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Everything posted by MazzyStar

  1. The most surprising thing about this is that fashies drink IPAs.
  2. Youโ€™re a big fan of Piers Morgan are you not? Iโ€™d assume heโ€™s popular among reform voters.
  3. I thought youโ€™d be voting reform, throbber
  4. A lot of PPE does have an expiry date.
  5. Just rock up in a Dundee United jacket and a pair of trackies and tell them youโ€™re a scout.
  6. They werenโ€™t hard done by. The pitch was barely playable for Scotland as well and yet Georgia didnโ€™t lay a finger on Scotland that night.
  7. RIP Julian Assange for when the spooks get him. Thank you for putting the lives of US military personnel at risk.
  8. There will be no coalition between the NFP and the centrists. Macron has done everything he can to equate the left with the far right.
  9. Heโ€™s had more clubs than hot dinners.
  10. Genuinely canโ€™t believe his comments about the referee. Heโ€™s proven that heโ€™s a bigot. Get him to f**k.
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