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Posts posted by RedWeb

  1. He is young enough to kick on from there too though Djokovic and Nadal are of the same generation so aren't going to retire out of his way.

    Indeed. Murray seems to have come through at the same time as a stack of other talented youngsters like Joko, Nadal and Gasquet. I have a horrible feeling Joko and Nadal in particular could become frequent obstacles to Murray winning a slam. For whatever reason he seems to be able to beat Federer but has so far failed to get a win against the "other two". However, if he can get a more consistent service action he can still muscle in on the top 5.

  2. Does anyone want a spare soapbox?

    Ok I'll have a go.

    I was always a big Henman fan. I am now a big Murray fan. When Murray/Henman careers overlapped I wanted Murray to win as he was the big white hope. However, Henman did a great job for British tennis and those who belittle his achievements now are bang out of order.

    I think the reason people got miffed with Timbo was because you could almost see the end of a tournament before it came. For example at Wimbledon you knew he would never get past Sampras or Hewitt. On top of that his one big chance was when he blew it against Goran. 2 sets to 1 up with the beatable Pat Rafter in the final it could and should have been Tim's year. The fact that he made an erse of it put some people off him and perhaps the belief in him waned from that point.

    Yes, Tim was world no 4 but for me this was down to consistency rather than brilliance. Someone like Tommy Robredo seems to have been in the top 10 forever but I think he's won less (or perhaps) the same amount of tournaments as Andy Murray. I see Andy as being a much more explosive player than Henman with the potential to actually win a slam and several Masters series events. Week in week out he may never be as consistent as Tim but I see him having more memorable highs. There is no doubt Andy is a better player at this stage of his career and if he continues to progress he will be the best we have had for many years.

    PaulC :)

  3. It should temper the Kiwi's huff's about it though.

    It was a disgraceful act of extreme gamesmanship and to keep making excuses for him by referring to some other incident simply doesn't wash. Collingwood should be sacked and that is the end of the matter.

  4. English Cricket will be the poorer for Collingwood's action for some time to come and he should have to pay the penalty - stripping him of the one day captaincy would do for starters.

    Totally agree but it won't happen. For many years I have followed the fortunes of Yorkshire and the word amongst most Yorkie fans is that Collingwood is renowned for his lack of class and unnecessary levels of gamesmanship. It's not the first time he's been "at it" and it won't be the last.

  5. Whatever your opinion, it's certainly not cheating.

    Cheating (also called gulling) is an act of lying, deception, fraud, trickery, imposture, or imposition. Cheating characteristically is employed to create an unfair advantage, usually in one's own interest, and often at the expense of others

    CHEATS !!

  6. Collingwood admitted afterwards he made the wrong call.

    He should be forced to hand back his MBE....cheating cnut. Using some other incident does not in anyway lessen his shameful cheatingness. Don't forget the cheating twats were at it a couple of games ago when their go slow robbed NZ of a win at Edgbaston. England are a disgrace and Captain Cheat should be punted....shocking :huh:

  7. You can't go to many concerts, as Biffy weren't that loud at all, now Rush last month - they were the loudest I've been to for a few years. Probably depends on where you were in the venue as well.

    Being going to gigs on a regular basis for 20 years and my hearing was still fuzzy the morning after Biffy...yes I am an old fart but I still say it was louder than normal. I was very close to the speakers so this probably didn't help :rolleyes:

  8. Biffy in Edinburgh tonight. Looking forward to Nine Black Alps supporting just as much.

    Just back from Biffy and in all my years of concert going I don't think I've ever heard a louder gig. My ears are positively bleeding and will likely take days to get back on track :lol:

    Thought the first support band were mince but the second sounded more promising. Biffy were as usual superb and if any band deserves the pay off their latest album has given them it's the Clyro.

  9. As a long time Carlisle fan I was delighted to see them hump Leeds to stay clear at the top of League 1. The Cumbrians have a record in recent years of making an arse of these big top of the table games and so it was extra sweet to get it right against Leeds B)

  10. Murray just won his 2nd ATP title of the season and 3rd in all with a 6/2,6/3 demolition of the hapless Fernando Verdasco in St Petersburg. Murray is now only a handful of points outside the race for the season ending Masters Cup....a good week in the Paris Masters could see him squeeze into the top 8, which would be amazing considering he missed half the season :huh:

  11. Fantastic game of tennis...a couple of points here and there were the only difference. On another day it could have been the same score but for Murray. Andy's serve still lets him down and once he sorts that out he is definite top 6/7 material. On the day though Nadal just came up with some unbelievable shots to dig out the win. Best match of the tournament and one of the best I've see this year B)

  12. Murray looks like he's gonnae lose ito Robredo in the Metz Open final after winning the 1st set 6-0.

    He did...0/6,6/2,6/3

    Apparently he lost the plot at the start of the second set and never found it again. To be fair Robredo is world No 6 and top seed for this tournament but Murray should never lose a 3 set match after winning the first 6/0 :angry:

  13. Has anyone seen the new picture thats been published of a young girl in morroco.

    Its on the www.cope.es homepage. Made me shiver when i saw it....

    It certainly appears to be a small, blond, female child....which of course fits the description of Madeleine. If I was the McCanns I'd be heading to Morocco as we speak. If this does turn out to be their kid they have been incredibly lucky....fingers crossed it his her.

  14. Lets speculate that the parents are child murderers when there is zero evidence to support it.

    Problem with this case is there's zero evidence to support anything....who did it or who didn't do it. In such circumstances people will speculate...it's only natural. However, I agree with your main premise that as of yet the McCanns are guilty of nothing more than bad parenting....let's hope it stays that way.

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