Aberdeen fans will try and tell you otherwise.
  13. I'm not overly familiar with how these deals work. Certainly no more than your average fan. Few thoughts though. SURELY prior to going though a costly tender process the SPFL will have a rough idea how much other channels could have within budgets/have an interest in the rights/what they're likely to bid. If another broadcaster was genuinely interested without question the minute they heard about the potential sky deal they'd be in contact with the SPFL making them aware of their interest even if it was an "off the record" type offer and conversation. If that happened and it was worth more money, this sky TV deal wouldn't be going anywhere - that's a certainty. I can't see them simply pushing forward with this deal without at least having a reasonable understanding of what the likelihood of other bids are and their potential financial level. In the same way you don't just simply go through a costly tender process without some level of confidence that another offer will come in higher than what's already on the table. Otherwise it's a waste of time, resources and potentially results in the eventual deal being lower than what's already being offered. I know the SPFL aren't the most savvy organisation sometimes but it's not as simple as they've jumped at the offer without at least some due diligence going into it. Other club directors WILL have asked about this. Some of these people are very successful business men. There was also articles this morning suggesting Rangers were doing this, because they wanted an apology over the Cinch fall out was there not?
  14. Would it not be brilliant if he went with Matthews Wright Mitchell Considine Montgomery McGowan Phillips Ballantyne Carey Clark Murphy McGowan is likely to feature in midfield I think, it keeps Carey out of the middle of the park and therefore from getting caught out defensively. The 3 in midfield hopefully allows the team to gain a better foothold and also protects Ballantyne a bit as well. Makes so much sense to me!!
  15. Unfortunately our equivalent ball hoofer is injured. Murray will be gutted he can't head himself into a concussion oblivion tomorrow
  16. Would 20 seconds of consistent head tennis in the middle third of the park fit into that category as well?
  17. The first game in history where there's so many loose passes the ball was out of possession more than in possession for either team.
  18. The judge will be the next 4 games. St. Mirren, Killie, County & United. If we pick up a reasonable haul of points that gives me some hope there's something in the squad, certainly against the sides around us. If we struggle against those 4 sides. That all but confirms what most believe and we'll be down with the Dundee.
  19. That's because he signed either Swanson or O'Halloran every other window
  20. Do I like the idea of the McLennan or the Nicky Clark signing for that matter? No, not really but going to give them the benefit of the doubt. When we brought Hendry back into the team I like many others didn't believe that was the answer either so I'm happy and willing to be proved wrong, again. I wasn't over the moon with the Murphy signing either. It's early days but he's been one of our better performers. It's not lost on my thought the issue isn't any of these signings individually, it's the squad of 33 year olds on 3 year deals.
  21. Nicolson was right earlier. Definitely done for the day. So if you were planning on staying up to see what's happening, don't bother.
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